Snif 1.5.2 – Any Filetype Download

  • 作者: Aodrulez
    日期: 2010-02-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • --------------------------------------------
    -: Snif - "Any Filetype" Download Exploit :-
    Script : Snif - (Simple And Nice Index File) 
    Version: 1.5.2 (possibly lower versions too)
    Found By : Aodrulez.
    Email: f3arm3d3ar[at]
    Some Default Settings are:
    $hiddenFilesWildcards = Array("*.php", "*~");
    $allowPHPDownloads = false;
    The first option will prevent any php file 
    from being listed in the directory listing.
    Second one will prevent download of files 
    with ".php" extension.
    Even with these options set,we can still
    download php files....due to the following
    vulnerable code:-
    if ($_GET["download"]!="") {
     $download = stripslashes($_GET["download"]);
     $filename = safeDirectory($path.rawurldecode($download));
     if (
    	OR fileIsHidden($filename)
    	OR (substr(strtolower($filename), -4)==".php" AND !$allowPHPDownloads)) {
    The last line in the above code checks the
    file's extension to make sure its not a php
    file.This line of code is Vulnerable though
    Lets say the script is located here:
    The following url will bypass all restrictions
    and let you download a php file :-
    Greetz Fly Out To
    Amforked() 	 : My Mentor.
    The Blue Genius: My Boss.