Xataface Admin Auth Bypass Vulnerability
#[+] Discovered by : Xinapse
#[+] Site: firewire-security.com
#[+] Email : admin@firewire-security.com
#[+] Vulnerability : Admin/database auth bypass vulnerability
#[+] Software: Xataface - open source GPL, PHP, Mysql database
#[+] Vendor: http://xataface.com
#[+] Usage :
#[+] Alert : Most of the sites i tried running this software are
vulnerable, only a few used .htaccess
#[+] Dork:"powered by dataface" "powered by xataface"
#[+] Description : With this i could edit/delete/create records in the
database, create new admin accounts and view all the users and passwords.
#[+] Greetz:firewire-security team, b10h4z4rd, g3org3