# VMware Escape Exploit
VMware Escape Exploit before VMware WorkStation 12.5.5
Host Target: Win10 x64
Compiler: VS2013
Test on VMware 12.5.2 build-4638234
# Known issues
* Failing to heap manipulation causes host process crash.
* Not quite elaborate because I'm not good at doing heap "fengshui" on winows LFH.
* Q: Error in reboot vmware after crashing process.
* A: Just remove ***.lck** folder in your vm directory or wait a while and have a coffee :).Here is a simple [script](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unamer/vmware_escape/master/cve-2017-4901/cleanvm.bat) I used to clean up.

EDB Note ~ Download: https://gitlab.com/exploit-database/exploitdb-bin-sploits/-/raw/main/bin-sploits/47714.zip