Cosmos Solutions CMS – ‘id=’ / ‘page=’ SQL Injection

  • 作者: gendenk
    日期: 2010-05-29
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ####################################################
    # Cosmos Solutions cms SQL Injection Vulnerability
    # Vendor:
    # Discovered by : gendenk
    # Site :
    # Dork : "Webdesign Cosmos Solutions"
    # Exploit : [site]/p_inf.php?page=[SQL Injection]
    # Exploit : [site]/index.php?id=[SQL Injection]
    # Demo:
    # http://localhost/p_inf.php?page=[SQL Injection]
    # Demo:
    # http://localhost/index.php?id=[SQL Injection]
    Life is challanging, the fear of challanges, causing you for backwardness..Facing for the bright future..
    #Thanks to : ALLAH SWT dan Nabi Muhammad SAW
    Cyberlog, Cr4wl3r, Byz9991, Darkavanger, Newbie_Campuz,Unixcode,Bom2stalker, Phoenixhaxor, Xcyberx and MAMA Sri Rahayu [ istri cyberlog ] Semoga Cepet Sembuh..
    Buat Yayank Ucrit I Love U Full :P
    All Member Jatimcrew, Sekuritionline..