# Version: 6/7/8
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 English & Windows 7
# CVE :
# Code:https://gitlab.com/exploit-database/exploitdb-bin-sploits/-/raw/main/bin-sploits/11182.tar.gz (ie_crash.tar.gz)
Description: Modified 1360. byte to 44, 1361. to 43, 1362. 42, 1363.
byte to 41 of a sample swf file, ran it and crash occurred.
Internet Explorer 6 - XP SP3 - http://www.mertsarica.com/images/ie6_xp_sp3_3.jpg
Internet Explorer 7 - XP SP3 - http://www.mertsarica.com/images/ie7_xp_sp3_1.jpg
Internet Explorer 8 - Windows 7 - http://www.mertsarica.com/images/ie8_win7.jpg