fucking the Web Apps [attack edition]
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____________ Hack0wn! Security Project
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[+]Title : ALPHA CMS Local File Inclusion Vulnerability
[+]Version: 3.2
[+]Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/alpha-cms/files/
[+]Author: eidelweiss
[+]Metode: Local File Inclusion
[+]CWE: 22
[*]Special to Syabilla_putri (I miss u so much to)[*]
[!]Thank`s Fly To:
[~] Jose Luis Gongora Fernandez a.k.a JosS - sp3x (securityreason)
[~] exploit-db team
[~] Inj3ct0r.com r0073r & 0x1D [Inj3ct0r Exploit Database] - [D]eal [C]yber
ALPHA CMS is an A.P.I - free (Open Archiecture), MVC based Content Management System.
ALPHA CMS architecture gives the ability to easily create advanced web pages, add-ons or even other CMS.
ALPHA CMS is based on PHP, Smarty, JavaScript and MySQL.
-=[ Vuln C0de ]=-
[!] File name: alpha.php
// Create a new ALPHA CMS object
$alpha = new ALPHA;
// Include DTBS class
require_once($alpha->Absolute_Path() . 'db.php');
// Include CTRL class
require_once($alpha->Absolute_Path() . 'controler.php');
// Include UTL class
require_once($alpha->Absolute_Path() . 'utilities.php');
// Include STY class
require_once($alpha->Absolute_Path() . 'smarty.php');
-=[ Proof Of Concept ]=-[LFI]