Acritum Femitter Server 1.03 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Zer0 Thunder
    日期: 2010-05-02
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • --=> Tested on: XP sp 2
    Acritum Femitter Server v1.03 is a HTTP andFTP Server for Windows.
    I came up with few vulnerabilities of this .. some vulns are already has been revelied but some are not 
    so lets have a look 
    HTTP Server
    In the Femitter Server Application HTTP tab there are few options to choose, and vulnerability exploitation method will depends on it
    If the "Combined Server" is selected [Default Setting]
    --== Source Disclosure Vulnerability==--
    even some files like .html will able to download from this vulnerability
    just put "." in the end of the file
    --==Directory Traversal Vulnerability==--
    If the Femitter Server is installed in "Programe File" this will take you to the C Dir
    C: Dir
    You can move in to dir by doing "../..\"
    but you won't be able to open the files there will be 403 Forbidden Error(still). this is a lame security option in the Femitter Server 
    Bypassing 403 Forbidden Error
    This is lame a security option . This can be easily bypass with hex . lets see how its done
    This c0de will give you permission to download anyfile 
    but if you wana open it in the browser you can add a "%<file.type> in the end
    --==403 Bypass Example==--
    If the "Web Server (to show default doctument or 404 if it doesn't exsist" option is selected
    If this option is activated you might have trouble viewing the directory
    but still you will be able to see the file and download them 
    and also this will open it as a readable file on the browser
    [+]\\..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fboot.ini% ../
    pluse you can use the above application to view unreadable files like .dll .exe .
    files like .dll .exe will not be open with %text.txt .. this doesnt make sense right
    eventho .dll .exe is not readable this vulnerability can be quite usefull sometime ..
    you can upload a shell renamed .jpg and you will be able to execute it in php like this 
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