quality point 1.0 newsfeed – SQL Injection / Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: Red-D3v1L
    日期: 2010-03-19
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/11808/
  • sEc-r1z crEw The Leaders for Penetration Testing In Middle East.
    ./SEC-R1Z _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ 
    / /_ _ _ _ / _ _\/ _ _ /\\< |/_ _ _ _ /
    \ \_ _ _ _//___ // __||) / || / /
     \_ _ _ _//___ //| __ ||/||/ /
    _______\\_ _ \\2_0_1_0 |\|| / /____
    /_ _ _ _ _\ _ _ _/\ _ _ _ /|__|\ __\ |__|/_ _ _ _ _\ R.I.P MichaelJackson !!!!!
    [?] ~ Note : sEc-r1z CrEw# r0x !
    [?] Quality Point 1.0 NewsFeed (SQL/XSS) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
    [?] My home:[ http://sec-r1z.com ]
    [?] For Ask:[r-d@passport.com]
    [?] Script: [ Quality Point 1.0 ]
    [?] home Script [ http://qualitypointtech.net ]
    [?] Language: [ PHP ]
    [?[ Best WishEs : [ The Love is End ... ]
    [?] Founder:[ Red-D3v1L ]
    [?] Gr44tz to:[ sec-r1z# CrEw - Mr.Tro0oqy - r1z - Sas-TerrOrisT And All My Frindes ]
    ===[ Exploit SQL ]===
    [»]Exploit :
    path/showPage.php?id=[SQL injection ]
    [>>] Demo : 
    ===[ Exploit XSS ]===
    [»]Exploit :
    [>>] Demo : 