leaftec CMS – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Valentin
    日期: 2010-03-26
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/11889/
  • # Exploit Title: leaftec cms multiple vulnerabilities
    # Date: 21.03.2010
    # Author: Valentin Höbel
    # Version: 
    # Tested on: Debian etch 
    # CVE :
    # Code : 
    :: General information
    :: leaftec cms multiple vulnerabilities discovered
    :: by Valentin Höbel
    :: valentin@xenuser.org
    :: Product information
    :: Name = leaftec cms
    :: Vendor = leaftec
    :: Vendor Website = http://www.leaftec.de/
    :: About the product = http://www.leaftec.de/serv_cms.php
    :: Affected versions = 
    :: Google dork: e.g. "© 2006 leaftec Design"
    :: Vulnerabilities
    #1 SQL Injection
    Sadly the CMS is not available for free download but some German companies are using it.
    leaftec cms contains a blog feature which displays written content, file: article.php. 
    Vulnerable URL:
    Examples for testing and injecting SQL stuff:
    (Tested on a live website using leaftec cms.)
    #2 XSS / HTML Code Injection
    Several parts of the CMS allow HTML and Java Script code injection, e.g. the login box.
    After submitting the form the cms puts a red border around the login and password field but
    also implements the injected code into the website.
    Example for HTML code:
    "><iframe src=http://www.google.de></iframe>
    :: Additional information
    :: Vendor contacted = 21.03.2010
    :: Vulnerabilities fixed = no reply received
    :: Solution = Upgrade to version XX or higher if available