| # Title: Duhok Forum 1.0 script Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
| # Author : indoushka
| # email: indoushka@hotmail.com
| # Home : www.iq-ty.com $
| # Dork : ��� ������ ������ ������ duhokFrm 1.0 $
| # Tested on: windows SP2 Fran�ais V.(Pnx2 2.0) + Lunix Fran�ais v.(9.4 Ubuntu)
| # Bug: XSS
======================Exploit By indoushka =================================
# Exploit:
1 - (1 register in to the web site)
2 - (2 past a new post )
Put this code 4 virified is infected or not <ScRiPt>alert(213771818860)</ScRiPt> a test post
3- if it infected post a new post and use cookie Graber
Dz-Ghost Team ===== Saoucha * Star08 * Redda * n2n * XproratiX ==========================================
Exploit-db Team :
all my friend :
His0k4 * Hussin-X * Rafik (Tinjah.com) * Yashar (sc0rpion.ir) SoldierOfAllah (www.m4r0c-s3curity.cc)
www.owned-m.com * Stake (v4-team.com) * www.securitywall.org * r1z (www.sec-r1z.com)
www.securityreason.com * www.packetstormsecurity.org * www.m-y.cc * Cyb3r IntRue (avengers team)
www.hacker.ps * no-exploit.com * www.bawassil.com * www.xp10.me * www.mormoroth.net
www.alkrsan.net * www.kadmiwe.net * www.arhack.net