GigToDo 1.3 – Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: m0ze
    日期: 2019-07-29
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: GigToDo - Freelance Marketplace Script v1.3 Persistent XSS Injection
    # Google Dork: -
    # Date: 2019/07/28
    # Author: m0ze
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: <= 1.3
    # Tested on: NginX/1.15.10
    # CVE: -
    # CWE: CWE-79
    Details & Description:
    The «GigToDo - Freelance Marketplace Script» web-application is vulnerable
    to reflected and persistent XSS injections that allows an attacker to
    inject JavaScript/HTML code into the front-end, redirect visitor to another
    website or steal admin cookies.
    PoC [Persistent XSS Injection]:
    Register a new account, log in and go to the page. Vulnerable text area
    is «Proposal's Description», so paste your payload inside, fill in other
    fields and save the data TWICE or your payload WILL NOT WORK. So literally
    paste your payload inside the «Proposal's Description» text area and scroll
    down to «Update Proposal» button, press it and your data will be saved.
    After that u'll be redirected to page. Select your created
    proposal and press green square dropdown menu on the right («Actions»
    column) and click on «Edit» link. After that just don't change anything,
    scroll down to «Update Proposal» button, press it and your data will be
    saved ONE MORE TIME. That's it, now your payload will work.
    Example #1: <h1
    onmouseover=';alert(`m0ze`);'>m0ze</h1>1"--><svg/onload=';alert(`Script is
    fully protected from SQL Injection and XSS ©`);'><img src=''
    onerror=';alert(`For sure lol`);'>
    Example #2: <h1 onmouseover=';alert(`Greetz from