[o] Joomla Component Seber Cart Local File Disclosure Vulnerability
Software : com_sebercart version
Vendor : http://www.seber.com.au/
Author : AntiSecurity [ NoGe Vrs-hCk OoN_BoY Paman zxvf s4va ]
Contact: public[dot]antisecurity[dot]org
Home : http://antisecurity.org/
[o] Vulnerable File
if (file_exists($_GET['p'] . "/components/com_sebercart/thumbs/" . $_GET['pk'] . ".jpg"))
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="image.jpg"');
readfile($_GET['p'] . "/components/com_sebercart/thumbs/" . $_GET['pk'] . ".jpg");
[o] Exploit
Download the image.jpg file and open with notepad or gedit.
[o] PoC
[o] Greetz
Angela Zhang stardustmemory aJe martfella pizzyroot Genex
H312Y yooogy mousekill }^-^{ noname matthews s4va wishnusakti
skulmatic OLiBekaS ulga Cungkee k1tk4t str0ke kaka11 inc0mp13te
ArRay bjork xmazinha & all people in #evilc0de [at] irc.byroe.net
[o] May 13 2010 - GMT +07:00 Jakarta, Indonesia