# Exploit Title: Huawei EchoLife HG520 Remote Information Disclosure
# Date: 2010-04-19
# Author: hkm
# Product Link: http://www.huawei.com/mobileweb/en/products/view.do?id=660
# Firmware Versions:
# Software Versions: V100R001B120Telmex
# Exploit Download Link:
# http://www.hakim.ws/huawei/HG520_udpinfo.tar.gz
# https://gitlab.com/exploit-database/exploitdb-bin-sploits/-/raw/main/bin-sploits/33869.tar.gz (HG520_udpinfo.tar.gz)
By sending a specially crafted UDP packet you can remotely obtain the
following information: software and firmware versions, MAC, local and
remote IP, model and PPPoE credentials in clear text.
The files required to reproduce this vulnerability can be downloaded
Requires Python, Scapy and Tcpdump. The way you run this program to test
a local modem is:
~# python udp520.py
For a remote modem:
~# python udp520.py <remoteIP>
* If you can't see the response packet, try using Wireshark.
* If "No module named all" error shows up, install scapy from source.
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