wb news (webmobo) 2.3.3 – Persistent Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: ITSecTeam
    日期: 2010-04-21
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/12323/
  • #####################################################################################
    #Title: WB News (Webmobo) 2.3.3 Stored XSS#
    #Vendor:http://www.webmobo.org/ #
    #AUTHOR:ITSecTeam #
    #Email: Bug@ITSecTeam.com #
    #Website: http://www.itsecteam.com#
    #Forum :http://forum.ITSecTeam.com#
    #Original Advisory: www.ITSecTeam.com/en/vulnerabilities/vulnerability44.htm#
    #Thanks:r3dm0v3 [r3dm0v3_at_ymail.com], Pejvak, am!rkh@n#
    #DESCRIPTION (by vendor):############################################################
    WB News is a PHP news management system which requires MySQL/PostgreSQL database. 
    The system is meant for quick and easy build to integrate news into an existing 
    site or used as a framework with many systems such as Authentication, Template Engine, 
    Database Abstration and more. 
    file /base/Comments.php:
     85:	foreach ( $comments as $comment )
     86:	{
     87:		$rows[] = array(
     88:			"message" => nl2br( textWrap( htmlspecialchars( filter( $comment["message"] ) ) ) ),
     89:			"name" => NULL != $comment["postname"] ? $comment["postname"] : $comment["name"], //<---vulnerable line
     90:			"date" => tz_date( Configuration::getInstance()->getOption("dateFormat"), $comment["timeposted"] )
     91:			);
     92:	}
    file /templates/default/list-comments.ihtml:
     17:		<td><strong><?php echo __("Posted By") ?>:</strong> <?php echo $r["name"] ?> On: <?php echo $r["date"] ?></td>
    Comment sender's name is not filtered and is sent to browser!
    goto comments and post any script as comment sender's name!