Joomla Component JInventory Local File Inclusion
Author : Chip D3 Bi0s
Group : LatinHackTeam
Email & msn : chipdebios@gmail.com
Date : 04 april 2010
Critical Lvl : Moderate
Impact : Exposure of sensitive information
Where : From Remote
Affected software description:
Application : JInventory
version : 1.23.02
Price : 20.00 USD
Developer : Mo Kelly
License : GPLtype: Commercial
Date Added : 11 April 2009
Download : http://joomlamo.com/joomlamo/downloads/cat_view/9-joomla-inventory.html
Demo : http://inventory.joomlamo.com/
Description :
This inventory component was designed to track inventory at a remote location.
There is a bar code printing component and import inventory component that work with this product.
It may be inventory that is consigned to a customer or perhaps sold to a customer
but on hand quantities are tracked at their location. The remote location logs into
your site and records usage.
The inventory is set up with on hand quantities, reorder levels, and reorder quantities.
As parts are used the part number is entered and the quantity is entered. On hand quantities
are tracked real time. This eliminates making one trip to the customer to determine shortages
leaving only one trip to the customer to fill shortages.
From the back end, when you create orders, the on hand quantity is compared to the reorder level
to determine if a replenishment order is needed. The order records can be created by clicking the
save button after reviewing parts on order and editing the quantities. The potential receipts can
be displayed from the back end by clicking create receipts. After editing the quantities, you can
save to update the on hand quantities for orders received.
We have additional software (JBarcode) for printing labels and hardware for barcode scanning to
make your customer's effort minimal. Also hand held collection devices to be able to take inventory
very fast with software to automatically update the on hand quantities.
file error : components/com_jinventory/jinventory.php
how to exploit
[!] Produced in South America